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A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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Names in this reference:
Acronychia acidula F.Muell. Acronychia acronychioides ( F.Muell.) T.G.Hartley Acronychia acuminata T.G.Hartley Acronychia baeuerlenii T.G.Hartley Acronychia chooreechillum ( F.M.Bailey) C.T.White Acronychia crassipetala T.G.Hartley Acronychia eungellensis T.G.Hartley & B.Hyland Acronychia littoralis T.G.Hartley & J.B.Williams Acronychia oblongifolia ( A.Cunn. exHook.) Endl. exHeynh. Acronychia octandra ( F.Muell.) T.G.Hartley Acronychia parviflora C.T.White Acronychia pauciflora C.T.White Acronychia pubescens ( F.M.Bailey) C.T.White Acronychia sp. (Batavia Downs J.R.Clarkson+ 8511) Acronychia suberosa C.T.White Acronychia vestita F.Muell. Boronia sp. (Aranbanga Creek P.Grimshaw+ PG2597) Boronia sp. (Nathan Gorge N.H.Speck 1925) Boronia sp. (Warang R.J.Cumming 9671) Boronia sp. (Yarrowmere R.J.Henderson H2853) Bosistoa medicinalis ( F.Muell.) T.G.Hartley Bosistoa pentacocca ( F.Muell.) Baill. Bosistoa pentacocca var. connaricarpa ( Domin) T.G.Hartley Bosistoa pentacocca ( F.Muell.) Baill. var. pentacocca Bosistoa transversa J.F.Bailey & C.T.White Brombya platynema F.Muell. Brombya sp. (Gap Creek L.S.Smith 11116) Casimiroa edulis La Llave Clausena brevistyla Oliv. Clausena smyrelliana P.I.Forst. Dinosperma erythrococcum ( F.Muell.) T.G.Hartley Dinosperma melanophloium ( C.T.White) T.G.Hartley Dinosperma stipitatum ( C.T.White & W.D.Francis) T.G.Hartley Drummondita calida ( F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson Euodia hylandii T.G.Hartley Euodia pubifolia T.G.Hartley Flindersia acuminata C.T.White Flindersia australis R.Br. Flindersia bennettiana F.Muell. exBenth. Flindersia bourjotiana F.Muell. Flindersia brassii T.G.Hartley & B.Hyland Flindersia brayleyana F.Muell. Flindersia collina F.M.Bailey Flindersia dissosperma ( F.Muell.) Domin Flindersia ifflana F.Muell. Flindersia laevicarpa C.T.White & W.D.Francis Flindersia maculosa ( Lindl.) Benth. Flindersia oppositifolia ( F.Muell.) T.G.Hartley & Jessup Flindersia pimenteliana F.Muell. Flindersia schottiana F.Muell. Flindersia sp. (Altanmoui Range D.G.Fell+ DGF3203) Flindersia xanthoxyla ( A.Cunn. exHook.) Domin Geijera paniculata ( F.Muell.) Druce Geijera parviflora Lindl. Geijera salicifolia Schott Leionema ambiens ( F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson x Leionema rotundifolium ( A.Cunn. exEndl.) Paul G.Wilson Lunasia amara Blanco Medicosma cunninghamii ( Hook.) Benth. & Hook.f. Medicosma elliptica T.G.Hartley Medicosma fareana ( F.Muell.) T.G.Hartley Medicosma glandulosa T.G.Hartley Medicosma obovata T.G.Hartley Medicosma riparia ( P.Royen) T.G.Hartley Medicosma sessiliflora ( C.T.White) T.G.Hartley Medicosma sp. (Karnak P.I.Forster+ PIF15541) Medicosma sp. (Mt Mellum P.I.Forster+ PIF25572) Murraya koenigii ( L.) Spreng. Murraya ovatifoliolata ( Engl.) Domin Murraya paniculata ( L.) Jack Murraya paniculata ‘Exotica’ Phebalium nottii ( F.Muell.) Maiden & Betche Phebalium squamulosum Vent. subsp. squamulosum Phebalium woombye ( F.M.Bailey) Domin Zanthoxylum brachyacanthum F.Muell. Zanthoxylum nitidum ( Roxb.) DC. Zanthoxylum ovalifolium Wight Zanthoxylum rhetsa ( Roxb.) DC. Zanthoxylum veneficum F.M.Bailey Zieria arborescens Sims Zieria aspalathoides A.Cunn. exBenth. Zieria aspalathoides A.Cunn. exBenth. subsp. aspalathoides Zieria aspalathoides var. (Springsure L.Cockburn AQ195493) Zieria aspalathoides var. intermedia C.T.White Zieria aspalathoides var. obovata C.T.White Zieria collina C.T.White Zieria cytisoides Sm. Zieria fraseri subsp. (Messines C.E.Hubbard 3965) Zieria furfuracea R.Br. exBenth. Zieria furfuracea subsp. (Belmont Scrub Unknown AQ152898) Zieria furfuracea subsp. (Kin Kin V.K.Moriarty 134) Zieria granulata var. adenodonta F.Muell. Zieria laevigata Bonpl. Zieria laevigata subsp. (Wyberba T.L.Ryan 37) Zieria laxiflora ( Benth.) Domin Zieria minutiflora Domin Zieria minutiflora subsp. (Danbulla L.J.Webb+ 5732) Zieria rimulosa C.T.White Zieria smithii Andrews Zieria sp. (Amiens L.Pedley 1518) Zieria sp. (Binjour P.I.Forster PIF14134) Zieria sp. (Brolga Park A.R.Bean 1002) Zieria sp. (Coominglah A.R.Bean+ 8959) Zieria sp. (Lamington G.Leiper AQ502702) Zieria sp. (Monogorilby P.I.Forster PIF1004) Zieria sp. (Mooloolaba G.Leiper AQ636552) Zieria sp. (Mt Ballow G.Leiper AQ473220) Zieria sp. (Mt Larcom N.Gibson TO18) Zieria sp. (Pieter Botte M.Godwin C2471) Zieria sp. (Russell River S.Johnson in 1892) Zieria sp. (Thornton Peak J.R.Clarkson 5556)
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