Vascular Plants

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Parker, C.M. & Percy-Bower, J.M. (22 March 2024), Updates to Western Australia’s vascular plant census for 2023. Nuytsia 35 : 1-11 (Paper) Parker, C.M. & Percy-Bower, J.M. Author
Names in this reference:
  1. Acacia armigera R.W.Davis, K.R.Thiele & Cockerton
  2. Acacia olgana Maconochie
  3. Acacia sp. Badgingarra (F.Hort & J.Hort FH 4636) WA Herbarium
  4. Acacia sp. Southern Cross (G.Cockerton et al. WB 38518) WA Herbarium
  5. Acrotriche platycarpa Hislop
  6. Aggreflorum longifolium subsp. sativum (A.R.Bean) Peter G.Wilson
  7. Aggreflorum longifolium var. sativum (A.R.Bean) Peter G.Wilson
  8. Alternanthera denticulata R.Br. var. denticulata
  9. Anzybas abditus (D.L.Jones) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.
  10. Apectospermum exsertum (Joy Thomps.) Peter G.Wilson
  11. Apectospermum m sp. Latham (B.L.Rye 239088 & M.E.Trudgen) WA Herbarium
  12. Apectospermum macgillivrayi (Joy Thomps.) Peter G.Wilson
  13. Apectospermum sp. Latham (B.L.Rye 239088 & M.E.Trudgen) WA Herbarium
  14. Apectospermum spinescens (Endl.) Peter G.Wilson
  15. Apectospermum subtenue (Joy Thomps.) Peter G.Wilson
  16. Balaustion grandibracteatum subsp. junctura Rye
  17. Balaustion grandibracteatum subsp. juncturum Rye
  18. Banksia dolichostyla (A.S.George) K.R.Thiele
  19. Banksia sphaerocarpa var. dolichostyla A.S.George
  20. Bonnaya ciliata (Colsm.) Spreng. subsp. ciliata
  21. Brownseya serpentina (Kunze) Li Bing Zhang, L.D.Sheph., D.K.Chen, X.M.Zhou & H.He
  22. Caladenia citrina Hopper & A.P.Br. x Caladenia rhomboidiformis (E.Coleman) M.A.Clem. & Hopper
  23. Caladenia flava R.Br. x Caladenia reptans Lindl.
  24. Caladenia hoffmanii Hopper & A.P.Br. x Caladenia longicauda Lindl.
  25. Caladenia lorea Hopper & A.P.Br.
  26. Caladenia loreus Hopper & A.P.Br.
  27. Calandrinia halophila Albr. & J.G.West
  28. Calandrinia sp. Berry Springs (M.O.Parker 855) Dixon, R.A.Kerrigan & Cowie
  29. Calytrix merralliana (F.Muell. & Tate) Craven
  30. Calytrix merrelliana Craven
  31. Carpobrotus edulis (L.) N.E.Br. subsp. edulis
  32. Cenchrus pedicellatus (Trin.) Morrone
  33. Cenchrus pedicellatus (Trin.) Morrone subsp. pedicellatus
  34. Cenchrus pedicellatus subsp. unispiculus (Brunken) Morrone
  35. Cenchrus setosus Sw.
  36. Cenchrus setosus Sw. subsp. setosus
  37. Chorilaena anceps (DC.) Duretto & Heslewood
  38. Chorilaena euphemiae (F.Muell.) Duretto & Heslewood
  39. Chorilaena rudis (Bartl.) Duretto & Heslewood
  40. Chorilaena rudis subsp. amblycarpus (F.Muell.) Duretto & Heslewood
  41. Chorilaena rudis subsp. linearis (C.A.Gardner) Duretto & Heslewood
  42. Chorilaena rudis (Bartl.) Duretto & Heslewood subsp. rudis
  43. Commersonia sp. Lesmurdie (A.A.Mitchell 11429) WA Herbarium
  44. Corybas abditus D.L.Jones
  45. Corybas autumnalis A.P.Br. & D.Edmonds
