Vascular Plants
Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)
The Australian Plant Name Index (APNI) is a tool for the botanical community that deals with plant names and their usage in the scientific literature, whether as a current name or synonym. APNI does not recommend any particular taxonomy or nomenclature. For a listing of currently accepted scientific names for the Australian vascular flora, please use the Australian Plant Census (APC) link above.
Brassaia actinophylla Endl.
, legitimate , scientific
Nothopanax macgillivrayi Seem.
, legitimate , scientific
Panax cissodendron C.Moore & F.Muell.
, legitimate , scientific
Panax elegans C.Moore & F.Muell.
, legitimate , scientific
Panax fruticosum L.
, legitimate , scientific
Panax mollis Benth.
, legitimate , scientific
Panax murrayi F.Muell.
, legitimate , scientific
Panax sambucifolius Sieber ex DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Paratropia venulosa Wight & Arn.
, legitimate , scientific
Polyscias J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
, legitimate , scientific
Polyscias cissodendron ( C.Moore & F.Muell.) Harms
, legitimate , scientific
Polyscias elegans ( C.Moore & F.Muell.) Harms
, legitimate , scientific
Polyscias fruticosa ( L.) Harms
, legitimate , scientific
Polyscias kissodendron Harms
, orth. var. , scientific
Polyscias macgillivrayi ( Seem.) Harms
, legitimate , scientific
Polyscias mollis ( Benth.) Harms
, legitimate , scientific
Polyscias murrayi ( F.Muell.) Harms
, legitimate , scientific
Polyscias sambucifolia (Sieber ex DC.) Harms
, legitimate , scientific
Polyscias sambucifolius Harms
, orth. var. , scientific
Schefflera J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Schefflera actinophylla ( Endl.) Harms
, legitimate , scientific
Schefflera sect. Cephaloschefflera Harms
, legitimate , scientific
Schefflera elliptica ( Blume) Harms
, legitimate , scientific
Schefflera venulosa ( Wight & Arn.) Harms
, legitimate , scientific
Sciadophyllum Harms
, orth. var. , scientific
Sciadophyllum ellipticum Harms
, orth. var. , scientific
Sciodaphyllum ellipticum Blume
, legitimate , scientific
Tetraplasandra oahuensis ( A.Gray) Harms
, legitimate , scientific