Vascular Plants Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)

Found 84 names in 7038ms. Limited to 100 results.
Caustis gigas Meney & K.W.Dixon , manuscript name, scientific
Austrostipa sp. Booylgoo Range (A.Markey & S.Dillon 4581) , [n/a], phrase name
Austrostipa sp. Carlingup Road (S.Kern & R.Jasper LCH 18459) , [n/a], phrase name
Austrostipa sp. Marchagee (B.R.Maslin 1407) , [n/a], phrase name
Austrostipa sp. Mt Holland (W.A.Thompson & J.Allen 948) , [n/a], phrase name
Austrostipa sp. Ravensthorpe Range (A.Markey & J.Allen 6261) , [n/a], phrase name
Eragrostis sp. Yeelirrie Calcrete (S.Regan LCH 26770) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Eriachne sp. Dampier Peninsula (K.F.Kenneally 5946) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Pilbara trudgenii Lander , manuscript name, scientific
Dampiera sp. Forrestania (F.Lullfitz L 4034) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Scaevola sp. Waychinicup (E.M.Sandiford EMS 1336) , [n/a], phrase name
Mitrasacme sp. Theda (K.Menkhorst s.n. 18/04/1988) , [n/a], phrase name
Dicrastylis sp. Ilkurlka (R.Davis et al. RD 11637) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Pityrodia sp. Marble Bar (G.Woodman & D.Coultas GWDC Opp 4) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Eremophila battii subsp. Granite Peaks (A.Chapman & S.Fraser 7) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Eremophila forrestii subsp. inland (A.A.Mitchell PRP 1175) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Eremophila margarethae subsp. straight sepals (G.Cockerton & B.McLean 31310) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Eremophila sp. Ballythunna (R.Davis 11395) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Eremophila sp. Ironstone (G.Cockerton & B.McLean LCH 31311) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Eremophila sp. McDermid Rock (A.P.Brown 3615) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Eremophila sp. Plumridge Lakes (S.G.M.Carr 534) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Eremophila sp. Rothsay (D.Coultas & J.Kelt s.n. PERTH 08200440) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Eremophila sp. South Wubin (R.Davis 10648) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Eremophila sp. Wanna (M.J.Greeve & J.D.Start D7 44) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Eremophila sp. Yinnetharra (J.D.Start D7 45) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Bonamia sp. Dampier (A.A.Mitchell PRP 217) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Ipomoea sp. Carson Escarpment (A.S.George 13732) , [n/a], phrase name
Ipomoea sp. Cascade Creek (R.L.Barrett & M.D.Barrett RLB 3738) , [n/a], phrase name
Ipomoea sp. West Kimberley (R.L.Barrett & A.N.Start RLB 2359) , [n/a], phrase name
Halosarcia koobabbiensis Paczk. & A.R.Chapm. , nom. inval., nom. nud., scientific
Halosarcia sp. Coorow (P.G.Wilson 12750) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Halosarcia sp. (P.G.Wilson 12750) , [n/a], phrase name
Rhagodia sp. Yeelirrie Station (K.A.Shepherd et al. KS 1396) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Tecticornia sp. Coorow (P.G.Wilson 12750) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Calandrinia sp. Butchers Track (L.S.J.Sweedman 6608) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Calandrinia sp. Red sand dunes (F.Obbens & G.Marsh FO 20/11) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Calandrinia sp. Two Rocks (K.Richardson 211) , [n/a], phrase name
Calandrinia sp. Warriedar (F.Obbens 04/09) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Leucopogon rigidus A.Cunn. ex DC. , legitimate, scientific
Lasiopetalum sp. Fitzgerald (C.J.Robinson 1145) , [n/a], phrase name
Crinum sp. West Kimberley (J.A.Smith s.n. 7/1/1979) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Epiblema grandiflorum var. cyanea K.W.Dixon , manuscript name, scientific
Epiblema grandiflorum var. cyaneum K.W.Dixon , manuscript name, scientific
Epiblema grandiflorum subsp. cyaneum K.W.Dixon , manuscript name, scientific
Microtis orbicularis subsp. cupped labellum (G.Brockman 684) , [n/a], phrase name
Pterostylis sp. fragile (S.Barrett 553) , [n/a], phrase name
Pterostylis sp. late flowering (W.Jackson BJ298) , [n/a], phrase name
Pterostylis sp. mid-west coast (G.Brockman GBB134) , [n/a], phrase name
Pterostylis sp. yellow eared (W.Jackson BJ359) , [n/a], phrase name
Thelymitra paludosa Jeanes , manuscript name, scientific
Thelymitra petrophila Jeanes , manuscript name, scientific
Thelymitra sp. Brookton (A.S.George 11631) , [n/a], phrase name
Thelymitra sp. Esperance (N.S.Lander 1080) , [n/a], phrase name
Thelymitra sp. Slender Sun Orchid (A.R.Annels 2884) , [n/a], phrase name
Acacia bartleana Maslin , manuscript name, scientific
Acacia sp. Minnie Creek (B.R.Maslin 5217) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Acacia sp. Mt Augustus (S.D.Hopper 3181) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Psoralea arborea Sims , legitimate, scientific
Tephrosia sp. Clay soils (S.van Leeuwen et al. PBS 0273) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Tephrosia sp. Onslow (K.R.Newbey 10571) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Tephrosia sp. Sparse pinnae (C.R.Michell 2202) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Euphorbia L. , legitimate, scientific
Sauropus sp. Koodaideri detritals (J.Naaykens & J.Hurter JH11213) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Myriophyllum sp. Mt Arid (L.S.J.Sweedman 6767) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Stackhousia nematomera W.R.Barker , manuscript name, scientific
Tripterococcus brachylobus W.R.Barker , manuscript name, scientific
Baeckea sp. Lake Campion (A.Coates AC 2285) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Baeckea sp. Roundtop Hill (P.Armstrong 05/843) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Beaufortia sp. Column (J.S.Beard 8119) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Callistemon sp. Prince Regent (W.O'Sullivan & D.Dureau WODD 71) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Chamelaucium sp. Mingenew (A.Carr 115) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Chamelaucium sp. Mukinbudin (M.Squire 007) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Chamelaucium sp. Parker Range (B.H.Smith 1255) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Darwinia leiostyla subsp. Upland (W.Greuter 23111) , [n/a], phrase name
Eucalyptus absita Grayling & Brooker x Eucalyptus loxophleba Benth. , legitimate, hybrid formula parents known
Scholtzia sp. Billeranga Hills (B.J.Conn 2159) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Scholtzia sp. Yenyening Lakes (A.Gunness 2824) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Thryptomene sp. Greenough River (J.Docherty 169) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Grevillea sp. Turee (J.Bull & G.Hopkinson ONS JJ 01.01) , [n/a], phrase name
Grevillea synapheae subsp. A Flora of Australia (S.D.Hopper 6333) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Grevillea thelemanniana subsp. Cooljarloo (B.J.Keighery 28 B) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Geleznowia sp. Binnu (K.A.Shepherd & J.Wege KS 1301) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Geleznowia sp. Marchagee (A.Crawford ADC 1353) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name
Geleznowia sp. Red Bluff (A.Crawford ADC 597) WA Herbarium , [n/a], phrase name