Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Sloane, T.G. 1902. A revision of the genus Notonomus (Family Carabidae; sub-family Feronini). Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 27: 252-325

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Notonomus queenslandicus Sloane, 1902 synonym Notonomus queenslandicus Sloane, 1902 Primary 296
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Notonomus rainbowi Sloane, 1902 synonym Notonomus rainbowi Sloane, 1902 Primary 268
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Notonomus resplendens (Castelnau, 1867) Valid Name Notonomus resplendens (Castelnau, 1867) Introduction 318
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Notonomus rufipalpis Sloane, 1902 synonym Notonomus atrodermis atrodermis Sloane, 1903 Primary 315
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Notonomus rugosicollis Sloane, 1902 synonym Notonomus opacicollis (Chaudoir, 1865) Primary 304
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Notonomus satrapa (Castelnau, 1867) Valid Name Notonomus satrapa (Castelnau, 1867) Introduction 270
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Notonomus satrapa Sloane, 1902 synonym Notonomus pluripunctatus Sloane, 1903 Primary 270
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Notonomus spenceri Sloane, 1902 synonym Notonomus spenceri Sloane, 1902 Primary 317
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Notonomus sphodroides (Dejean, 1828) Valid Name Notonomus sphodroides (Dejean, 1828) Introduction 308
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Notonomus strzeleckianus Sloane, 1902 synonym Notonomus strzeleckianus Sloane, 1902 Primary 278
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Notonomus subiridescens (Chaudoir, 1865) Valid Name Notonomus subiridescens (Chaudoir, 1865) Introduction 295
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Notonomus sydneyensis Sloane, 1902 synonym Notonomus marginatus (Castelnau, 1840) Primary 288
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Notonomus triplogenioides (Chaudoir, 1865) Valid Name Notonomus triplogenioides (Chaudoir, 1865) Synonymy references 293
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Notonomus variicollis (Chaudoir, 1865) Valid Name Notonomus variicollis (Chaudoir, 1865) Introduction 283
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Notonomus victoriensis Sloane, 1902 synonym Notonomus victoriensis Sloane, 1902 Primary 311
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Notonomus wilcoxii (Castelnau, 1867) Valid Name Notonomus wilcoxii (Castelnau, 1867) Introduction 301

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