  46. Corybas despectans D.L.Jones & R.C.Nash
  47. Corybas limpidus D.L.Jones
  48. Corybas recurvus D.L.Jones
  49. Corysanthes autumnalis (A.P.Br. & D.Edmonds) D.L.Jones
  50. Corysanthes despectans (D.L.Jones & R.C.Nash) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.
  51. Corysanthes limpida (D.L.Jones) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.
  52. Corysanthes recurva (D.L.Jones) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.
  53. Darwinia chantiae K.R.Thiele & R.W.Davis
  54. Darwinia sp. Morawa (C.A.Gardner 2662) WA Herbarium
  55. Datura innoxia Mill.
  56. Datura inoxia Mill.
  57. Diplacrum blakei K.L.Wilson & R.L.Barrett
  58. Diplacrum latzii K.L.Wilson & R.L.Barrett
  59. Diplacrum pygmaeum (R.Br.) Nees ex Boeckeler
  60. Drosera atrata T.Krueger, A.Fleischm. & Bourke
  61. Drosera brevicornis Lowrie
  62. Drosera hortiorum T.Krueger & Bourke
  63. Drosera koikyennuruff T.Krueger & A.S.Rob.
  64. Drosera maanyaa-gooljoo A.Fleischm.& T.Krueger
  65. Drosera macropetala (Diels) T.Krueger & A.Fleischm.
  66. Drosera reflexa Bourke & A.S.Rob.
  67. Drosera rubricalyx T.Krueger & A.Fleischm.
  68. Drosera sp. Kentdale (G.J.Bourke 458) WA Herbarium
  69. Drosera sp. Lesueur National Park (C.A.Gardner 9350) WA Herbarium
  70. Drosera sp. Yampi Peninsula (A.J.M.Hopkins BA 0248) WA Herbarium
  71. Emblica sulcata (J.T.Hunter & J.J.Bruhl) R.W.Bouman
  72. Emblica sulcatus (J.T.Hunter & J.J.Bruhl) R.W.Bouman
  73. Enteropogon scabrilemma E.J.Thomps.
  74. Eremophila a sp. Murchison (G.J.Keighery & N.Gibson 1788) WA Herbarium
  75. Eremophila improvisa A.P.Br.
  76. Eremophila rubicunda R.W.Davis
  77. Eremophila saxatilis A.P.Br.
  78. Eremophila sp. Landor (J.Start D7 33) WA Herbarium
  79. Eremophila sp. Meekatharra (D.J.Edinger 4430) WA Herbarium
  80. Eremophila sp. Murchison (G.J.Keighery & N.Gibson 1788)
  81. Erythrophleum arenarium R.L.Barrett & M.D.Barrett
  82. Erythrophleum pubescens R.L.Barrett & M.D.Barrett
  83. Exocarpos acerbus (R.Br.) Lepschi
  84. Felicia echinata (Thunb.) Nees
  85. Ficinia marginata (Thunb.) Fourc.
  86. Freesia leichtlinii Klatt
  87. Freesia leichtlinii Klatt subsp. leichtlinii x Freesia leichtlinii subsp. alba (G.L.Mey.) J.C.Manning & Goldblatt
  88. Gaudium confertum (Joy Thomps.) Peter G.Wilson
  89. Gaudium laevigatum (Gaertn.) Peter G.Wilson
  90. Geleznowia calycina (J.Drumm. ex Harv.) Benth.
  91. Geleznowia eximia K.A.Sheph. & A.D.Crawford
  92. Geleznowia narcissoides K.A.Sheph. & A.D.Crawford
  93. Geleznowia occulta K.A.Sheph. & A.D.Crawford
  94. Geleznowia sp. Binnu (K.A.Shepherd & J.Wege KS 1301) WA Herbarium
  95. Geleznowia sp. Marchagee (A.Crawford ADC 1353) WA Herbarium
  96. Geleznowia uberiflora K.A.Sheph. & A.D.Crawford
  97. Geleznowia verrucosa Turcz.
  98. Glycine sp. Yampi (J.P.Bull & D.Brearley ONS-4790) WA Herbarium
  99. Gompholobium sp. Roy Hill (G.Buller ATF08 AQ14) WA Herbarium
