Vascular Plants

A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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Macfarlane, T.D. (2006), Personal Communication : null - null (Personal Communication) Macfarlane, T.D. Unknown
Names in this reference:
  1. Eucalyptus sp. West Cape Howe (G.J.Keighery 10001) WA Herbarium
  2. Thysanotus brittanii H.R.White & T.D.Macfarl.
  3. Thysanotus eremophilus H.R.White & T.D.Macfarl.
  4. Thysanotus inaequalis H.R.White & T.D.Macfarl.
  5. Thysanotus kalbarriensis H.R.White & T.D.Macfarl.
  6. Thysanotus solitaster H.R.White & T.D.Macfarl.
  7. Thysanotus sp. Desert East of Newman (R.P.Hart 964) WA Herbarium
  8. Thysanotus sp. Eremaean (S.van Leeuwen 1067) WA Herbarium
  9. Thysanotus sp. Great Victoria Desert (A.S.George 8406) WA Herbarium
  10. Thysanotus sp. Kalbarri (D. & B.Bellairs 1523 A) WA Herbarium
  11. Thysanotus sp. Twining Wheatbelt (N.H.Brittan 81/29) WA Herbarium
  12. Tricoryne arenicola Keighery
  13. Tricoryne eyreana Keighery
  14. Tricoryne robusta Keighery
  15. Tricoryne sp. Eneabba (E.A.Griffin 1200) WA Herbarium
  16. Tricoryne sp. Geraldton (G.J.Keighery 10461) WA Herbarium
  17. Tricoryne sp. Hamersley Range (S. van Leeuwen 915) WA Herbarium
  18. Tricoryne sp. Kimberley (K.F.Kenneally 4857) WA Herbarium
  19. Tricoryne sp. Morawa (G.J.Keighery & N.Gibson 6759) WA Herbarium
  20. Tricoryne sp. Mullewa (G.J.Keighery 12080) WA Herbarium
  21. Tricoryne sp. South Coast (T.E.H.Aplin 2653) WA Herbarium
  22. Tricoryne sp. Wongan Hills (B.H.Smith 794) WA Herbarium
  23. Tricoryne spinosa Keighery
  24. Tricoryne thiniigena Keighery
  25. Tricoryne tropica Keighery
  26. Tricoryne trudgeniana Keighery
  27. Tricoryne tuberosa Paczk. & A.R.Chapm.

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