Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Verseveldt, J. 1977. Australian Octocorallia (Coelenterata). Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 28: 171-240

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Dendronephthya michaelseni Kükenthal, 1910 Valid Name Dendronephthya michaelseni Kükenthal, 1910 Introduction
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Dendronephthya waitei Thomson & Mackinnon, 1911 Valid Name Dendronephthya waitei Thomson & Mackinnon, 1911 Introduction
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Drifa arbuscula (Verseveldt, 1977) Valid Name Drifa arbuscula (Verseveldt, 1977) Introduction
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Drifa gaboensis (Verseveldt, 1977) Valid Name Drifa gaboensis (Verseveldt, 1977) Introduction
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Drifa johnstonei (Verseveldt, 1977) Valid Name Drifa johnstonei (Verseveldt, 1977) Introduction
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Drifa portlandensis (Verseveldt, 1977) Valid Name Drifa portlandensis (Verseveldt, 1977) Introduction
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Drifa shepherdi (Verseveldt, 1977) Valid Name Drifa shepherdi (Verseveldt, 1977) Introduction
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Drifa watsonae (Verseveldt, 1977) Valid Name Drifa watsonae (Verseveldt, 1977) Introduction
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Lemnalia bournei Roxas, 1933 Valid Name Lemnalia bournei Roxas, 1933 Introduction
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Lemnalia flava (May, 1898) Valid Name Lemnalia flava (May, 1898) Introduction
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Litophyton amentaceum (Studer, 1894) Valid Name Litophyton amentaceum (Studer, 1894) Introduction
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Litophyton amentaceum (Studer, 1894) Valid Name Litophyton amentaceum (Studer, 1894) Distributions
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Litophyton chabrolii (Audouin, 1828) Valid Name Litophyton chabrolii (Audouin, 1828) Introduction
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Litophyton chabrolii (Audouin, 1828) Valid Name Litophyton chabrolii (Audouin, 1828) Distributions
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Litophyton savignyi (Ehrenberg, 1834) Valid Name Litophyton savignyi (Ehrenberg, 1834) Distributions
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Litophyton savignyi (Ehrenberg, 1834) Valid Name Litophyton savignyi (Ehrenberg, 1834) Introduction
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Nephthea cornuta Verseveldt, 1977 synonym Chromonephthea cornuta (Verseveldt, 1977) Primary 210-212
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Nephthea dampierensis Verseveldt, 1977 synonym Chromonephthea dampierensis (Verseveldt, 1977) Primary 212-214
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Paralemnalia digitiformis Macfadyen, 1936 Valid Name Paralemnalia digitiformis Macfadyen, 1936 Introduction
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Paralemnalia thyrsoides (Ehrenberg, 1828) Valid Name Paralemnalia thyrsoides (Ehrenberg, 1828) Introduction
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Stereonephthya bundegiensis Verseveldt, 1977 synonym Chromonephthea bundegiensis (Verseveldt, 1977) Primary 216-217
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Stereonephthya unicolor (Gray, 1862) Valid Name Stereonephthya unicolor (Gray, 1862) Introduction

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