Vascular Plants

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Parker, C.M. & Percy-Bower, J.M. (10 December 2019), Updates to Western Australia’s vascular plant census for 2019. Nuytsia 30 : 339-351 (Paper) Parker, C.M. & Percy-Bower, J.M. Author
Names in this reference:
  1. Abutilon halophilum F.Muell. ex Schltdl.
  2. Acacia corusca J.P.Bull, S.J.Dillon & Brearley
  3. Acacia sp. East Fortescue (J.Bull & D.Roberts ONS A 27.01)
  4. Acacia sp. Forrestania (D.Angus DA 3001) WA Herbarium
  5. Actinotus sp. Whicher (G.J.Keighery 12413)
  6. Actinotus whicheranus Keighery
  7. Ageratina adenophora (Spreng.) R.M.King & H.Rob.
  8. Arthrochilus byrnesii Blaxell
  9. Astroloma sp. Dumbleyung (A.J.G.Wilson 146) WA Herbarium
  10. Astroloma sp. Eneabba (N.Marchant s.n. PERTH 01291777) WA Herbarium
  11. Astroloma sp. Kalbarri (D. & B.Bellairs 1368) WA Herbarium
  12. Astroloma sp. Nannup (R.D.Royce 3978)
  13. Astroloma sp. Narrogin (R.D.Royce 8158) WA Herbarium
  14. Astroloma sp. sessile leaf (J.L.Robson 657) WA Herbarium
  15. Astroloma stomarrhena Sond.
  16. Astroloma xerophyllum (DC.) Sond.
  17. Austrostipa echinata (Vickery, S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett) S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett
  18. Banksia densa A.R.Mast & K.R.Thiele
  19. Banksia densa var. Wheatbelt (M.Pieroni s.n. PERTH 04083407)
  20. Banksia densa var. parva (A.S.George) A.R.Mast & K.R.Thiele
  21. Banksia parva (A.S.George) K.R.Thiele
  22. Banksia zygocephala K.R.Thiele
  23. Boronia clavata Paul G.Wilson subsp. clavata
  24. Boronia clavata subsp. grandis Duretto
  25. Boronia denticulata Sm. subsp. denticulata
  26. Boronia denticulata subsp. whoogarupensis Duretto
  27. Boronia sp. Leeuwin (J.Scott 235) WA Herbarium
  28. Caladenia x intermedia (Fitzg.) M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones
  29. Calandrinia monosperma Syeda ex Obbens
  30. Calandrinia sp. Cape Range (F.Obbens FO 10/18) WA Herbarium
  31. Calandrinia sp. Nanutarra (F.Obbens FO 08/18) WA Herbarium
  32. Calandrinia sp. Piawaning (A.C.Beauglehole 12257) WA Herbarium
  33. Calandrinia sp. The Pink Hills (F.Obbens FO 19/06) WA Herbarium
  34. Calandrinia uncinella Obbens
  35. Calochilus sp. Theda (R.L.Barrett et al. RLB 6158) WA Herbarium
  36. Calyptocarpus vialis Less.
  37. Cassinia sifton Orchard
  38. Chenopodium nitrariaceum (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth.
  39. Clerodendrum heterophyllum (Vent.) R.Br.
  40. Clerodendrum heterophyllum var. baueri Moldenke
  41. Coleus congestus (R.Br.) A.J.Paton
  42. Coleus intraterraneus (S.T.Blake) P.I.Forst. & T.C.Wilson
  43. Coleus scutellarioides (L.) Benth.
  44. Comesperma minutum A.J.Ford & Halford
  45. Comesperma sp. A Kimberley Flora (D.W.Rust 48) WA Herbarium
  46. Comesperma sp. A Kimberley Flora (D.W.Rust 8) WA Herbarium
  47. Convolvulus sp. Cascades (W.Archer 1110161) WA Herbarium
  48. Corchorus drysdalensis R.L.Barrett
  49. Corybas autumnalis A.P.Br. & D.Edmonds
  50. Corybas sp. Peat (A.P.Brown & D.Edmonds APB 4314)
  51. Crosslandia setifolia W.Fitzg.
  52. Cyanthillium gracile (Lander & P.J.H.Hurter) K.R.Thiele & E.E.Schill.
  53. Cyanthillium gracilis K.R.Thiele & E.E.Schill.
  54. Cyathostemon sp. Mt Dimer (C.McChesney TRL4/72)
  55. Cyathostemon verrucosus Trudgen & Rye
  56. Darwinia sp. Corrigin (T.Erickson TEE 308) WA Herbarium
  57. Delosperma vinaceum L.Bolus
  58. Dillwynia acerosa S.Moore
  59. Dillwynia sp. Coolgardie (V.E.Sands 637.3.1) WA Herbarium
  60. Dillwynia sp. Mallee (W.R.Archer 1709959) WA Herbarium
  61. Diuris brockmanii D.L.Jones & C.J.French
  62. Diuris sp. Augusta (G.Brockman GBB 1469) WA Herbarium
  63. Diuris sp. South Coast (G.Brockman GBB 3041) WA Herbarium
  64. Drosera indica L.
  65. Drosera sp. Branched styles (S.C.Coffey 193) WA Herbarium
  66. Elionurus tylophorus M.D.Barrett & Handasyde
  67. Elythranthera x intermedia (Fitzg.) M.A.Clem.
  68. Enneapogon nigricans (R.Br.) P.Beauv.
  69. Eremophila glabra subsp. Kokeby (R.Davis 5080) WA Herbarium
  70. Eremophila glabra subsp. York (P.G.Wilson 12172 B) WA Herbarium
  71. Eremophila glabra subsp. verrucosa Chinnock
  72. Eremophila oldfieldii subsp. Karara (D.Coultas s.n. PERTH 07341717) WA Herbarium
  73. Eremophila oldfieldii subsp. papula A.P.Br.
  74. Eremophila sericea A.P.Br.
  75. Eremophila sp. Kalgoorlie (V.Clark & A.Brown VTC 590) WA Herbarium
  76. Eremophila sp. Kalgoorlie (V.Clarke & A.Brown VTC 590) WA Herbarium
  77. Eremophila sp. Mullewa (R.Wait 7311) WA Herbarium
  78. Eremophila sp. Rothsay (D.Coultas & J.Kelt s.n. PERTH 08200440) WA Herbarium
  79. Eremophila viridissima Chinnock
  80. Eremophila waitii Chinnock
  81. Eremophila xantholaemus R.W.Davis
  82. Eriachne sp. Dugald River (B.K.Simon+ 3007) Qld Herbarium
  83. Eucalyptus cladocalyx F.Muell. subsp. cladocalyx
  84. Eucalyptus gardneri subsp. ravensthorpensis Brooker & Hopper
  85. Eucalyptus obtusiflora subsp. cowcowensis L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  86. Eucalyptus obtusiflora subsp. dongarraensis (Maiden & Blakely) L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  87. Eucalyptus ravensthorpensis (Brooker & Hopper) Gosper & Hopper
