Showing publications 76 to 88 on page 4 of 4. « Previous | First | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Sub-publications- Stekhoven, J.H.S & Mawson, P.M. 1955. On some free-living marine Nematodes from Kerguelen Island. Journal of Helminthology 29: 87-104
- Thapar, G.S. 1925. Studies on the Oxyurid Parasites of Reptiles. Journal of Helminthology 3: 83-150
- Wahid, S. 1962. On a new species of Breinlia (Nematode: Filarioidea) from Macropus brachyurus. Journal of Helminthology 36: 207-210
- Wahid, S. 1964. A preliminary revision of the genus Pharyngostrongylus Yorke and Maplestone, 1926. Journal of Helminthology 38: 181-190
- Walker, J.C. & McMillan, B. 1974. Breinlia mackerrasae n. sp. (Nematoda: Filarioidea) from the peramelid marsupial, Isoodon macrourus, with a note on Breinlia sp. from the “mumut” Peramelidae. Journal of Helminthology 48: 39-45
- Wee, N.Q-X., Cutmore, S.C. & Cribb, T.H. 2021. Gerricola queenslandensis n. g., n. sp., a new monorchiid trematode from the eastern Australian coast and its life cycle partially elucidated. Journal of Helminthology 95: 1–11
- Whittington, I.D. 1996. Benedeniine capsalid monogeneans from Australian fishes: pathogenic species, site-specificity and camouflage. Journal of Helminthology 70: 177-184
- Yeh, L.S. 1955. On a new bursate nematode Hepatojarakus malayae, gen. et sp. nov. from the liver of Rattus rattus jarak (Bonhote) on Palau Jarak, Straits of Malacca. Journal of Helminthology 29: 44-48
- Yeh, L.S. 1958. On a new bursate nematode, Longistriata kenyae sp. nov. from the house rat, Rattus rattus kijabius in Kenya and the erection of a new genus, Longistriodes. Journal of Helminthology 32: 89-92
- Yeh, L.S. 1960. On a collection of camallanid nematodes from freshwater fishes in Ceylon. Journal of Helminthology 34: 107-116
- Young, P.C. 1968. Oligapta manteri sp. nov. (Axinidae: Monogenoidea) and Pseudothoracocotyle scomberomori sp. nov. (Gastrocotylidae): Monogenoidea) from South Pacific fishes. Journal of Helminthology 42(3/4): 411-420
- Young, P.C. 1968. Two new species of the family Allodiscocotylidae Tripathi, 1959 (Monogenoidea) from the gills of Sphyraena obtusata Cuvier and Valenciennes, with a note on the distribution of Vallisiopsis australis sp. nov. Journal of Helminthology 42(3/4): 421-434
- Young, P.C. 1969. Some monogenoideans of the family Diplectanidae Bychowsky, 1957 from Australian teleost fishes. Journal of Helminthology 43: 223-254
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