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Phylum | Family | Name | Name Type | Valid Name | Usage | Page |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Hylaeus subcoronatus Rayment, 1935 | synonym | Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) subcoronatus Rayment, 1935 | Primary | 658 |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Hylaeus xanthognathus Rayment, 1935 | synonym | Hylaeus (Prosopisteron) xanthognathus Rayment, 1935 | Primary | 657 |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Hyleoides concinna (Fabricius, 1775) | Valid Name | Hyleoides concinna (Fabricius, 1775) | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Hyleoides zonalis Smith, 1853 | Valid Name | Hyleoides zonalis Smith, 1853 | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Leioproctus (Andrenopsis) wilsoni (Rayment, 1930) | Valid Name | Leioproctus (Andrenopsis) wilsoni (Rayment, 1930) | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Leioproctus (Cladocerapis) bipectinatus (Smith, 1857) | Valid Name | Leioproctus (Cladocerapis) bipectinatus (Smith, 1857) | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Leioproctus (Euryglossidia) cyanescens (Cockerell, 1929) | Valid Name | Leioproctus (Euryglossidia) cyanescens (Cockerell, 1929) | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Leioproctus (Euryglossidia) rectangulatus (Cockerell, 1910) | Valid Name | Leioproctus (Euryglossidia) rectangulatus (Cockerell, 1910) | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Leioproctus (Euryglossidia) vitrifrons (Smith, 1879) | Valid Name | Leioproctus (Euryglossidia) vitrifrons (Smith, 1879) | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Leioproctus (Exleycolletes) tuberculatus (Cockerell, 1913) | Valid Name | Leioproctus (Exleycolletes) tuberculatus (Cockerell, 1913) | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Leioproctus (Leioproctus) maculatus (Rayment, 1930) | Valid Name | Leioproctus (Leioproctus) maculatus (Rayment, 1930) | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Leioproctus (Leioproctus) plumosus (Smith, 1853) | Valid Name | Leioproctus (Leioproctus) plumosus (Smith, 1853) | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Leioproctus (Leioproctus) spatulatus (Cockerell, 1905) | Valid Name | Leioproctus (Leioproctus) spatulatus (Cockerell, 1905) | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Leioproctus (Leioproctus) thornleighensis (Cockerell, 1906) | Valid Name | Leioproctus (Leioproctus) thornleighensis (Cockerell, 1906) | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Leioproctus (Zosterocolletes) advena (Smith, 1862) | Valid Name | Leioproctus (Zosterocolletes) advena (Smith, 1862) | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Leioproctus (Zosterocolletes) ruficornis (Smith, 1879) | Valid Name | Leioproctus (Zosterocolletes) ruficornis (Smith, 1879) | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Leioproctus rufus (Rayment, 1930) | Valid Name | Leioproctus rufus (Rayment, 1930) | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Lysicolletes Rayment, 1935 | synonym | Leioproctus (Euryglossidia) Cockerell, 1910 | Primary | 208 |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Melittosmithia carinata (Smith, 1862) | Valid Name | Melittosmithia carinata (Smith, 1862) | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Melittosmithia maculata Rayment, 1935 | synonym | Euhesma (Euhesma) maculifera (Michener, 1965) | Primary | 653 |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Melittosmithia subtilis Cockerell, 1926 | Valid Name | Melittosmithia subtilis Cockerell, 1926 | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Meroglossa (Meroglossula) trigonoides Rayment, 1935 | synonym | Meroglossa itamuca (Cockerell, 1910) | Primary | 651 |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Meroglossa canaliculata Smith, 1853 | Valid Name | Meroglossa canaliculata Smith, 1853 | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Meroglossa desponsa punctata Rayment, 1935 | synonym | Meroglossa punctata Rayment, 1935 | Primary | 652 |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Meroglossa desponsa sydneyana Rayment, 1935 | synonym | Meroglossa impressifrons impressifrons (Smith, 1853) | Primary | 652 |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Meroglossa impressifrons impressifrons (Smith, 1853) | Valid Name | Meroglossa impressifrons impressifrons (Smith, 1853) | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Meroglossa impressifrons penetrata (Smith, 1879) | Valid Name | Meroglossa impressifrons penetrata (Smith, 1879) | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Meroglossa sulcifrons (Smith, 1853) | Valid Name | Meroglossa sulcifrons (Smith, 1853) | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Neopasiphae insignis Rayment, 1930 | Valid Name | Neopasiphae insignis Rayment, 1930 | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Neopasiphae mirabilis Perkins, 1912 | Valid Name | Neopasiphae mirabilis Perkins, 1912 | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Pachyprosopis (Pachyprosopis) haematostoma Cockerell, 1913 | Valid Name | Pachyprosopis (Pachyprosopis) haematostoma Cockerell, 1913 | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Pachyprosopis (Pachyprosopula) purnongensis (Rayment, 1928) | Valid Name | Pachyprosopis (Pachyprosopula) purnongensis (Rayment, 1928) | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Pachyprosopis (Parapachyprosopis) plebeia Cockerell, 1910 | Valid Name | Pachyprosopis (Parapachyprosopis) plebeia Cockerell, 1910 | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Pachyprosopis fulvescens Rayment, 1935 | synonym | Pachyprosopis (Pachyprosopula) kellyi Cockerell, 1916 | Primary | 648 |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Pachyprosopis strigata Rayment, 1935 | synonym | Pachyprosopis (Pachyprosopula) kellyi Cockerell, 1916 | Primary | 648 |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Palaeorhiza (Callorhiza) disrupta Cockerell, 1914 | Valid Name | Palaeorhiza (Callorhiza) disrupta Cockerell, 1914 | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Palaeorhiza (Cnemidorhiza) parallela (Cockerell, 1905) | Valid Name | Palaeorhiza (Cnemidorhiza) parallela (Cockerell, 1905) | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Palaeorhiza hierogliphica Rayment, 1935 | synonym | Hemirhiza melliceps (Cockerell, 1918) | Primary | 666 |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Paracolletes (Heterocolletes) capillatus Rayment, 1935 | synonym | Leioproctus (Leioproctus) capillatus (Rayment, 1935) | Primary | 678 |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Paracolletes (Lysicolletes) singularis Rayment, 1935 | synonym | Leioproctus (Euryglossidia) singularis (Rayment, 1935) | Primary | 684 |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Paracolletes (Paracolletes) submacrodontus Rayment, 1934 | Valid Name | Paracolletes (Paracolletes) submacrodontus Rayment, 1934 | Introduction | |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Paracolletes alleynae Rayment, 1935 | synonym | Leioproctus (Leioproctus) alleynae (Rayment, 1935) | Primary | 668 |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Paracolletes clarus Rayment, 1935 | synonym | Leioproctus (Goniocolletes) fimbriatus (Smith, 1879) | Primary | 669 |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Paracolletes ferrisi Rayment, 1935 | synonym | Leioproctus ferrisi (Rayment, 1935) | Primary | 671 |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Paracolletes macrodontus Rayment, 1935 | synonym | Leioproctus (Hadrocolletes) macrodontus (Rayment, 1935) | Primary | 674 |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Paracolletes montanus Rayment, 1935 | synonym | Anthoglossa montanus Rayment, 1935 | Primary | 678 |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Paracolletes nigropurpureus Rayment, 1935 | synonym | Leioproctus (Leioproctus) platycephalus (Cockerell, 1912) | Primary | 140 |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Paracolletes rufopilosus Rayment, 1935 | synonym | Anthoglossa rufopilosus (Rayment, 1935) | Primary | 673 |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Paracolletes subpunctatus Rayment, 1935 | synonym | Leioproctus (Leioproctus) subpunctatus (Rayment, 1935) | Primary | 675 |
ARTHROPODA | COLLETIDAE | Stilpnosoma cambournii Rayment, 1935 | synonym | Sericogaster fasciata Westwood, 1835 | Primary |
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