Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Crespi, B.J., Morris, D.C. & Mound, L.A. 2004. Evolution of Ecological and Behavioural Diversity: Australian Acacia Thrips as Model Organisms. Canberra : Australian Biological Resources Study & CSIRO Entomology vi 321 pp.

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Xaniothrips Mound, 1971 Valid Name Xaniothrips Mound, 1971 Introduction 301
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Xaniothrips eremus Mound & Morris, 1999 Valid Name Xaniothrips eremus Mound & Morris, 1999 Introduction 301, 302
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Xaniothrips foederatus Mound & Morris, 1999 Valid Name Xaniothrips foederatus Mound & Morris, 1999 Introduction 302, 303
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Xaniothrips leukandrus Mound, 1971 Valid Name Xaniothrips leukandrus Mound, 1971 Introduction 302, 303
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Xaniothrips mulga Mound & Morris, 1999 Valid Name Xaniothrips mulga Mound & Morris, 1999 Introduction 302, 303
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Xaniothrips rhodopus Mound & Morris, 1999 Valid Name Xaniothrips rhodopus Mound & Morris, 1999 Introduction 303
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Xaniothrips xantes Mound, 1971 Valid Name Xaniothrips xantes Mound, 1971 Introduction 304
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Xaniothrips zophus Mound & Morris, 1999 Valid Name Xaniothrips zophus Mound & Morris, 1999 Introduction 304, 305

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