Vascular Plants

APC: Clerodendrum
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APC (version 51744772) published 29/11/23 by amonro
APC Dist.
WA, CoI, ChI (native and naturalised), NT, Qld (native and naturalised), NSW
APC Comment
The monotypic genus Huxleya was transferred to Clerodendrum by D.A.Steane, R.P.J. de Kok & R.G. Olmstead, Mol. Phylogenetics & Evol., 32: 39–45 (2004). Subsequently, Y.W.Yuan, D.J.Mabberley, D.A.Steane & R.G.Olmstead, Taxon 59: 125–133 (2010) recognised Ovieda and Volkameria as segregates from Clerodendrum, and include the Australian taxa Clerodendrum inerme and Huxleya linifolia in Volkameria. Yuan et al. indicate further research is needed and that additional transfers of Australian Clerodendrum species to Volkameria may be required. A conservative approach is adopted here, with Ovieda and Volkameria retained in Clerodendrum, and Huxleya maintained as a monotypic genus until further data is available.
Plantae / Charophyta / Equisetopsida / Magnoliidae / Asteranae / Lamiales / Lamiaceae
26 sub taxa
Clerodendrum L., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2010), Australian Plant Census Clerodendron Burm., orth. var. (1737) orthographic variantOvieda L., legitimate (1 May 1753) taxonomic synonymSiphonanthus L., legitimate (1 May 1753) taxonomic synonymVolkameria L., legitimate (1 May 1753) taxonomic synonymDouglassia Mill., nom. rej. (28 January 1754) taxonomic synonymCryptanthus Osbeck, nom. rej. (1757) taxonomic synonymBellevalia Scop., nom. rej. (1777) taxonomic synonymAgricolaea Schrank, legitimate (1808) taxonomic synonymTorreya Spreng., nom. rej. (January 1821) taxonomic synonymCornacchinia Savi, legitimate (1837) taxonomic synonymEgena Raf., legitimate (1837) taxonomic synonymCyclonema Hochst., legitimate (1842) taxonomic synonymCyrtostemma Kunze, legitimate (1843) taxonomic synonymCleianthus Lour. ex Gomes, legitimate (1868) taxonomic synonym
Clerodendrum costatum R.Br., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census Clerodendron costatum F.Muell., orth. var. (1882) orthographic variantClerodendrum cunninghamii Benth., legitimate (1870) pro parte taxonomic synonymClerodendron cunninghamii Benth., orth. var. (1870) taxonomic synonym
Clerodendrum floribundum R.Br., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census Clerodendron floribundum W.A.Dixon, orth. var. (September 1928) orthographic variant
Clerodendrum floribundum var. attenuatum (R.Br.) Moldenke, legitimate Munir, A.A. (20 July 1989), A taxonomic revision of the genus Clerodendrum L. (Verbenaceae) in Australia. Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens 11 Clerodendrum attenuatum R.Br., legitimate (27 March 1810) nomenclatural synonymClerodendrum ovalifolium (Juss.) Bakh., nom. illeg., nom. parte misapplication by Bakhuizen van den Brink, R.C. in Lam, H.J. & Bakhuizen van den Brink, R.C. (1921), Clerodendron, in Revision of the Verbenaceae of the Dutch East-Indies and surrounding countries. Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg ser. 3, 3
Clerodendrum floribundum var. coriaceum (R.Br.) Moldenke, legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census Clerodendrum coriaceum R.Br., legitimate (27 March 1810) nomenclatural synonymClerodendrum cardiophyllum F.Muell., legitimate (1863) taxonomic synonymClerodendron cardiophyllum F.Muell., orth. var. (1863) taxonomic synonym
Clerodendrum floribundum var. ovatum (R.Br.) Domin, legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census Clerodendron floribundum var. ovatum Domin, orth. var. (September 1928) orthographic variantClerodendrum ovatum R.Br., legitimate (27 March 1810) pro parte nomenclatural synonymClerodendrum floribundum var. latifolium F.Muell., nom. inval., nom. nud. (February 1875) taxonomic synonymClerodendron floribundum var. latifolium F.Muell., orth. var. (February 1875) taxonomic synonymClerodendrum populneum E.Beer & H.J.Lam, legitimate (1936) taxonomic synonymClerodendron populneum E.Beer & H.J.Lam, orth. var. (1936) taxonomic synonymClerodendrum ovalifolium (Juss.) Bakh., nom. illeg., nom. parte misapplication by Bakhuizen van den Brink, R.C. in Lam, H.J. & Bakhuizen van den Brink, R.C. (1921), Clerodendron, in Revision of the Verbenaceae of the Dutch East-Indies and surrounding countries. Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg ser. 3, 3