  88. Eucalyptus vokesensis D.Nicolle & L.A.S.Johnson
  89. Exocarpos sp. Ardath (J.Buegge D 62) WA Herbarium
  90. Fimbristylis crosslandii Roalson, R.L.Barrett & Larridon
  91. Gastrolobium capitatum (Benth.) G.Chandler & Crisp
  92. Gastrolobium sp. Harvey (G.J.Keighery 16821) WA Herbarium
  93. Genus sp. Nillup (R.D.Royce 98) WA Herbarium
  94. Geodorum densiflorum (Lam.) Schltr.
  95. Geodorum neocaledonicum Kraenzl.
  96. Geodorum terrestre (L.) Garay
  97. Gloriosa superba L.
  98. Goodenia campestris Carolin
  99. Goodenia sp. Cunyu (C.J.Nicholson & P.J.Curry 1001) WA Herbarium
  100. Grevillea sp. Yerilgee Hills (T.Laslett TL 025) WA Herbarium
  101. Grewia glabra Blume
  102. Grewia guazumifolia Juss.
  103. Grewia pindanica R.L.Barrett
  104. Habenaria elongata R.Br.
  105. Habenaria eurystoma Schltr.
  106. Habenaria hymenophylla Schltr.
  107. Habenaria ochroleuca R.Br.
  108. Habenaria sp. Beverley Springs Station (M.D.Barrett MDB185) WA Herbarium
  109. Habenaria triplonema Schltr.
  110. Haemodorum coccineum R.Br.
  111. Haemodorum subvirens F.Muell.
  112. Hemigenia sp. Nillup (R.D.Royce 98) WA Herbarium
  113. Heteranthera reniformis Ruiz & Pav.
  114. Hibbertia acrotoma K.R.Thiele
  115. Hibbertia ambita K.R.Thiele
  116. Hibbertia barrettiae K.R.Thiele
  117. Hibbertia davisii K.R.Thiele
  118. Hibbertia elegans K.R.Thiele
  119. Hibbertia hortiorum K.R.Thiele
  120. Hibbertia improna K.R.Thiele
  121. Hibbertia inopinata K.R.Thiele
  122. Hibbertia sandifordiae K.R.Thiele
  123. Hibbertia semipilosa K.R.Thiele
  124. Hibbertia sp. Toolbrunup (J.R.Wheeler 2504)
  125. Hibbertia spectabilis K.R.Thiele
  126. Hibbertia wheelerae K.R.Thiele
  127. Hibiscus sp. Perrinvale Station (J.Warden & E.Ager WB 10581) WA Herbarium
  128. Hydrocotyle eichleri A.J.Perkins
  129. Hydrocotyle glochidiata Benth.
  130. Hydrocotyle papilionella A.J.Perkins
  131. Hydrocotyle scutellifera Benth.
  132. Hydrocotyle sp. Crassipes (K.R.Newbey 7567) WA Herbarium
  133. Hydrocotyle sp. Decipiens (G.J.Keighery 463) WA Herbarium
  134. Hydrocotyle sp. Hamelinensis (G.J.Keighery s.n. PERTH 02391325) WA Herbarium
  135. Hydrocotyle sp. Puberula (H.Eichler 22058) WA Herbarium
  136. Hydrocotyle sp. Vigintimilia (P.G.Wilson 7940) WA Herbarium
  137. Hydrocotyle tetragonocarpa Bunge
  138. Hydrocotyle tuberculata A.J.Perkins
  139. Lagenophora gracilis Steetz
  140. Lagenophora platysperma Jian Wang ter & A.R.Bean
  141. Lagenophora stipitata (Labill.) Druce
  142. Lechenaultia sp. Cascade (W.Archer 212122)
  143. Lepidium sp. Stirling Range (S.Barrett 1359) WA Herbarium
  144. Lepidosperma leptophyllum Benth.
  145. Leptocarpus crassipes Pate & Meney
  146. Leptocarpus scariosus R.Br.
  147. Leucopogon sp. Barren Range (A.S.George 10092) WA Herbarium
  148. Leucopogon sp. Bonnie Hill (K.R.Newbey 9831)
  149. Leucopogon sp. Cascades (M.Hislop 3693) WA Herbarium
  150. Leucopogon sp. Kambalda (J.Williams s.n. PERTH 07305028) WA Herbarium
  151. Leucopogon sp. Ongerup (A.S.George 16682) WA Herbarium
  152. Levenhookia sp. Whicher Range (J.A.Wege 2090) WA Herbarium
  153. Livistona leichhardtii F.Muell.
  154. Livistona lorophylla Becc.
  155. Micrococca mercurialis (L.) Benth.
  156. Microcorys sp. Mt Holland broad-leaf (G.Barrett s.n. PERTH 04104927) WA Herbarium
  157. Nandina domestica Thunb.
  158. Neosciadium glochidiatum (Benth.) Domin
  159. Nicotiana gascoynica M.W.Chase & Christenh.
  160. Nicotiana karijini M.W.Chase & Christenh.
  161. Nicotiana stenocarpa H.-M.Wheeler
  162. Opuntia polyacantha Haw.