  100. Goodenia aluta K.A.Sheph. & Lepschi
  101. Goodenia crescentiloba K.A.Sheph. & Lepschi
  102. Goodenia obscurata K.A.Sheph. & Lepschi
  103. Grevillea wickhamii subsp. Prince Regent (R.L.Barrett & M.D.Barrett RLB 3952) WA Herbarium
  104. Harnieria sp. Gascoyne (J.P.Bull ONS-2721.04) WA Herbarium
  105. Hibbertia aplacophylla K.R.Thiele
  106. Hibbertia ciliolata Toelken
  107. Hibbertia glaucophylla (Steud.) K.R.Thiele & T.Hammer
  108. Hibbertia hapalophylla K.R.Thiele & T.Hammer
  109. Hibbertia hesperia T.Hammer
  110. Hibbertia remanens K.R.Thiele & T.Hammer
  111. Hibbertia rupicola (S.Moore) C.A.Gardner
  112. Hibbertia sp. Forrestania (J.M.Brown 210) WA Herbarium
  113. Hibbertia sp. Mt Holland (B.Ellery BE 1437) WA Herbarium
  114. Hibiscus sp. Mulga Downs (S.Hitchcock SH 638) WA Herbarium
  115. Hybanthus calycinus (DC.) F.Muell.
  116. Hybanthus cymulosus C.A.Gardner
  117. Hybanthus debilissimus F.Muell.
  118. Hybanthus epacroides (C.A.Gardner) Melch.
  119. Hybanthus floribundus subsp. Hill River (E.M.Bennett 2252) WA Herbarium
  120. Hybanthus floribundus subsp. adpressus E.M.Benn.
  121. Hybanthus floribundus subsp. chloroxanthus E.M.Benn.
  122. Hybanthus floribundus subsp. curvifolius E.M.Benn.
  123. Hybanthus floribundus (Lindl.) F.Muell. subsp. floribundus
  124. Hybanthus volubilis E.M.Benn.
  125. Hypocalymma balbakiae Tauss & Rye
  126. Hypocalymma lateriticola Rye & Keighery
  127. Hypocalymma quadrangulare Rye & Keighery
  128. Hypocalymma sp. Cataby (G.J.Keighery 5151) WA Herbarium
  129. Hypocalymma tenuatum Strid & Keighery
  130. Hypocalymma x proliferum Keighery & Rye
  131. Hypocalymma xanthopetalum F.Muell.
  132. Indigofera cordifolia B.Heyne ex Roth
  133. Ipomoea sp. Karijini (H.Ajduk HAOP305) WA Herbarium
  134. Isolepis marginata (Thunb.) A.Dietr.
  135. Jacquemontia browniana Ooststr.
  136. Kunzea affinis S.Moore x Kunzea preissiana Schauer
  137. Kunzea preissiana Schauer
  138. Kunzea strigosa Toelken & G.F.Craig
  139. Lambertia orbifolia subsp. Bowelling (A.Webb AW 09107) WA Herbarium
  140. Lambertia orbifolia subsp. Scott River Plains (L.W.Sage 684) WA Herbarium
  141. Lambertia orbifolia subsp. pecuniosa A.D.Webb, L.T.Monks &Wege
  142. Lambertia orbifolia subsp. vespera A.D.Webb, L.T.Monks &Wege
  143. Lepidium draba L. subsp. draba
  144. Lepidium muelleri-ferdinandi Thell.
  145. Lepidium muelleri-ferdinandii J.W.Green
  146. Leptocarpus crassipes Pate & Meney
  147. Leptocarpus scariosus R.Br.
  148. Leptospermopsis erubescens (Schauer) Peter G.Wilson
  149. Leptospermopsis fastigiata (S.Moore) Peter G.Wilson
  150. Leptospermopsis incana (Turcz.) Peter G.Wilson
  151. Leptospermopsis maxwellii (S.Moore) Peter G.Wilson
  152. Leptospermopsis nitens (Turcz.) Peter G.Wilson
  153. Leptospermopsis oligandra (Turcz.) Peter G.Wilson