Clerodendrum heterophyllum (Vent.) R.Br., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census Clerodendron heterophyllum Moldenke, orth. var. (1950) orthographic variantVolkameria heterophylla Vent., legitimate (1804) nomenclatural synonymClerodendrum heterophyllum (Vent.) R.Br. var. heterophyllum, legitimate (1952) nomenclatural synonymVolkameria angustifolia Andrews, legitimate (1809) taxonomic synonymClerodendrum heterophyllum f. angustifolium Moldenke, legitimate (1950) taxonomic synonymClerodendron heterophyllum f. angustifolium Moldenke, orth. var. (1950) taxonomic synonymClerodendrum heterophyllum var. baueri Moldenke, legitimate (1952) taxonomic synonymClerodendron heterophyllum var. baueri Moldenke, orth. var. (1952) taxonomic synonymClerodendrum heterophyllum f. baueri (Moldenke) Munir, legitimate (20 July 1989) taxonomic synonym
Clerodendrum indicum (L.) Kuntze, legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (31 July 2018), Australian Plant Census Clerodendron indicum Kuntze, orth. var. (5 November 1891) orthographic variantSiphonanthus indicus L., legitimate (1 May 1753) nomenclatural synonym
Clerodendrum inerme (L.) Gaertn., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (7 July 2021), Australian Plant Census Clerodendron inerme F.Muell., orth. var. (1882) orthographic variantVolkameria inermis L., legitimate (1 May 1753) nomenclatural synonymVolkameria commersonii Poir., legitimate (1808) taxonomic synonymClerodendrum commersonii (Poir.) Spreng., legitimate (1825) taxonomic synonymClerodendrum ovatum Poir., nom. illeg. (June 1816) taxonomic synonymClerodendrum coromandelianum Spreng., legitimate (1825) taxonomic synonymClerodendrum neriifolium Wall., nom. inval., nom. nud. (1829) taxonomic synonymClerodendrum nereifolium Wall. ex Schauer, legitimate (1847) taxonomic synonymClerodendron neriifolium Schauer, orth. var. (1847) taxonomic synonym
Clerodendrum longiflorum var. glabrum Munir, legitimate Munir, A.A. (20 July 1989), A taxonomic revision of the genus Clerodendrum L. (Verbenaceae) in Australia. Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens 11 Clerodendrum cunninghamii Benth., legitimate (1870) pro parte taxonomic synonymSiphonanthus floribundus Banks & Sol. ex Britten, legitimate (1901) taxonomic synonymClerodendrum floribundum R.Br., legitimatepro parte misapplication by Moldenke, H.N. & Moldenke, A.L. in Dassanayake, M.D. & Fosberg, F.R. (ed.) (1983), Verbenaceae. A Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon 4
Clerodendrum x speciosum Dombrain, legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (7 July 2021), Australian Plant Census Clerodendrum thomsoniae Balf., legitimate (1862) taxonomic synonymClerodendron thomsonae Balf., orth. var. (1862) taxonomic synonym
Clerodendrum tatei (F.Muell.) Munir, legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census Strobilanthes tatei F.Muell., legitimate (5 September 1882) nomenclatural synonymClerodendrum holtzei F.Muell., legitimate (1891) taxonomic synonymClerodendron holtzei F.Muell., orth. var. (1891) taxonomic synonym
Clerodendrum tomentosum (Vent.) R.Br., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (7 July 2021), Australian Plant Census Clerodendron tomentosum Macarthur & C.Moore, orth. var. (1855) orthographic variantVolkameria tomentosa Vent., legitimate (1804) nomenclatural synonymClerodendrum sp. (=RFK/2856), [n/a] (1982) taxonomic synonym
Clerodendrum tomentosum var. lanceolatum (F.Muell.) Munir, legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census Clerodendron lanceolatum F.Muell., orth. var. (1863) nomenclatural synonymClerodendrum lanceolatum F.Muell., legitimate (1863) nomenclatural synonym
Clerodendrum tomentosum var. mollissima Benth., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census Clerodendron tomentosum var. mollissima Benth., orth. var. (1870) orthographic variantClerodendrum ovatum R.Br., legitimate (27 March 1810) pro parte taxonomic synonym
Clerodendrum tomentosum (Vent.) R.Br. var. tomentosum, legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census Clerodendrum medium R.Br., legitimate (27 March 1810) taxonomic synonymClerodendrum floribundum var. medium (R.Br.) Moldenke, legitimate (1978) taxonomic synonymClerodendrum ovatum R.Br., legitimate (27 March 1810) pro parte taxonomic synonymClerodendrum huegelii Regel, legitimate (1861) taxonomic synonymClerodendron huegelii Regel, orth. var. (1861) taxonomic synonymClerodendrum tomentosum var. typicum Domin, nom. inval. (September 1928) taxonomic synonymClerodendron tomentosum var. typicum Domin, orth. var. (September 1928) taxonomic synonym
Clerodendrum tracyanum (F.Muell.) Benth., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census Clerodendron tracyanum Benth., orth. var. (1870) orthographic variantClerodendrum traceyanum W.E.Cooper, orth. var. (1994) orthographic variantPremna tracyana F.Muell., legitimate (1865) nomenclatural synonymVitex tracyana F.Muell., nom. inval., pro syn. (1865) nomenclatural synonym

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