Vascular Plants

A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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Rye, B.L. (5 December 2007), A review of the sectional classification of Dicrastylis (Lamiaceae: Chloantheae) and four new arid-zone species from Western Australia. Nuytsia 17 : 289-324 (Paper) Rye, B.L. Author
Names in this reference:
  1. Dicrastylis beveridgei F.Muell.
  2. Dicrastylis beveridgei subsp. revoluta Munir
  3. Dicrastylis beveridgei var. lanata Munir
  4. Dicrastylis brunnea Munir
  5. Dicrastylis brunnea Munir var. brunnea
  6. Dicrastylis brunnea var. pedunculata Munir
  7. Dicrastylis capitellata Munir
  8. Dicrastylis carnegiei Hemsl.
  9. Dicrastylis cordifolia Munir
  10. Dicrastylis cordifolia var. barnettii Munir
  11. Dicrastylis cordifolia var. purpurea Munir
  12. Dicrastylis costelloi F.M.Bailey
  13. Dicrastylis costelloi var. eriantha (F.Muell.) Munir
  14. Dicrastylis costelloi var. globulifera Munir
  15. Dicrastylis costelloi var. violacea Munir
  16. Dicrastylis cundeeleensis Rye
  17. Dicrastylis doranii F.Muell.
  18. Dicrastylis doranii var. eriantha F.Muell.
  19. Dicrastylis exsuccosa (F.Muell.) Druce
  20. Dicrastylis exsuccosa f. albo-lutea Munir
  21. Dicrastylis exsuccosa f. lachnophylla Munir
  22. Dicrastylis exsuccosa subsp. cinerea Munir
  23. Dicrastylis exsuccosa subsp. elliptica Munir
  24. Dicrastylis exsuccosa subsp. wilsonii Munir
  25. Dicrastylis exsuccosa var. lanceolata Munir
  26. Dicrastylis exsuccosa var. tomentosa Munir
  27. Dicrastylis flexuosa (W.R.Price) C.A.Gardner
  28. Dicrastylis georgei Munir
  29. Dicrastylis georgei var. cuneata Munir
  30. Dicrastylis gilesii F.Muell.
  31. Dicrastylis gilesii f. brevipila Munir
  32. Dicrastylis gilesii f. densa Munir
  33. Dicrastylis gilesii f. irregularis Munir
  34. Dicrastylis gilesii var. bagotensis Munir
  35. Dicrastylis gilesii var. laxa Munir
  36. Dicrastylis kumarinensis Rye
  37. Dicrastylis microphylla Munir
  38. Dicrastylis mitchellii Rye
  39. Dicrastylis nicholasii F.Muell.
  40. Dicrastylis petermannensis Munir
  41. Dicrastylis sect. Pyramidatae Munir
  42. Dicrastylis sect. Spicatae Munir
  43. Dicrastylis sect. Verticillatae Munir
  44. Dicrastylis sessilifolia Munir
  45. Dicrastylis sp. Central Ranges (D.J.Edinger, B.Backhouse & G.Marsh DJE2128) WA Herbarium
  46. Dicrastylis sp. Cundeelee (D.J.Pearson 101) WA Herbarium
  47. Dicrastylis sp. Kumarina (A.A.Mitchell 623) WA Herbarium
  48. Dicrastylis sp. Turee Creek (S.Black s.n. PERTH 06344577) WA Herbarium
  49. Dicrastylis subterminalis Rye
  50. Dicrastylis tomentosa Paczk. & A.R.Chapm.
  51. Pityrodia flexuosa W.R.Price

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