  163. Pecteilis elongata (R.Br.) M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones
  164. Pecteilis eurystoma (Schltr.) M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones
  165. Pecteilis ochroleuca (R.Br.) M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones
  166. Phebalium sp. Yerilgee Sandplain (J.Jackson 223) WA Herbarium
  167. Phoringopsis byrnesii (Blaxell) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.
  168. Phytolacca americana L.
  169. Plectranthus congestus R.Br.
  170. Plectranthus intraterraneus S.T.Blake
  171. Plectranthus scutellarioides (L.) R.Br.
  172. Pterostylis sp. Bloated bird orchid (A.R.Annels et al. ARA 5478) WA Herbarium
  173. Pterostylis sp. Coastal clubbed sepals (G.Brockman GBB 255) WA Herbarium
  174. Pterostylis sp. Karri forest (W.Jackson BJ270)
  175. Pterostylis sp. Paynes Find (G.Brockman GBB 526)
  176. Pterostylis sp. Robust snail orchid (W.Jackson BJ 358) WA Herbarium
  177. Pterostylis sp. crinkled leaf (G.J.Keighery 13426) WA Herbarium
  178. Ptilotus macrocephalus (R.Br.) Poir.
  179. Ptilotus xerophilus T.Hammer & R.W.Davis
  180. Rhagodia sp. Yeelirrie Station (K.A.Shepherd et al. KS 1396) WA Herbarium
  181. Rorippa sp. Fortescue Valley (M.N.Lyons & R.A.Coppen FV 0760) WA Herbarium
  182. Sauropus crassifolius (Müll.Arg.) Airy Shaw
  183. Sauropus rigidulus (Müll.Arg.) Airy Shaw
  184. Scholtzia bellairsiorum Rye
  185. Scholtzia brevistylis Rye
  186. Scholtzia brevistylis Rye subsp. brevistylis
  187. Scholtzia brevistylis subsp. prowaka Rye
  188. Scholtzia calcicola Rye
  189. Scholtzia capitata F.Muell. ex Benth.
  190. Scholtzia chapmanii Trudgen ex Rye
  191. Scholtzia cordata Trudgen ex Rye
  192. Scholtzia corrugata Rye
  193. Scholtzia denticulata Rye
  194. Scholtzia halophila Rye
  195. Scholtzia halophila Rye subsp. halophila
  196. Scholtzia halophila subsp. meridionalis Rye
  197. Scholtzia halophila subsp. mortlockensis Rye
  198. Scholtzia inaequalis Rye
  199. Scholtzia laciniata Rye
  200. Scholtzia longipedata Rye
  201. Scholtzia longipedata Rye subsp. longipedata
  202. Scholtzia longipedata subsp. procera Rye
  203. Scholtzia multiflora Rye
  204. Scholtzia oleosa Rye
  205. Scholtzia peltigera Rye
  206. Scholtzia pentamera Rye
  207. Scholtzia pentamera subsp. collina Rye
  208. Scholtzia pentamera Rye subsp. pentamera
  209. Scholtzia prostrata Rye
  210. Scholtzia quindecim Rye
  211. Scholtzia recurva Rye
  212. Scholtzia sp. Ajana (T.A.Halliday 137) WA Herbarium
  213. Scholtzia sp. Ajana East Road (M.E.Trudgen 21734 A) WA Herbarium
  214. Scholtzia sp. Billeranga Hills (B.J.Conn 2159) WA Herbarium
  215. Scholtzia sp. Binnu (M.E.Trudgen 2218) WA Herbarium
  216. Scholtzia sp. Binnu East Road (M.E.Trudgen 12013) WA Herbarium
  217. Scholtzia sp. Binnu-Yuna (M.E.Trudgen 12016) WA Herbarium
  218. Scholtzia sp. Bungabandi Creek (M.Quicke EURA 48) WA Herbarium
  219. Scholtzia sp. Burma Road (A.C.Burns 138) WA Herbarium
  220. Scholtzia sp. Coburn (N.Murdock NM 031) WA Herbarium
  221. Scholtzia sp. Coomberdale (M.E. & M.E.Trudgen MET 1724) WA Herbarium
  222. Scholtzia sp. Dongara (R.Hart 8401) WA Herbarium
  223. Scholtzia sp. Duck Pool (M.E.Trudgen MET 5427) WA Herbarium
  224. Scholtzia sp. East Yuna (A.C.Burns 6) WA Herbarium
  225. Scholtzia sp. Eneabba (S.Maley 8) WA Herbarium
  226. Scholtzia sp. Eradu (R.D.Royce 8016) WA Herbarium
  227. Scholtzia sp. Eurardy (J.S.Beard 6886) WA Herbarium
  228. Scholtzia sp. Galena (W.E.Blackall 4728) WA Herbarium
  229. Scholtzia sp. Gunyidi (J.D.Briggs 1721) WA Herbarium
  230. Scholtzia sp. Kojarena (A.M.Ashby 1904) WA Herbarium
