Vascular Plants

A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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Start, A.N. & Thiele, K.R. (2023), Mistletoes of Western Australia : i-146 (Book) Start, A.N. & Thiele, K.R. Author
Names in this reference:
  1. Amyema Tiegh.
  2. Amyema benthamii (Blakely) Danser
  3. Amyema bifurcata (Benth.) Tiegh.
  4. Amyema conspicua (F.M.Bailey) Danser
  5. Amyema dolichopoda Barlow
  6. Amyema eburna (Barlow) Barlow
  7. Amyema fitzgeraldii (Blakely) Danser
  8. Amyema gibberula (Tate) Danser
  9. Amyema gibberula var. tatei (Blakely) Barlow
  10. Amyema hilliana (Blakely) Danser
  11. Amyema linophylla (Fenzl) Tiegh.
  12. Amyema mackayensis (Blakely) Danser
  13. Amyema maidenii (Blakely) Barlow
  14. Amyema melaleucae (Lehm. ex Miq.) Tiegh.
  15. Amyema microphylla Barlow
  16. Amyema miquelii (Lehm. ex Miq.) Tiegh.
  17. Amyema miraculosa (Miq.) Tiegh.
  18. Amyema miraculosa var. boormanii (Blakely) H.Eichler
  19. Amyema nestor (S.Moore) Danser
  20. Amyema preissii (Miq.) Tiegh.
  21. Amyema pyriformis Barlow
  22. Amyema quandang (Lindl.) Tiegh.
  23. Amyema sanguinea (F.Muell.) Danser
  24. Amyema sanguinea var. pulchra (Ewart) Barlow
  25. Amyema thalassia Barlow
  26. Amyema villiflora (Domin) Barlow
  27. Amyema xiphophylla Wege & Start
  28. Decaisnina Tiegh.
  29. Decaisnina angustata (Barlow) Barlow
  30. Decaisnina biangulata (W.Fitzg.) Barlow
  31. Decaisnina brittenii (Blakely) Barlow
  32. Decaisnina signata (F.Muell. ex Benth.) Tiegh.
  33. Decaisnina signata subsp. cardiophylla (Domin) Barlow
  34. Dendrophthoe Mart.
  35. Dendrophthoe acacioides (A.Cunn. ex Benth.) Tiegh.
  36. Dendrophthoe glabrescens (Blakely) Barlow
  37. Dendrophthoe odontocalyx (F.Muell. ex Benth.) Tiegh.
  38. Diplatia Tiegh.
  39. Diplatia furcata Barlow
  40. Diplatia grandibractea (F.Muell.) Tiegh.
  41. Korthalsella Tiegh.
  42. Korthalsella arthroclada Cranfield
  43. Korthalsella leucothrix Barlow
  44. Loranthus benthamii Blakely
  45. Loranthus bifurcatus Benth.
  46. Loranthus conspicuus F.M.Bailey
  47. Loranthus gibberulus Tate
  48. Loranthus grandibracteus F.Muell.
  49. Loranthus quandang Lindl.
  50. Lysiana Tiegh.
  51. Lysiana casuarinae (Miq.) Tiegh.
  52. Lysiana exocarpi (Behr) Tiegh.
  53. Lysiana murrayi (F.Muell. & Tate) Tiegh.
  54. Lysiana spathulata (Blakely) Barlow
  55. Lysiana subfalcata (Hook.) Barlow
  56. Viscum L.
  57. Viscum articulatum Burm.f.
  58. Viscum ovalifolium DC.
  59. Viscum whitei Blakely

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