  154. Leptospermopsis roei (Benth.) Peter G.Wilson
  155. Leptospermopsis sericea (Labill.) Peter G.Wilson
  156. Leptospermum confertum Joy Thomps.
  157. Leptospermum erubescens Schauer
  158. Leptospermum exsertum Joy Thomps.
  159. Leptospermum fastigiatum S.Moore
  160. Leptospermum incanum Turcz.
  161. Leptospermum laevigatum ‘Compactum’
  162. Leptospermum macgillivrayi Joy Thomps.
  163. Leptospermum madidum subsp. sativum A.R.Bean
  164. Leptospermum maxwellii S.Moore
  165. Leptospermum nitens Turcz.
  166. Leptospermum oligandrum Turcz.
  167. Leptospermum podanthum (F.Muell.) Diels
  168. Leptospermum roei Benth.
  169. Leptospermum sericeum Labill.
  170. Leptospermum sp. Bandalup Hill (G.Cockerton 11001) WA Herbarium
  171. Leptospermum sp. Latham (B.L.Rye 239088 & M.E.Trudgen) WA Herbarium
  172. Leptospermum spinescens Endl.
  173. Leptospermum subtenue Joy Thomps.
  174. Leucopogon sp. Banovich Rd (M.Hislop 1296) WA Herbarium
  175. Leucopogon sp. Howatharra (D. & N.McFarland 1046) WA Herbarium
  176. Leucopogon sp. Kalbarri (J.M.Powell 1695) WA Herbarium
  177. Leucopogon sp. Murchison (R.J.Cranfield 9224) WA Herbarium
  178. Leucopogon sp. Varley (M.Hislop 3659) WA Herbarium
  179. Leucopogon sp. Wheatbelt (S.Murray 257) WA Herbarium
  180. Melaleuca viminalis (Sol. ex Gaertn.) Byrnes var. viminalis
  181. Microcybe albiflora Turcz.
  182. Microcybe ambigua (C.A.Gardner) Paul G.Wilson
  183. Microcybe multiflora Turcz.
  184. Microcybe multiflora subsp. baccharoides (F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson
  185. Microcybe multiflora Turcz. subsp. multiflora
  186. Microcybe pauciflora Turcz.
  187. Microcybe pauciflora subsp. Grass Patch (A.Strid 21921) WA Herbarium
  188. Microcybe pauciflora subsp. grandis Paul G.Wilson
  189. Microcybe pauciflora Turcz. subsp. pauciflora
  190. Microcybe sp. Windy Hill (G.F.Craig 6583) WA Herbarium
  191. Nicotiana erytheia M.W.Chase & Christenh.
  192. Nicotiana karara M.W.Chase & Christenh.
  193. Olearia sp. Nyabing (G.Byrne 7139) WA Herbarium
  194. Omphacomeria acerba (R.Br.) A.DC.
  195. Phebalium albiflorum (Turcz.) Duretto & Heslewood
  196. Phebalium ambiguum C.A.Gardner
  197. Phebalium multiflorum (Turcz.) Duretto & Heslewood
  198. Phebalium multiflorum subsp. baccharoides (F.Muell.) Duretto & Heslewood
  199. Phebalium multiflorum (Turcz.) Duretto & Heslewood subsp. multiflorum
  200. Phebalium pauciflorum (Turcz.) Duretto & Heslewood
  201. Phebalium pauciflorum subsp. grande (Paul G.Wilson) Duretto & Heslewood
  202. Phebalium pauciflorum (Turcz.) Duretto & Heslewood subsp. pauciflorum
  203. Phebalium sp. Grass Patch (A.Strid 21921) WA Herbarium
  204. Phebalium sp. Windy Hill (G.F.Craig 6583) WA Herbarium
  205. Pigea adpressa (E.M.Benn.) P.I.Forst.
  206. Pigea calycina DC.
  207. Pigea curvifolia (E.M.Benn.) P.I.Forst.
  208. Pigea cymulosa (C.A.Gardner) P.I.Forst.
