Vascular Plants

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Toelken, H.R., Jeanes, J.A. & Stajsic, V. in Walsh, N.G. & Entwisle, T.J. (ed.) (1996), Crassulaceae. Flora of Victoria 3 : 542-555 (Section) Toelken, H.R., Jeanes, J.A. & Stajsic, V. Unknown
Names in this reference:
  1. Aeonium Webb & Berthel.
  2. Aeonium haworthii Salm-Dyck ex Webb & Berthel.
  3. Australian Stonecrop
  4. Bulliarda recurva Hook.f.
  5. Cotyledon L.
  6. Cotyledon orbiculata L.
  7. Crassula L.
  8. Crassula alata (Viv.) A.Berger var. alata
  9. Crassula bonariensis Cambess.
  10. Crassula caespitosa Cav.
  11. Crassula closiana (Gay) Reiche
  12. Crassula colorata (Nees) Ostenf.
  13. Crassula colorata var. acuminata (Reader) Toelken
  14. Crassula colorata (Nees) Ostenf. var. colorata
  15. Crassula colorata var. tuberculata Toelken
  16. Crassula decumbens Thunb.
  17. Crassula ericoides Haw. subsp. ericoides
  18. Crassula exserta (Reader) Ostenf.
  19. Crassula helmsii (Kirk) Cockayne
  20. Crassula intricata (Nees) Ostenf.
  21. Crassula lycopodioides Lam.
  22. Crassula macrantha (Hook.f.) Diels & E.Pritz.
  23. Crassula multicava Lem. subsp. multicava
  24. Crassula muscosa L. var. muscosa
  25. Crassula natans var. minor (Eckl. & Zeyh.) G.D.Rowley
  26. Crassula pedicellosa (F.Muell.) Ostenf.
  27. Crassula peduncularis (Sm.) F.Meigen
  28. Crassula purpurata (Hook.f.) Domin
  29. Crassula recurva (Hook.f.) Ostenf.
  30. Crassula robusta Toelken
  31. Crassula sieberiana (Schult. & Schult.f.) Druce
  32. Crassula sieberiana var. acuminata (Reader) Domin
  33. Crassula sieberiana var. exserta (Reader) Domin
  34. Crassula tetragona subsp. robusta (Toelken) Toelken
  35. Crassula tripartita N.A.Wakef.
  36. Crassulaceae J.St.-Hil.
  37. Dense Crassula
  38. Helophytum natans var. minus Eckl. & Zeyh.
  39. Large-fruit Crassula
  40. Purple Crassula
  41. Sedum L.
  42. Sedum acre L.
  43. Sedum caespitosum (Cav.) DC.
  44. Sedum dendroideum subsp. praealtum (A.DC.) R.T.Clausen
  45. Sedum praealtum A.DC. subsp. praealtum
  46. Sieber Crassula
  47. Spreading Crassula
  48. Stalked Crassula
  49. Swamp Crassula
  50. Three-part Crassula
  51. Tillaea acuminata Reader
  52. Tillaea adscendens Nees
  53. Tillaea alata Viv.
  54. Tillaea closiana Gay
  55. Tillaea colorata Nees
  56. Tillaea exserta Reader
  57. Tillaea helmsii Kirk
  58. Tillaea intricata Nees
  59. Tillaea macrantha Hook.f.
  60. Tillaea macrantha var. pedicellosa F.Muell.
  61. Tillaea pedicellosa (F.Muell.) F.Muell.
  62. Tillaea peduncularis Sm.
  63. Tillaea purpurata Hook.f.
  64. Tillaea recurva (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
  65. Tillaea sieberiana Schult. & Schult.f.
  66. Tillaea sieberiana var. acuminata (Reader) Ewart & Jean White
  67. Tillaea verticillaris DC.
  68. Tiny Stonecrop
  69. Wall-pepper

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