Vascular Plants
Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)
The Australian Plant Name Index (APNI) is a tool for the botanical community that deals with plant names and their usage in the scientific literature, whether as a current name or synonym. APNI does not recommend any particular taxonomy or nomenclature. For a listing of currently accepted scientific names for the Australian vascular flora, please use the Australian Plant Census (APC) link above.
Angophora Cav.
, legitimate , scientific
Angophora bakeri E.C.Hall
, legitimate , scientific
Angophora bakeri E.C.Hall subsp. bakeri
, legitimate , autonym
Angophora bakeri subsp. crassifolia G.J.Leach
, legitimate , scientific
Angophora bakeri subsp. paludosa G.J.Leach
, legitimate , scientific
Angophora x clelandii Maiden
, legitimate , named hybrid
Angophora cordifolia Cav.
, legitimate , scientific
Angophora costata ( Gaertn.) Britten subsp. costata
, legitimate , autonym
Angophora costata subsp. euryphylla L.A.S.Johnson ex G.J.Leach
, legitimate , scientific
Angophora costata subsp. leiocarpa L.A.S.Johnson ex G.J.Leach
, legitimate , scientific
Angophora x dichromophloia Blakely
, legitimate , named hybrid
Angophora floribunda ( Sm.) Sweet
, legitimate , scientific
Angophora hispida ( Sm.) Blaxell
, legitimate , scientific
Angophora intermedia DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Angophora intermedia var. woodsiana ( F.M.Bailey) F.M.Bailey
, legitimate , scientific
Angophora lanceolata Cav.
, nom. illeg., nom. superfl. , scientific
Angophora lanceolata var. angustifolia A.Gray
, legitimate , scientific
Angophora lanceolata var. hispida A.Gray
, legitimate , scientific
Angophora melanoxylon R.T.Baker
, legitimate , scientific
Angophora ochrophylla R.T.Baker
, legitimate , scientific
Angophora subvelutina F.Muell.
, legitimate , scientific
Angophora woodsiana F.M.Bailey
, legitimate , scientific
Eucalyptus hirsuta Link
, legitimate , scientific
Melaleuca costata Raeusch.
, nom. inval., nom. nud. , scientific
Metrosideros anomala Vent.
, legitimate , scientific
Metrosideros apocynifolia Salisb.
, legitimate , scientific
Metrosideros cordifolia ( Cav.) Pers.
, legitimate , scientific
Metrosideros costata Gaertn.
, legitimate , scientific
Metrosideros floribunda Sm.
, legitimate , scientific
Metrosideros hirsuta Andrews
, legitimate , scientific
Metrosideros hispida Sm.
, legitimate , scientific
Metrosideros lanceolata Pers.
, nom. illeg. , scientific
Metrosideros splendens Gaertn. ex DC.
, nom. illeg. , scientific