Vascular Plants
Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)
The Australian Plant Name Index (APNI) is a tool for the botanical community that deals with plant names and their usage in the scientific literature, whether as a current name or synonym. APNI does not recommend any particular taxonomy or nomenclature. For a listing of currently accepted scientific names for the Australian vascular flora, please use the Australian Plant Census (APC) link above.
Thymelaeaceae Juss.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Drapetes dieffenbachii var. laxus Cheeseman
, legitimate , scientific
Drapetes laxus ( Cheeseman) Allan
, legitimate , scientific
Kelleria Endl.
, legitimate , scientific
Kelleria laxa ( Cheeseman) Heads
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea Banks & Sol. ex Gaertn.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Pimelea alpina F.Muell. ex Meisn.
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea axiflora F.Muell. ex Meisn.
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea axiflora subsp. alpina ( Benth.) Threlfall
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea axiflora var. alpina Benth.
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea axiflora F.Muell. ex Meisn. subsp. axiflora
, legitimate , autonym
Pimelea biflora N.A.Wakef.
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea curviflora R.Br.
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea curviflora var. alpina Benth.
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea curviflora subsp. micrantha ( Meisn.) Threlfall
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea dichotoma Schltdl.
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea drupacea Labill.
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea flava R.Br.
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea flava subsp. dichotoma ( Schltdl.) Threlfall
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea flava R.Br. subsp. flava
, legitimate , autonym
Pimelea glauca R.Br.
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea hewardiana Meisn.
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea humilis R.Br.
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea ligustrina Labill.
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea ligustrina subsp. ciliata Threlfall
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea ligustrina Labill. subsp. ligustrina
, legitimate , autonym
Pimelea linifolia Sm.
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea linifolia subsp. caesia Threlfall
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea linifolia Sm. subsp. linifolia
, legitimate , autonym
Pimelea linifolia subsp. linoides ( A.Cunn.) Threlfall
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea micrantha F.Muell. ex Meisn.
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea microcephala R.Br. subsp. microcephala
, legitimate , autonym
Pimelea octophylla R.Br.
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea pagophila Rye
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea pauciflora R.Br.
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea phylicoides Meisn.
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea serpyllifolia R.Br. subsp. serpyllifolia
, legitimate , autonym
Pimelea simplex F.Muell. subsp. simplex
, legitimate , autonym
Pimelea sp. aff. linifolia (Grampians)
, [n/a] , phrase name
Pimelea spinescens Rye
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea spinescens subsp. pubiflora Rye
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea spinescens Rye subsp. spinescens
, legitimate , autonym
Pimelea stricta Meisn.
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea treyvaudii F.Muell. ex Ewart & B.Rees
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea trichostachya Lindl.
, legitimate , scientific
Pimelea williamsonii J.M.Black
, legitimate , scientific
Stellera passerina L.
, legitimate , scientific
Thymelaea Mill.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Thymelaea passerina ( L.) Coss. & Germ.
, legitimate , scientific