Vascular Plants

APC: Phebalium
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APC (version 51746223) published 30/11/23 by amonro
APC Dist.
WA, SA, Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas
Plantae / Charophyta / Equisetopsida / Magnoliidae / Rosanae / Sapindales / Rutaceae
46 sub taxa
Phebalium Vent., legitimate Wilson, Paul G. (16 September 1998), New species and nomenclatural changes in Phebalium and related genera (Rutaceae). Nuytsia 12(2) Eriostemon sect. Phebalium (Vent.) F.Muell., legitimate (February 1862) nomenclatural synonymPhebalium sect. Euphebalium Benth., nom. inval. (30 May 1863) nomenclatural synonymCrowea sect. Phebalium (Vent.) Baill., legitimate (1881) nomenclatural synonym
Phebalium brachycalyx Paul G.Wilson, legitimate Wilson, Paul G. (10 December 1970), A taxonomic revision of the genera Crowea, Eriostemon and Phebalium (Rutaceae). Nuytsia 1(1) Phebalium tuberculosum (F.Muell.) Benth., legitimatepro parte misapplication by Bentham, G. (30 May 1863), Flora Australiensis 1
Phebalium bullatum J.M.Black, legitimate Wilson, Paul G. in Wilson, A.J.G. (ed.) (2013), Phebalium. Flora of Australia 26 Phebalium glandulosum var. bullatum (J.M.Black) Court, legitimate (1957) nomenclatural synonymPhebalium sediflorum F.Muell., legitimatemisapplication by Mueller, F.J.H. von (1855), Description of fifty new Australian plants, chiefly from the colony of Victoria. Transactions and Proceedings of the Victorian Institute for the Advancement of Science 1Eriostemon sediflorus (F.Muell.) F.Muell., legitimatemisapplication by Mueller, F.J.H. von (April 1859), Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae 1(5)
Phebalium daviesii Hook.f., legitimate Wilson, Paul G. (10 December 1970), A taxonomic revision of the genera Crowea, Eriostemon and Phebalium (Rutaceae). Nuytsia 1(1) Phebalium glandulosum var. daviesii (Hook.f.) Benth., legitimate (30 May 1863) nomenclatural synonymEriostemon daviesii (Hook.f.) F.Muell., legitimate (1880) nomenclatural synonym
Phebalium distans P.I.Forst., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2007), Australian Plant Census Phebalium squamulosum Vent. subsp. squamulosum, legitimatemisapplication by Wilson, Paul G. (10 December 1970), A taxonomic revision of the genera Crowea, Eriostemon and Phebalium (Rutaceae). Nuytsia 1(1)Phebalium squamulosum Vent. subsp. squamulosum, legitimatepro parte misapplication by Forster, P.I., Bostock, P.D., Bird, L.H. & Bean, A.R. (1991), Vineforest Plant Atlas for South-east QueenslandPhebalium squamulosum Vent. subsp. squamulosum, legitimatepro parte misapplication by Forster, P.I. in Henderson, R.J.F. (ed.) (1997), Rutaceae. Queensland Plants: Names and DistributionPhebalium squamulosum Vent. subsp. squamulosum, legitimatepro parte misapplication by Forster, P.I. in Henderson, R.J.F. (ed.) (2002), Rutaceae. Names and Distribution of Queensland Plants, Algae and Lichens
Phebalium drummondii Benth., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2007), Australian Plant Census Eriostemon benthami F.Muell., orth. var. (1875) nomenclatural synonymEriostemon benthamii F.Muell., legitimate (1875) nomenclatural synonym
Phebalium glandulosum subsp. eglandulosum (Blakely) Paul G.Wilson, legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (7 July 2021), Australian Plant Census Phebalium glandulosum var. eglandulosa Blakely, orth. var. (3 March 1941) orthographic variantPhebalium glandulosum var. eglandulosum Blakely, legitimate (3 March 1941) nomenclatural synonym
Phebalium glandulosum Hook. subsp. glandulosum, legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2007), Australian Plant Census Phebalium glandulosum Hook. var. glandulosum, legitimate (30 May 1863) nomenclatural synonymPhebalium sediflorum F.Muell., legitimate (1855) pro parte taxonomic synonym
Phebalium glandulosum subsp. macrocalyx R.L.Giles, legitimate Giles, R., Drinnan, A.N. & Walsh, N.G. (22 October 2008), Variation in Phebalium glandulosum subsp. glandulosum: morphometric and anatomical evidence (Rutaceae). Australian Systematic Botany 21 Phebalium sediflorum F.Muell., legitimate (1855) taxonomic synonymEriostemon sediflorus (F.Muell.) F.Muell., legitimate (April 1859) taxonomic synonymPhebalium glandulosum subsp. 1 (Mallee) Vic. Herbarium, [n/a] (June 2003) taxonomic synonym
Phebalium lepidotum (Turcz.) Paul G.Wilson, legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2007), Australian Plant Census Boronia lepidota Turcz., legitimate (1863) nomenclatural synonymPhebalium lepidotum (Turcz.) Paul G.Wilson var. lepidotum, legitimate (10 December 1970) nomenclatural synonymEriostemon maxwellii F.Muell., legitimate (1875) taxonomic synonymEriostemon maxwelli F.Muell., orth. var. (1875) taxonomic synonymPhebalium maxwellii (F.Muell.) Engl., legitimate (1931) taxonomic synonym
