Vascular Plants
Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)
The Australian Plant Name Index (APNI) is a tool for the botanical community that deals with plant names and their usage in the scientific literature, whether as a current name or synonym. APNI does not recommend any particular taxonomy or nomenclature. For a listing of currently accepted scientific names for the Australian vascular flora, please use the Australian Plant Census (APC) link above.
Stachys L.
, legitimate , scientific
Stachys arvensis ( L.) L.
, legitimate , scientific
Stachys arvensis var. lamiiformis Domin
, legitimate , scientific
Stachys arvensis var. typica Domin
, nom. inval. , scientific
Stachys byzantina K.Koch
, legitimate , scientific
Stachys germanica L.
, legitimate , scientific
Stachys lanata Jacq.
, legitimate , scientific
Stachys obtusifolia MacOwan
, legitimate , scientific
Stachys ocymastrum ( L.) Briq.
, legitimate , scientific
Stachys olympica Poir.
, legitimate , scientific
Stachys palustris L.
, legitimate , scientific
Stachys sp.
, [n/a] , phrase name
Stachys sylvatica L.
, legitimate , scientific
Stachystemon Planch.
, legitimate , scientific
Stachystemon axillaris A.S.George
, legitimate , scientific
Stachystemon brachyphyllum Müll.Arg.
, orth. var. , scientific
Stachystemon brachyphyllus Müll.Arg.
, legitimate , scientific
Stachystemon brevifolius Grüning
, nom. inval., pro syn. , scientific
Stachystemon exilis Hislop & R.W.Davis
, legitimate , scientific
Stachystemon intricatus Halford & R.J.F.Hend.
, legitimate , scientific
Stachystemon mucronatus Halford & R.J.F.Hend.
, legitimate , scientific
Stachystemon nematophorus ( F.Muell.) Halford & R.J.F.Hend.
, legitimate , scientific
Stachystemon polyandrus ( F.Muell.) Benth.
, legitimate , scientific
Stachystemon sp. 1 (Mt Baring; K.R.Newbey 9773)
, [n/a] , phrase name
Stachystemon sp. Keysbrook (R.Archer 17/11/99) WA Herbarium
, [n/a] , phrase name
Stachystemon sp. Mt Baring (K.R.Newbey 9773)
, [n/a] , phrase name
Stachystemon vermiculare Planch.
, orth. var. , scientific
Stachystemon vermicularis Planch.
, legitimate , scientific
Stachystemon vinosus Halford & R.J.F.Hend.
, legitimate , scientific
Stachystemon virgatus ( Klotzsch) Halford & R.J.F.Hend.
, legitimate , scientific