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Sub-publications- Bock, R.E., deVos, A.J., Lew, A., Kingston, T.G. & Fraser, I.R. 1995. Studies on failure of T strain live Babesia bovis vaccine. Australian Veterinary Journal 72: 296-300
- Bock, R.E., Kingston, T.G., Standfast, N.F. & de Vos, A.J. 1999. Effect of cattle breed on innate resistance to inoculations of Babesia bigemina. Australian Veterinary Journal 77: 465-466
- Bock, R.E., Kingston, T.G. & de Vos, A.J. 1999. Effect of breed of cattle on transmission rate and innate resistance to infection with Babesia bovis and B. bigemina transmitted by Boophilus microplus. Australian Veterinary Journal 77: 461-464
- Bock, R.E., Lew, A.E., Minchin, C.M., Jeston, P.J. & Jorgensen, W.K. 2000. Application of PCR assays to determine the genotype of Babesia bovis parasites isolated from cattle with clinical babesiosis soon after vaccination against tick fever. Australian Veterinary Journal 78: 179-181
- Bock, R.E. & de Vos, A.J. 2001. Immunity following use of Australian tick fever vaccine: a review of the evidence. Australian Veterinary Journal 79: 832-839
- Boray, J.C., Fraser, G.C., Williams, J.D. & Wilson, J.M. 1985. The occurrence of the snail Lymnaea columella on grazing areas in New South Wales and studies on its susceptibility to Fasciola hepatica. Australian Veterinary Journal 62: 4-6
- Boulton, J.G., Gill, P.A., Cook, R.W., Fraser, G.C., Harper, P.A.W. & Dubey, J.P. 1995. Bovine Neospora abortion in north-eastern New South Wales. Australian Veterinary Journal 72: 119-120
- Bowater, R.O., Norton, J., Johnson, S., Hill, B., O'Donoghue, P. & Prior, H. 2003. Toxoplasmosis in Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphins (Sousa chinensis), from Queensland. Australian Veterinary Journal 81: 627-632
- Bowman, W.L. & Domrow, R. 1978. The cat fur-mite (Lynxacarus radovskyi) in Australia. Australian Veterinary Journal 54: 403-404
- Brown, G.K., Canfield, P.J., Dunstan, R.H., Roberts, T.K., Martin, A.R., Brown, C.S. & Irving, R. 2006. Detection of Anaplasma platys and Babesia canis vogeli and their impact on platelet numbers in free-roaming dogs associated with remote Aboriginal communities in Australia. Australian Veterinary Journal 84: 321-325
- Buenviaje, G.N., Ladds, P.W., Melville, L. & Manolis, S.C. 1994. Disease-husbandry associations in farmed crocodiles in Queensland and the Northern Territory. Australian Veterinary Journal 71: 165-173
- Bush, M. Graves, J.A.M., O'Brien, S.J. & Wilde, D.E. 1990. Dissociative anaesthesia in free ranging male koalas and selected marsupials in captivity. Australian Veterinary Journal 67: 449-451
- Byrne, K.V. 1940. Veterinary notes on a central Riverina district, 1935-1938. Australian Veterinary Journal 16: 122-126
- Callow, L.L. 1968. A note on homologous strain immunity in Babesia argentina infections. Australian Veterinary Journal 44: 268-269
- Callow, L.L., Emmerson, F.R., Parker, R.J. & Knott, S.G. 1976. Infection rates and outbreaks of disease due to Babesia argentina in unvaccinated cattle on 5 beef properties in south-eastern Queensland. Australian Veterinary Journal 52: 446-450
- Callow, L.L., McGregor, W., Parker, R.J. & Dalgliesh, R.J. 1974. Immunity of cattle to Babesia bigemina following its elimination from the host, with observations on antibody levels detected by the indirect fluorescent antibody test. Australian Veterinary Journal 50: 12-15
- Callow, L.L., McGregor, W., Parker, R.J. & Dalgliesh, R.J. 1974. The immunity of cattle to Babesia argentina after drug sterilisation of infections of varying duration. Australian Veterinary Journal 50: 6-11
- Callow, L.L., McGregor, W., Rodwell, B.J., Rogers, R.J., Fraser, G.C., Mahoney, D.F. & Robertson, G.M. 1979. Evaluation of an indirect fluorescent antibody test to diagnose Babesia equi infection in horses. Australian Veterinary Journal 55: 555-559
- Callow, L.L., Parker, R.J., Rodwell, B.J. & Ottley, M.L. 1976. Piroplasmosis in buffaloes and its serological diagnosis based on a homology between buffalo and bovine immunoglobulins. Australian Veterinary Journal 52: 40-41
- Callow, L.L. & Hoyte, H.M.D. 1961. Transmission experiments using Babesia bigemina, Theileria mutans, Borrelia sp. and the cattle tick, Boophilus microplus. Australian Veterinary Journal 37: 381-390
- Callow, L.L. & Johnston, L.A.Y. 1963. Babesia spp. in the brains of clinically normal cattle and their detection by a brain smear technique. Australian Veterinary Journal 39: 25-31
- Callow, L.L. & McGavin, M.D. 1963. Cerebral babesiosis due to Babesia argentina. Australian Veterinary Journal 39: 15-21
- Callow, L.L. & McGregor, W. 1970. The effect of imidocarb against Babesia argentina and Babesia bigemina infections in cattle. Australian Veterinary Journal 46: 195-200
- Callow, L.L. & Mellors, L.T. 1966. A new vaccine for Babesia argentina infection prepared in splenectomised calves. Australian Veterinary Journal 42: 464-465
- Callow, L.L. & Parker, R.J. 1969. Cortisone-induced relapses in Babesia argentina infections in cattle. Australian Veterinary Journal 45: 103-104
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