Showing publications 51 to 69 on page 3 of 3. « Previous | First | 1 | 2 | 3
Sub-publications- Page, F.C. 1970. Two new species of Paramoeba from Maine. Journal of Protozoology 17: 421-427
- Page, F.C. 1981. A light- and electro-microscopical study of Protacanthamoeba caledonica n.sp., type-species of Protacanthamoeba n. g. (Amoebida, Acanthamoebidae). Journal of Protozoology 28: 70-78
- Patterson, D.J. & Delvinquier, B.L.J. 1990. The fine structure of the cortex of the protist Protoopalina australis (Slopalinida, Opalinidae) from Litoria nasuta and L. inermis (Amphibia: Anura: Hylidae) in Queensland, Australia. Journal of Protozoology 37: 449-455
- Petz, W. & Foissner, W. 1992. Morphology and morphogenesis of Strobilidium caudatum (Fromentel), Meseres corlissi n. sp., Halteria grandinella (Müller), and Strombidium rehwaldi n. sp., and a proposed phylogenetic system for oligotrich ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora). Journal of Protozoology 39: 159–176
- Robinson, B.S., Christy, P., Hayes, S.J. & Dobson, P.J. 1992. Discontinuous genetic variation among mesophilic Naegleria isolates: further evidence that N. gruberi is not a single species. Journal of Protozoology 39: 702-712
- Ross, C.A. 1972. Biology and ecology of Marginopora vertebralis (Foraminiferida), Great Barrier Reef. Journal of Protozoology 19: 181–192
- Sawyer, T.K. 1971. Acanthamoeba griffini, a new species of marine amoeba. Journal of Protozoology 18: 650-654
- Sawyer, T.K., Nerad, T.A. & Munson, D.A. 1992. Singhamoeba horticola (Singh and Hanumaiah, 1979) n. comb., type species of Singhamoeba n. g. Journal of Protozoology 39: 107-109
- Schmidt, K., Johnston, M.R.L. & Stehbens, W.E. 1967. Fine structure of the schizont and merozoite of Isospora sp. (Sporozoa: Eimeriidae) parasitic in Gehyra variegata (Dumeril and Bibron, 1836) (Reptilia: Gekkonidae). Journal of Protozoology 14: 602-608
- Stehbens, W.E. 1966. Observations on Lankesterella hylae. Journal of Protozoology 13: 59-62
- Stehbens, W.E. 1966. The ultrastructure of Lankesterella hylae. Journal of Protozoology 13: 63-73
- Stewart, N.P. 1978. Differences in the life cycles between a vaccine strain and an unmodified strain of Babesia bovis (Babes, 1889) in the tick Boophilus microplus (Cnestrini). Journal of Protozoology 25: 497-501
- Tamm, S. & Tamm, S.L. 1973. The fine structure of the centriolar apparatus and associated structures in the flagellates Deltotrichonympha and Koruga. I. Interphase. Journal of Protozoology 20: 230-245
- Tamm, S. & Tamm, S.L. 1973. The fine structure of the centriolar apparatus and associated structures in the flagellates Deltotrichonympha and Koruga. II. Division. Journal of Protozoology 20: 245-252
- Thompson, J. C. 1955. Morphology of a new species of Tetrahymena. Journal of Protozoology 2 Suppl.: 12
- Thompson, J. C., Jr. 1966. Pseudocohnilembus marinus n. sp., a hymenostome ciliate from the Virginia coast. Journal of Protozoology 13(3): 463-465
- Thompson, J. C. & Berger, J. 1965. Paranophrys marina n. g., n. sp., a new ciliate associated with a hydroid from the northeast Pacific (Ciliata: Hymenostomatida). Journal of Protozoology 12: 527-531
- Thompson, J.C. Jr & Evans, F.R. 1968. A redescription of Uronema nigricans. Journal of Protozoology 15: 369-374
- Wright, I.G., Goodger, B.V. & Mahoney, D.F. 1981. Virulent and avirulent strains of Babesia bovis: the relationship between parasite protease content and pathophysiological effect of the strain. Journal of Protozoology 28: 118-120
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