  209. Pigea debilissima (F.Muell.) P.I.Forst.
  210. Pigea epacroides (C.A.Gardner) P.I.Forst.
  211. Pigea floribunda Lindl.
  212. Pigea sp. Chloroxantha (E.Bennett & D.Bright EUC 1810) WA Herbarium
  213. Pigea sp. Hill River (E.M.Bennett 2252) WA Herbarium
  214. Pigea volubilis (E.M.Benn.) P.I.Forst.
  215. Pinus palustris Mill.
  216. Pinus ponderosa P.Lawson & C.Lawson
  217. Pittosporum moluccanum (Lam.) Miq.
  218. Pittosporum timorense Blume
  219. Platysace sp. Tammin (F.Hort & J.Hort FH 4702) WA Herbarium
  220. Pomax ammophila Ngugi
  221. Pomax sp. Sand dunes (P.G.Wilson 752) NT Herbarium
  222. Prostanthera serpyllifolia (R.Br.) Briq. subsp. serpyllifolia
  223. Pseudolycopodiella serpentina (Kunze) Holub
  224. Pterostylis segregata G.Brockman & C.J.French
  225. Rhadinothamnus anceps (DC.) Paul G.Wilson
  226. Rhadinothamnus euphemiae (F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson
  227. Rhadinothamnus rudis (Bartl.) Paul G.Wilson
  228. Rhadinothamnus rudis subsp. amblycarpus (F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson
  229. Rhadinothamnus rudis subsp. linearis (C.A.Gardner) Paul G.Wilson
  230. Rhadinothamnus rudis (Bartl.) Paul G.Wilson subsp. rudis
  231. Scleria pygmaea R.Br.
  232. Scleria sp. C Kimberley Flora (K.F.Kenneally 4873) WA Herbarium
  233. Sida sp. B (C.Dunlop 1739) W.R.Barker
  234. Sida sp. Kathleen Springs (A.C.Beauglehole 26934) R.M.Barker
  235. Sida sp. Turee Creek ( Kock PLDK1116) WA Herbarium
  236. Sida sp. limestone (D.E.Albrecht 5748) R.M.Barker
  237. Sida sp. tiny glabrous fruit (A.A.Mitchell PRP1152) WA Herbarium
  238. Styphelia anomala Hislop
  239. Styphelia brachygyna Hislop
  240. Styphelia cylindrica Hislop
  241. Styphelia howatharra Hislop
  242. Styphelia kalbarriensis Hislop & E.A.Br.
  243. Styphelia planiconvexa Hislop
  244. Styphelia sp. South Coast (J.M.Powell 3374) WA Herbarium
  245. Thelymitra fasciculata Fitzg.
  246. Thysanotus banksii R.Br.
  247. Thysanotus elatior R.Br.
  248. Triglochin turrifera Ewart
  249. Triglochin turriferum S.W.L.Jacobs
  250. Triodia avenoides M.D.Barrett
  251. Triodia degreyensis M.D.Barrett
  252. Triodia karijini M.D.Barrett & S.J.Dillon
  253. Triodia lutiteana M.D.Barrett & Kock
  254. Triodia sp. De Grey River (M.D. Barrett & B.M. Anderson MDB 4432) WA Herbarium
  255. Triodia sp. Karijini (S.van Leeuwen 4111) WA Herbarium
  256. Triodia sp. Nanutarra (S. van Leeuwen 5037) WA Herbarium
  257. Triodia sp. Silvergrass ( Kock BES 00808) WA Herbarium
  258. Trymalium spatulatum (Labill.) G.Don
  259. Trymalium spatulatum (Labill.) Ostenf.
  260. Utricularia cowiei R.W.Jobson & Baleeiro
  261. Utricularia leptorhyncha O.Schwarz
  262. Utricularia sp. Mt Brookes (M.D.Barrett et al. MDB 6466) WA Herbarium
  263. Vachellia farnesiana (L.) Wight & Arn. var. farnesiana

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