Phebalium longifolium S.T.Blake, legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2007), Australian Plant Census Phebalium squamulosum subsp. longifolium (S.T.Blake) Paul G.Wilson, legitimate (10 December 1970) nomenclatural synonym
Phebalium megaphyllum (Ewart) Paul G.Wilson, legitimate Wilson, Paul G. (16 September 1998), New species and nomenclatural changes in Phebalium and related genera (Rutaceae). Nuytsia 12(2) Eriostemon tuberculosus var. megaphyllus Ewart, legitimate (February 1907) basionymPhebalium tuberculosum subsp. megaphyllum (Ewart) Paul G.Wilson, legitimate (10 December 1970) nomenclatural synonym
Phebalium microphyllum Turcz., legitimate Wilson, Paul G. (10 December 1970), A taxonomic revision of the genera Crowea, Eriostemon and Phebalium (Rutaceae). Nuytsia 1(1) Eriostemon tuberculosus var. microphyllus (Turcz.) Ewart, nom. illeg. (February 1907) nomenclatural synonymEriostemon tuberculosus var. laevis F.Muell., legitimate (1875) taxonomic synonym
Phebalium nottii (F.Muell.) Maiden & Betche, legitimate Wilson, Paul G. (10 December 1970), A taxonomic revision of the genera Crowea, Eriostemon and Phebalium (Rutaceae). Nuytsia 1(1) Eriostemon nottii F.Muell., legitimate (September 1867) nomenclatural synonymCrowea nottii (F.Muell.) Baill., legitimate (1873) nomenclatural synonym
Phebalium obcordatum Benth., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2007), Australian Plant Census Eriostemon mortonii F.Muell., legitimate (1875) nomenclatural synonymEriostemon mortoni F.Muell., orth. var. (1875) taxonomic synonym
Phebalium squamulosum Vent., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2007), Australian Plant Census Eriostemon lepidotus Spreng., nom. illeg., nom. superfl. (1825) nomenclatural synonym
Phebalium squamulosum subsp. alpinum (Benth.) Paul G.Wilson, legitimate Wilson, Paul G. (10 December 1970), A taxonomic revision of the genera Crowea, Eriostemon and Phebalium (Rutaceae). Nuytsia 1(1) Phebalium squamulosum var. alpinum Benth., legitimate (30 May 1863) basionymPhebalium podocarpoides F.Muell., legitimate (1855) nomenclatural synonymEriostemon alpinus F.Muell., nom. illeg. (April 1859) nomenclatural synonymPhebalium alpinum (Benth.) Maiden & Betche, nom. illeg., nom. superfl. (1916) nomenclatural synonym
Phebalium squamulosum subsp. ozothamnoides (F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson, legitimate Wilson, Paul G. (10 December 1970), A taxonomic revision of the genera Crowea, Eriostemon and Phebalium (Rutaceae). Nuytsia 1(1) Phebalium ozothamnoides F.Muell., legitimate (1855) basionymEriostemon ozothamnoides (F.Muell.) F.Muell., legitimate (April 1859) taxonomic synonym
Phebalium squamulosum Vent. subsp. squamulosum, legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2007), Australian Plant Census Eriostemon elaeagnifolium Baill., orth. var. (1873) orthographic variantPhebalium squamulosum Vent. var. squamulosum, legitimate (30 May 1863) nomenclatural synonymPhebalium elaeagnifolium A.Juss., legitimate (April 1825) taxonomic synonymEriostemon elaeagnifolius (A.Juss.) Baill., legitimate (1873) taxonomic synonymPhebalium aureum A.Cunn., legitimate (April 1825) taxonomic synonym
Phebalium stenophyllum (Benth.) Maiden & Betche, legitimate Wilson, Paul G. (10 December 1970), A taxonomic revision of the genera Crowea, Eriostemon and Phebalium (Rutaceae). Nuytsia 1(1) Phebalium squamulosum var. stenophyllum Benth., legitimate (30 May 1863) nomenclatural synonymEriostemon stenophyllus (Benth.) F.Muell., legitimate (December 1889) nomenclatural synonym
Phebalium tuberculosum (F.Muell.) Benth., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2007), Australian Plant Census Eriostemon tuberculosus F.Muell., legitimate (February 1862) nomenclatural synonymPhebalium tuberculosum (F.Muell.) Benth. subsp. tuberculosum, legitimate (10 December 1970) nomenclatural synonym
Phebalium woombye (F.M.Bailey) Domin, legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2007), Australian Plant Census Asterolasia woombye F.M.Bailey, legitimate (1898) nomenclatural synonymAsterolasia woombye F.M.Bailey var. woombye, legitimate (1905) nomenclatural synonymAsterolasia woombye var. intermedia F.M.Bailey, legitimate (1905) taxonomic synonymAsterolasia woombye var. parvifolia F.M.Bailey, legitimate (1905) taxonomic synonym

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