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Sub-publications- Tideman, C.R. & Flavel, S.C. 1987. Factors affecting choice of diurnal roost site by tree-hole bats (Microchiroptera) in south-east Australia. Australian Wildlife Research 14: 459-173
- Tilley, S. 1982. The diet of the Powerful Owl, Ninox strenua, in Victoria. Australian Wildlife Research 9: 157-175
- Todhunter, R. & Gemmell, R.T. 1987. Seasonal changes in the reproductive tract of the male marsupial bandicoot, Isoodon macrourus. Australian Wildlife Research 14: 257-262
- Triggs, B., Brunner, H. & Cullen, J.M. 1984. The food of the fox, dog and cat in Croajingalong National Park, southeastern Victoria. Australian Wildlife Research 11: 491-499
- Turner, V. 1984. Eucalyptus pollen in the diet of the feathertail glider Acrobates pygmaeus (Marsupialia: Burramyidae). Australian Wildlife Research 11: 77-81
- Tyler, M.J., Roberts, J.D. & Davies, M. 1980. Field observations on Arenophryne rotunda Tyler, a leptodactylid frog of coastal sandhills. Australian Wildlife Research 7: 295-304
- Valente, A. 1981. Vertebrate remains in pellets of the Barn Owl, Tyto alba, from Planet Downs Station, south-western Queensland. Australian Wildlife Research 8: 181-185 [Mathews, G.M. 1925. The Birds of Australia. Supplements 4 & 5. Bibliography of the Birds of Australia Pts 1 & 2. London : H.F. & G. Witherby viii 149 pp. Waterhouse, F.H. 1885. The Dates of Publication of some of the Zoological Works of the late John Gould, F.R.S. London : R.H. Porter xi 59 pp. [Mathews, G.M. 1925. The Birds of Australia. Supplements 4 & 5. Bibliography of the Birds of Australia Pts 1 & 2. London : H.F. & G. Witherby viii 149 pp. Mathews, G.M. 1919. The Birds of Australia. London : Witherby & Co. Vol. 7 pt 5 pp. 385–499 + xii pls 363–370 Appendixes A & B (Appendix B)]]
- van Beurden, E. & Grigg, G.C. 1980. An isolated and expanding population of the introduced toad Bufo marinus in New South Wales. Australian Wildlife Research 7: 305-310
- Vestjens, W.J.M. & Hall, L.S. 1977. Stomach contents of forty-two species of bats from the Australasian region. Australian Wildlife Research 4: 25-35
- Wardell-Johnson, G. 1986. Use of nest boxes by mardos, Antechinus flavipes leucogaster, in regenerating karri forest in south Western Australia. Australian Wildlife Research 13: 407-417
- Webb, G.J.W., Messel, H., Crawford, J. & Yerbury, M.J. 1978. Growth rates of Crocodylus porosus (Reptilia Crocodilia) from Arnhem Land. Australian Wildlife Research 5: 401-415
- Wheeler, S.H. & King, D.R. 1985. The European rabbit in south-western Australia. III Survival. Australian Wildlife Research 12: 213-226
- Whitehouse, S.J.O. 1977. The diet of the dingo in Western Australia. Australian Wildlife Research 4: 145-150
- Williams, C.K. 1987. Water physiology and nutrition in fluctuating populations of Rattus colletti in monsoonal Northern Territory, Australia. Australian Wildlife Research 14: 443-458
- Williams, C.K. & Ridpath, M.G. 1982. Rates of herbage ingestion and turnover of water and sodium in feral swamp buffalo, Bubalus bubalis, in relation to primary production in a cyperaceous swamp in monsoonal Northern Australia. Australian Wildlife Research 9: 397-408
- Wilson, G.R., Gerritsen, J. & Milthorpe, P.L. 1976. The yellow-footed rock-wallaby Petrogale xanthopus (Macropodidae), in western New South Wales. Australian Wildlife Research 3: 73-78
- Wood, J.T., Poole, W.E. & Carpenter, S.M. 1983. Validation of aging keys for eastern grey kangaroos, Macropus giganteus. Australian Wildlife Research 10: 213-217
- Woollard, P., Vestjens, W. J. M. & Maclean, L. 1978. The ecology of the eastern water rat Hydromys chrysogaster at Griffith, N.S.W.: Food and feeding habits. Australian Wildlife Research 5: 59-73
- Wooller, R.D. 1984. Reproduction in Antechinomys laniger ('spenceri' form) (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae): field and laboratory investigations. Australian Wildlife Research 11: 481-489
- Wooller, R.D., Russell, E.M., Renfree, M.B. & Towers, P.A. 1983. A comparison of seasonal changes in the pollen loads of nectarivorous marsupials (Tarsipes) and birds (honeyeaters). Australian Wildlife Research 10: 311-317
- Woolley, P.A. 1988. Reproduction in the ningbing antechinus (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae): field and laboratory observations. Australian Wildlife Research 15: 149-156
- Woolley, P.A. & Valente, A. 1986. Reproduction in Sminthopsis longicaudata (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae): laboratory observations. Australian Wildlife Research 13: 7-12
- Woolley, P.A. & Watson, M.R. 1984. Observations on a captive outdoor breeding colony of a small dasyurid marsupial Sminthopsis crassicaudata. Australian Wildlife Research 11: 249-254
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