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- Terwilliger, R.C., Garlick, R.L. & Terwilliger, N.B. 1976. Hemoglobin of Glycera robusta: Structure of coelomic cell hemoglobin and body wall myoglobin. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 54B: 149-153
- Thomas, S.P., Follette, D.B. & Thomas, G.S. 1995. Metabolic and ventilatory adjustments and tolerance of the bat Pteropus poliocephalus to acute hypoxic stress. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 112: 43-54
- Tidball, J.G. 1985. Changes in skeletal chemistry and skeletogenic cell ultrastructure between young and old sites on axial skeletons (Leptogorgia virgulata) (Cnidaria: Gorgonacea). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B 81(4): 827-831
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