Vascular Plants

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Holland, A.E. in Henderson, R.J.F. (ed.) (2002), Scrophulariaceae. Names and Distribution of Queensland Plants, Algae and Lichens : 185-187 (Section) Holland, A.E. Author
Names in this reference:
  1. Adenosma caerulea R.Br.
  2. Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst.
  3. Buchnera ciliata Pennell
  4. Buchnera gracilis R.Br.
  5. Buchnera linearis R.Br.
  6. Buchnera ramosissima R.Br.
  7. Buchnera tetragona R.Br.
  8. Buchnera urticifolia R.Br.
  9. Calceolaria tripartita Ruiz & Pav.
  10. Chrysophyllum roxburghii G.Don
  11. Derwentia arenaria (A.Cunn. ex Benth.) B.G.Briggs & Ehrend.
  12. Derwentia derwentiana (Andrews) B.G.Briggs & Ehrend. subsp. derwentiana
  13. Euphrasia bella S.T.Blake
  14. Euphrasia collina R.Br.
  15. Euphrasia collina subsp. paludosa (R.Br.) W.R.Barker
  16. Euphrasia orthocheila W.R.Barker
  17. Euphrasia orthocheila W.R.Barker subsp. orthocheila
  18. Euphrasia orthocheila subsp. peraspera W.R.Barker
  19. Euphrasia ramulosa W.R.Barker
  20. Gratiola pedunculata R.Br.
  21. Gratiola peruviana L.
  22. Limnophila aromatica (Lam.) Merr.
  23. Limnophila brownii Wannan
  24. Limnophila chinensis (Osbeck) Merr.
  25. Limnophila fragrans (G.Forst.) Seem.
  26. Limosella australis R.Br.
  27. Lindernia sp. (Bribie Island S.T.Blake 7089)
  28. Lindernia sp. (Hann River J.R.Clarkson 7953)
  29. Lindernia sp. (Sudley A.Gunness 1886)
  30. Lindernia sp. (Tingoora A.R.Bean 10311)
  31. Lindernia subulata subsp. (Lake Emma J.R.Clarkson+ 10041)
  32. Manilkara kauki (L.) Dubard
  33. Mazus pumilio R.Br.
  34. Mecardonia procumbens (Mill.) Small
  35. Microcarpaea agonis A.R.Bean
  36. Mimulus gracilis R.Br.
  37. Mimulus prostratus Benth.
  38. Mimulus repens R.Br.
  39. Mimulus uvedaliae Benth.
  40. Peplidium sp. (Edgbaston R.J.Fensham 3341)
  41. Rhamphicarpa australiensis Steenis
  42. Russelia equisetiformis Schltdl. & Cham.
  43. Scoparia dulcis L.
  44. Torenia polygonoides Benth.
  45. Verbascum thapsus L. subsp. thapsus
  46. Verbascum virgatum Stokes
  47. Veronica sp. (Wilsons Peak D.A.Halford Q1521)

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