Vascular Plants

A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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Harden, G.J. & Williams, J.B. in Harden, G.J. (ed.) (1992), Apocynaceae. Flora of New South Wales 3 : 512-524 (Section) Harden, G.J. & Williams, J.B. Author
Names in this reference:
  1. Alstonia R.Br.
  2. Alstonia constricta F.Muell.
  3. Alstonia constricta Narrow-leaved pubescent form
  4. Alstonia constricta Pubescent form
  5. Alstonia constricta Type Form
  6. Alstonia constricta var. montmariensis F.M.Bailey
  7. Alyxia Banks ex R.Br.
  8. Alyxia buxifolia R.Br.
  9. Alyxia ruscifolia R.Br.
  10. Apocynaceae Juss.
  11. Banana Bush
  12. Bellbird Vine
  13. Bitter Bark
  14. Carissa L.
  15. Carissa ovata R.Br.
  16. Catharanthus G.Don
  17. Catharanthus roseus (L.) G.Don
  18. Chilean Jasmine
  19. Common Leaved Silkpod
  20. Common Silkpod
  21. Crisped Silkpod
  22. Currant Bush
  23. Ervatamia angustisepala (Benth.) Domin
  24. Furry Silkpod
  25. Gargaloo
  26. Madagascar Periwinkle
  27. Mandevilla Lindl.
  28. Mandevilla laxa (Ruiz & Pav.) Woodson
  29. Melodinus J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
  30. Melodinus acutiflorus F.Muell.
  31. Melodinus australis (F.Muell.) Pierre
  32. Melodinus guilfoylei F.Muell.
  33. Mountain Silkpod
  34. Neisosperma Raf.
  35. Neisosperma poweri (F.M.Bailey) Fosberg & Sachet
  36. Nerium L.
  37. Nerium oleander L.
  38. Ochrosia Juss.
  39. Ochrosia moorei (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth.
  40. Oleander
  41. Parsonsia R.Br.
  42. Parsonsia brownii (Britten) Pichon
  43. Parsonsia eucalyptophylla F.Muell.
  44. Parsonsia fulva S.T.Blake
  45. Parsonsia induplicata F.Muell.
  46. Parsonsia lanceolata R.Br.
  47. Parsonsia lilacina F.Muell.
  48. Parsonsia rotata Maiden & Betche
  49. Parsonsia sp. A
  50. Parsonsia sp. B
  51. Parsonsia sp. C
  52. Parsonsia straminea (R.Br.) F.Muell.
  53. Parsonsia tenuis S.T.Blake
  54. Parsonsia velutina R.Br.
  55. Parsonsia ventricosa F.Muell.
  56. Periwinkle
  57. Prickly Alyxia
  58. Quinine Bush
  59. Sea Box
  60. Slender Silkpod
  61. Southern Melodinus
  62. Southern Ochrosia
  63. Tabernaemontana L.
  64. Tabernaemontana pandacaqui Lam.
  65. Thevetia L.
  66. Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) K.Schum.
  67. Veinless Silkpod
  68. Vinca L.
  69. Vinca major L.
  70. Windmill Bush
  71. Yellow Oleander

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