  231. Scholtzia sp. Lancelin (M.E.Trudgen 1516) WA Herbarium
  232. Scholtzia sp. Murchison River (A.S.George 7098) WA Herbarium
  233. Scholtzia sp. Northampton (A.Strid 20174) WA Herbarium
  234. Scholtzia sp. Overlander (M.E.Trudgen 12138) WA Herbarium
  235. Scholtzia sp. Prowaka Springs (R.J.Cranfield & P.Spencer RJC 8083) WA Herbarium
  236. Scholtzia sp. Red Bluff (A.Gunness 2373) WA Herbarium
  237. Scholtzia sp. Ross Graham Lookout (S.Maley 6) WA Herbarium
  238. Scholtzia sp. Shark Bay (M.E.Trudgen 7429) WA Herbarium
  239. Scholtzia sp. Valentine Road (S.Patrick 2142) WA Herbarium
  240. Scholtzia sp. Winchester (C.Chapman s.n. PERTH 05625386) WA Herbarium
  241. Scholtzia sp. Yandanooka (R.Soullier 646) WA Herbarium
  242. Scholtzia sp. Yenyening Lakes (A.Gunness 2824) WA Herbarium
  243. Scholtzia sp. Yuna (C.A.Gardner 14286) WA Herbarium
  244. Scholtzia sp. Z-Bend (Bellairs-Kalflora 912a) WA Herbarium
  245. Scholtzia subsessilis Rye
  246. Scholtzia tenuissima Rye
  247. Scholtzia thinicola Rye
  248. Scholtzia trilocularis Rye
  249. Scholtzia truncata Rye
  250. Scholtzia uniflora Rye
  251. Scholtzia uniovulata Rye
  252. Sida sp. R (P.Copley 1390) W.R.Barker
  253. Stylidium sp. Dragon Rocks (J.A.Wege & K.A.Shepherd JAW 2054)
  254. Styphelia angustiflora Hislop & Puente-Lel.
  255. Styphelia cernua Hislop & Puente-Lel.
  256. Styphelia disjuncta Hislop & Puente-Lel.
  257. Styphelia quartzitica Hislop
  258. Styphelia rectiloba Hislop
  259. Styphelia sp. Dumbleyung (A.J.G.Wilson 146) WA Herbarium
  260. Styphelia sp. Eneabba (N.Marchant s.n. PERTH 01291777) WA Herbarium
  261. Styphelia sp. Nannup (R.D.Royce 3978) WA Herbarium
  262. Styphelia sp. Narrogin (R.D.Royce 8158) WA Herbarium
  263. Styphelia sp. Wandoo (F. & J.Hort 2441) WA Herbarium
  264. Styphelia stomarrhena (Sond.) Sleumer
  265. Styphelia sulcata Hislop & Puente-Lel.
  266. Styphelia xerophylla (DC.) F.Muell.
  267. Syncarpia glomulifera (Sm.) Nied.
  268. Synostemon crassifolius (Müll.Arg.) I.Telford & Pruesapan
  269. Synostemon rigidulus (F.Muell. ex Müll.Arg.) I.Telford & Pruesapan
  270. Tephrosia densa (Benth.) Pedley ex R.Butcher
  271. Tephrosia gardneri Pedley ex R.Butcher
  272. Tephrosia sp. Carnarvon (J.H.Ross 2681) WA Herbarium
  273. Tephrosia sp. Fortescue (A.A.Mitchell 606) WA Herbarium
  274. Tephrosia sp. Meentheena (S.van Leeuwen 4479) WA Herbarium
  275. Tephrosia sp. Onslow (K.R.Newbey 10571) WA Herbarium
  276. Thysanotus sp. Ennuin (N.Gibson & M.Lyons 2665) WA Herbarium
  277. Thysanotus sp. Mount Madden (G.F.Craig 10516) WA Herbarium
  278. Thysanotus sp. Yellowdine (A.S.George 6040) WA Herbarium
  279. Tribonanthes australis Endl. x Tribonanthes brachypetala Lindl.
  280. Tribonanthes australis Endl. x Tribonanthes longipetala Lindl.
  281. Tribonanthes elongata E.J.Hickman & Hopper
  282. Tribonanthes keigheryi E.J.Hickman & Hopper
  283. Tribonanthes monantha E.J.Hickman & Hopper
  284. Tribonanthes porphyrea E.J.Hickman & Hopper
  285. Tribonanthes sp. Lake Muir (G.J.Keighery & N.Gibson 2134) WA Herbarium
  286. Tribonanthes uniflora Lindl.
  287. Tribonanthes variabilis Lindl.
  288. Tribonanthes variabilis Lindl. x Tribonanthes brachypetala Lindl.
  289. Triodia pisoliticola Trudgen & M.D.Barrett
  290. Triodia sp. Robe River (M.E.Trudgen et al. MET 12367)
  291. Triodia sp. Silvergrass ( Kock BES 00808) WA Herbarium
  292. Triodia veniciae M.D.Barrett
  293. Utricularia oppositiflora R.Br.
  294. Vallisneria sp. Weelarrana (M.N.Lyons & S.D.Lyons 3050) WA Herbarium

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