Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Esteban, G.F., Finlay, B.J., Olmo, J.L. & Tyler, P.A. 2000. Ciliated protozoa from a volcanic crater-lake in Victoria, Australia. Journal of Natural History 34: 159-189

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
CILIOPHORA LITONOTIDAE Litonotus Wrzesniowski, 1870 Valid Name Litonotus Wrzesniowski, 1870 Introduction
CILIOPHORA LITONOTIDAE Litonotus fasciola (Ehrenberg, 1833) Valid Name Litonotus fasciola (Ehrenberg, 1833) Introduction
CILIOPHORA LITONOTIDAE Litonotus lamella (Müller, 1773) Valid Name Litonotus lamella (Müller, 1773) Introduction
CILIOPHORA LITONOTIDAE Litonotus vesiculosus Stokes, 1885 Valid Name Litonotus vesiculosus Stokes, 1885 Introduction
CILIOPHORA LITONOTIDAE Loxophyllum helus (Stokes, 1884) Valid Name Loxophyllum helus (Stokes, 1884) Introduction
CILIOPHORA MYLESTOMATIDAE Mylestoma pusillum Kahl, 1935 Valid Name Mylestoma pusillum Kahl, 1935 Introduction
CILIOPHORA OXYTRICHIDAE Oxytricha longigranulosa Berger & Foissner, 1989 Valid Name Oxytricha longigranulosa Berger & Foissner, 1989 Introduction
CILIOPHORA OXYTRICHIDAE Oxytricha salmastra Dragesco & Dragesco-Kerneis, 1986 Valid Name Oxytricha salmastra Dragesco & Dragesco-Kerneis, 1986 Introduction
CILIOPHORA OXYTRICHIDAE Steinia platystoma (Ehrenberg, 1831) Valid Name Steinia platystoma (Ehrenberg, 1831) Introduction
CILIOPHORA OXYTRICHIDAE Tachysoma pellionellum (Müller, 1773) Valid Name Tachysoma pellionellum (Müller, 1773) Introduction
CILIOPHORA PARAMECIIDAE Paramecium aurelia Ehrenberg, 1838 Valid Name Paramecium aurelia Ehrenberg, 1838 Introduction
CILIOPHORA TETRAHYMENIDAE Deltopylum rhabdoides Faure-Fremiet & Mugard, 1947 Valid Name Deltopylum rhabdoides Faure-Fremiet & Mugard, 1947 Introduction
CILIOPHORA TRACHELOCERCIDAE Trachelocerca fusca Kahl, 1928 Valid Name Trachelocerca fusca Kahl, 1928 Introduction
CILIOPHORA TRIMYEMIDAE Trimyema compressum Lackey, 1925 Valid Name Trimyema compressum Lackey, 1925 Introduction
CILIOPHORA KREYELLIDAE Kreyella minuta Foissner, 1979 Valid Name Kreyella minuta Foissner, 1979 Introduction
CILIOPHORA KREYELLIDAE Microdiaphanosoma terricola Foissner, 1993 Valid Name Microdiaphanosoma terricola Foissner, 1993 Introduction
CILIOPHORA LOXOCEPHALIDAE Balanonema biceps (Penard, 1922) Valid Name Balanonema biceps (Penard, 1922) Introduction
CILIOPHORA LOXOCEPHALIDAE Dexiotricha granulosa (Saville-Kent, 1881) Valid Name Dexiotricha granulosa (Saville-Kent, 1881) Introduction
CILIOPHORA PLAGIOCAMPIDAE Plagiocampa marina Kahl, 1935 Valid Name Plagiocampa marina Kahl, 1935 Introduction
CILIOPHORA PLEURONEMATIDAE Pleuronema coronatum Saville-Kent, 1881 Valid Name Pleuronema coronatum Saville-Kent, 1881 Introduction
CILIOPHORA URONYCHIIDAE Uronychia transfuga (Müller, 1786) Valid Name Uronychia transfuga (Müller, 1786) Introduction
CILIOPHORA UROSTYLIDAE Holosticha grisea Kahl, 1935 Valid Name Holosticha grisea Kahl, 1935 Introduction
CILIOPHORA PODOPHRYIDAE Podophrya fixa Müller, 1786 Valid Name Podophrya fixa Müller, 1786 Introduction
CILIOPHORA PRORODONTIDAE Prorodon discolor Ehrenberg, 1831 Valid Name Prorodon discolor Ehrenberg, 1831 Introduction
CILIOPHORA PRORODONTIDAE Prorodon teres Ehrenberg, 1834 Valid Name Prorodon teres Ehrenberg, 1834 Introduction
CILIOPHORA UROTRICHIDAE Rhagadostoma completum Kahl, 1926 Valid Name Rhagadostoma completum Kahl, 1926 Introduction
CILIOPHORA UROTRICHIDAE Urotricha farcta Claparede & Lachmann, 1859 Valid Name Urotricha farcta Claparede & Lachmann, 1859 Introduction
CILIOPHORA WOODRUFFIIDAE Woodruffia rostrata Kahl, 1931 Valid Name Woodruffia rostrata Kahl, 1931 Introduction
CILIOPHORA ENCHELYIDAE Enchelys Müller, 1773 Valid Name Enchelys Müller, 1773 Introduction
CILIOPHORA PSEUDOCOHNILEMBIDAE Pseudocohnilembus pusillus (Quennerstedt, 1869) Valid Name Pseudocohnilembus pusillus (Quennerstedt, 1869) Introduction
CILIOPHORA SPIROSTOMIDAE Spirostomum minus Roux, 1901 Valid Name Spirostomum minus Roux, 1901 Introduction
CILIOPHORA SPIROSTOMIDAE Spirostomum teres Claparede & Lachmann, 1859 Valid Name Spirostomum teres Claparede & Lachmann, 1859 Introduction
CILIOPHORA LACRYMARIIDAE Lacrymaria olor (Müller, 1776) Valid Name Lacrymaria olor (Müller, 1776) Introduction
CILIOPHORA URONEMATIDAE Uronema nigricans (Müller, 1786) Valid Name Uronema nigricans (Müller, 1786) Introduction
CILIOPHORA PLEUROPLITIDAE Pleuroplites australis Foissner, 1988 Valid Name Pleuroplites australis Foissner, 1988 Introduction
CILIOPHORA UROZONIDAE Urozona buetschlii Schewiakoff, 1889 Valid Name Urozona buetschlii Schewiakoff, 1889 Introduction
CILIOPHORA VAGINICOLIDAE Vaginicola crystallina Ehrenberg, 1830 Valid Name Vaginicola crystallina Ehrenberg, 1830 Introduction
CILIOPHORA PROTOSPATHIDIIDAE Protospathidium bonneti (Buitkamp, 1977) Valid Name Protospathidium bonneti (Buitkamp, 1977) Introduction
CILIOPHORA VORTICELLIDAE Vorticella microstoma Ehrenberg, 1830 Valid Name Vorticella microstoma Ehrenberg, 1830 Introduction
CILIOPHORA VORTICELLIDAE Vorticella nana Kahl, 1932 Valid Name Vorticella nana Kahl, 1932 Introduction
CILIOPHORA SPATHIDIIDAE Perispira ovum Stein, 1859 Valid Name Perispira ovum Stein, 1859 Introduction
CILIOPHORA SPATHIDIIDAE Spathidium claviforme Kahl, 1930 Valid Name Spathidium claviforme Kahl, 1930 Introduction

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