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A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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Names in this reference:
Aciphylla J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. Aciphylla glacialis ( F.Muell.) Benth. Aciphylla simplicifolia ( F.Muell.) Benth. Alpine Pennywort Ammi L. Ammi majus L. Annual Celery Apiaceae Lindl. Apium L. Apium annuum P.S.Short Apium australe var. angustisectum H.Wolff Apium australe var. latisectum H.Wolff Apium crispum Mill. Apium filiforme ( A.Rich.) Hook. Apium graveolens L. Apium insulare P.S.Short Apium leptophyllum ( Pers.) F.Muell. Apium prostratum Labill. exVent. subsp. prostratum Apium prostratum var. filiforme ( A.Rich.) Kirk Apium prostratum Vent. var. prostratum Australian Carrot Australian Lilaeopsis Azorella cuneifolia ( F.Muell.) Benth. Azorella lanceolata Labill. Berula W.D.J.Koch Berula erecta ( Huds.) Coville Bishop's Weed Bupleurum L. Bupleurum semicompositum L. Carrot Carum petroselinum ( L.) Benth. & Hook.f. Caucalis arvensis Huds. Celery Centella L. Centella Centella cordifolia ( Hook.f.) Nannf. Conium L. Conium maculatum L. Crantzia polyantha Gand. Cyclospermum Lag. Cyclospermum leptophyllum ( Pers.) Sprague exBritton & P.Wilson Daucus L. Daucus carota L. Daucus glochidiatus ( Labill.) Fisch., C.A.Mey. & Ave-Lall. Diplaspis Hook.f. Diplaspis nivis Van den Borre & Henwood Fennel Foeniculum Mill. Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Forest Pennywort Gingidia J.W.Dawson Gingidia harveyana ( F.Muell.) J.W.Dawson Gingidium J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. Gingidium glaciale F.Muell. Gingidium simplicifolium F.Muell. Hairy Pennywort Heath Platysace Hemlock Hydrocotyle L. Hydrocotyle acutiloba ( F.Muell.) N.A.Wakef. Hydrocotyle algida N.A.Wakef. Hydrocotyle bonariensis Lam. Hydrocotyle callicarpa Bunge Hydrocotyle capillaris F.Muell. exKlatt Hydrocotyle comocarpa F.Muell. Hydrocotyle cordifolia Hook.f. Hydrocotyle foveolata H.Eichler Hydrocotyle geraniifolia F.Muell. Hydrocotyle hirta R.Br. exA.Rich. Hydrocotyle hirta var. acutiloba F.Muell. Hydrocotyle laxiflora DC. Hydrocotyle medicaginoides Turcz. Hydrocotyle muscosa R.Br. exA.Rich. Hydrocotyle peduncularis R.Br. exA.Rich. Hydrocotyle pilifera Turcz. Hydrocotyle pterocarpa F.Muell. Hydrocotyle rugulosa Turcz. Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides Lam. Hydrocotyle tripartita R.Br. exA.Rich. Hydrocotyle verticillata Thunb. Hydrocotyle vulgaris L. Island Celery Knotted Hedge-Parsley Lilaeopsis Greene Lilaeopsis polyantha ( Gand.) H.Eichler Mallee Pennywort Mossy Pennywort Mountain Aciphyll Mountain Celery Oenanthe L. Oenanthe pimpinelloides L. Oschatzia Walp. Oschatzia cuneifolia ( F.Muell.) Drude Parsley Parsnip Pastinaca L. Pastinaca sativa L. Petroselinum Hill Petroselinum crispum ( Mill.) Fuss Petroselinum filiforme A.Rich. Pimpinella leptophylla Pers. Platysace Bunge Platysace ericoides ( Sieber exSpreng.) C.Norman Platysace heterophylla ( Benth.) C.Norman var. heterophylla Platysace lanceolata ( Labill.) Druce Pozoa cuneifolia F.Muell. Pozoa fragosea F.Muell. Scandix glochidiata Labill. Schizeilema ( Hook.f.) Domin Schizeilema fragoseum ( F.Muell.) Domin Sea Celery Seseli harveyanum F.Muell. Shield Pennywort Shrubby Platysace Siebera heterophylla Benth. Sium erectum Huds. Sium latifolium var. univittatum J.M.Black Slender Celery Slender Pennywort Slender Platysace Snow Aciphyll Snow Pennywort Spreading Hedge-Parsley Stiff Diplaspis Stinking Pennywort Tordylium nodosum L. Torilis Adans. Torilis arvensis ( Huds.) Link Torilis nodosa ( L.) Gaertn. Trachymene billardierei ( Benth.) F.Muell. Trachymene ericoides Sieber exSpreng. Trachymene heterophylla ( Benth.) F.Muell. exTate Trachymene lanceolata ( Labill.) Spreng. Water Dropwort Water Parsnip Wedge Oschatzia Wing Pennywort Yellow Pennywort
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