Vascular Plants
Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)
The Australian Plant Name Index (APNI) is a tool for the botanical community that deals with plant names and their usage in the scientific literature, whether as a current name or synonym. APNI does not recommend any particular taxonomy or nomenclature. For a listing of currently accepted scientific names for the Australian vascular flora, please use the Australian Plant Census (APC) link above.
Acroptilon picris (Pall. ex Willd.) DC.
, isonym , scientific
Acroptilon repens ( L.) DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Anaphalis DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Apalochlamys Cass.
, legitimate , scientific
Apalochlamys billardierei DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Apalochlamys billardierii DC.
, orth. var. , scientific
Apalochlamys endlicheri DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Apalochlamys kerrii DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Aplotaxis bungei DC.
, nom. illeg. , scientific
Aplotaxis carthamoides DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Aplotaxis multicaulis DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Athrixia Ker Gawl. sect. Athrixia
, legitimate , autonym
Athrixia sect. Euathrixia DC.
, nom. inval. , scientific
Bedfordia linearis ( Labill.) DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Bedfordia salicina ( Labill.) DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Berkheya carduiformis DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Berkheya sect. Trichoma DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Brachystephium scapigerum (Sieber ex Spreng.) DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Cacalia linearis Labill.
, legitimate , scientific
Cacalia ovalis Ker Gawl.
, legitimate , scientific
Cacalia salicina Labill.
, legitimate , scientific
Cacalia sonchifolia L.
, legitimate , scientific
Calendula fruticosa L.
, legitimate , scientific
Calendula fruticosa DC.
, nom. inval., pro syn. , scientific
Calendula marginata Willd.
, legitimate , scientific
Carthamus dentatus Vahl
, legitimate , scientific
Cassinia sect. Anactilaena DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Cassinia argophylla A.Cunn. ex DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Cassinia berberifolia DC.
, nom. inval., pro syn. , scientific
Cassinia cuneifolia A.Cunn. ex DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Cassinia cunninghami DC.
, orth. var. , scientific
Cassinia cunninghamii DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Cassinia denticulata R.Br.
, legitimate , scientific
Cassinia sect. Glossophylla DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Cassinia hygrophila A.Cunn. ex DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Cassinia ledifolia A.Cunn. ex DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Cassinia obovata A.Cunn. ex DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Cassinia patens DC.
, nom. inval., pro syn. , scientific
Cassinia retorta A.Cunn. ex DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Cassinia rosmarinifolia A.Cunn. ex DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Cassinia uncata A.Cunn. ex DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Centaurea L.
, legitimate , scientific
Centaurea picris Pall. ex Willd.
, legitimate , scientific
Centaurea repens L.
, legitimate , scientific
Centaurea riparia A.Cunn. ex DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Centaurea salmantica L.
, legitimate , scientific
Centipeda foetida DC.
, nom. inval., pro syn. , scientific
Chrysanthemum maximum Ramond
, legitimate , scientific
Chrysocoma cinerea Labill.
, legitimate , scientific
Chrysocoma ferruginea ( Labill.) Spreng.
, legitimate , scientific
Chrysocoma reticulata Labill.
, legitimate , scientific
Cineraria crassiflora Poir.
, legitimate , scientific
Cineraria lyrata DC.
, nom. illeg. , scientific
Cineraria petasitis Sims
, legitimate , scientific
Cirsium lyratum Bunge
, legitimate , scientific
Cnicus cathamoides Wall.
, nom. inval., nom. nud. , scientific
Craspedia fimbriata DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Dimorphotheca aurantiaca DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Dimorphotheca ecklonis DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Dimorphotheca fruticosa ( L.) DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Dimorphotheca sinuata DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Emilia sonchifolia ( L.) DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Erechtites Raf.
, legitimate , scientific
Erechtites arguta DC.
, orth. var. , scientific
Erechtites argutus DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Erechtites bathurstiana DC.
, orth. var. , scientific
Erechtites bathurstianus DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Erechtites glabrescens DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Erechtites glandulosa DC.
, orth. var. , scientific
Erechtites glandulosus A.Cunn. ex DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Erechtites glomerata DC.
, orth. var. , scientific
Erechtites glomerata var. polycephala DC.
, orth. var. , scientific
Erechtites glomerata var. subincisa DC.
, orth. var. , scientific
Erechtites glomeratus DC.
, nom. illeg. , scientific
Erechtites glomeratus DC. var. glomeratus
, legitimate , autonym
Erechtites glomeratus var. polycephalus DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Erechtites glomeratus var. subincisus DC.
, nom. illeg. , scientific
Erechtites hieraciifolia DC.
, orth. var. , scientific
Erechtites hieraciifolius ( L.) Raf. ex DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Erechtites hispidula DC.
, orth. var. , scientific
Erechtites hispidulus ( A.Rich.) DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Erechtites sect. Microderis DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Erechtites minima DC.
, orth. var. , scientific
Erechtites minimus ( Poir.) DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Erechtites mixta DC.
, orth. var. , scientific
Erechtites mixtus ( A.Rich.) DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Erechtites sect. Plagiotome DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Erechtites prenanthoides ( A.Rich.) DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Erechtites pumila DC.
, orth. var. , scientific
Erechtites pumilus DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Erechtites quadridentata DC.
, orth. var. , scientific
Erechtites quadridentatus ( Labill.) DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Erechtites richardiana DC.
, orth. var. , scientific
Erechtites richardianus DC.
, nom. illeg. , scientific
Erechtites sonchoides DC.
, nom. illeg. , scientific
Erechtites tenuiflora DC.
, orth. var. , scientific
Erechtites tenuiflorus DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Erechtites sect. Tulodiscus DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Erechtites valerianaefolia DC.
, orth. var. , scientific
Erechtites valerianifolius (Link ex Spreng.) DC.
, legitimate , scientific