Vascular Plants

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Wheeler, J.R. in Marchant, N.G., Wheeler, J.R., Rye, B.L., Bennett, E.M., Lander, N.S. & Macfarlane, T.D. (1987), Scrophulariaceae. Flora of the Perth Region 2 : 583-591 (Section) Wheeler, J.R. Unknown
Names in this reference:
  1. Antirrhinum orontium L.
  2. Bellardia All.
  3. Bellardia
  4. Bellardia trixago (L.) All.
  5. Common Bartsia
  6. Creeping Speedwell
  7. Cup Speedwell
  8. Cymbalaria Hill
  9. Cymbalaria muralis G.Gaertn., B.Mey. & Scherb.
  10. Dischisma Choisy
  11. Dischisma arenarium E.Mey.
  12. Dischisma capitatum Choisy
  13. Euphrasia L.
  14. Euphrasia scabra R.Br.
  15. Glossostigma Wight & Arn.
  16. Glossostigma diandrum (L.) Kuntze
  17. Glossostigma drummondii Benth.
  18. Gratiola L.
  19. Gratiola peruviana L.
  20. Hairy Speedwell
  21. Ivyleaf Toadflax
  22. Kickxia Dumort.
  23. Kickxia elatine (L.) Dumort.
  24. Kickxia elatine subsp. crinita (Mabille) Greuter
  25. Kickxia elatine (L.) Dumort. subsp. elatine
  26. Kickxia spuria (L.) Dumort.
  27. Lesser Snapdragon
  28. Limosella L.
  29. Limosella australis R.Br.
  30. Misopates Raf.
  31. Misopates orontium (L.) Raf.
  32. Parentucellia Viv.
  33. Parentucellia latifolia (L.) Caruel
  34. Parentucellia viscosa (L.) Caruel
  35. Pointed Toadflax
  36. Polycarena Benth.
  37. Polycarena heterophylla (L.f.) Levyns
  38. Roundleaf Toadflax
  39. Scrophulariaceae Juss.
  40. Sticky Bartsia
  41. Twiggy Mullein
  42. Verbascum L.
  43. Verbascum virgatum Stokes
  44. Veronica L.
  45. Veronica arvensis L.
  46. Veronica calycina R.Br.
  47. Veronica persica Poir.
  48. Wall Speedwell
  49. Woolly Toadflax
  50. Yellow Eye-bright

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