Vascular Plants

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Entwisle, T.J. in Walsh, N.G. & Entwisle, T.J. (ed.) (1994), Ferns and Allied Plants. Flora of Victoria Edn. 1, 2 : 13-113 (Section) Entwisle, T.J. Unknown
Names in this reference:
  1. Acrostichum barbarum L.
  2. Adiantaceae Newman
  3. Adiantum L.
  4. Adiantum aethiopicum L.
  5. Adiantum capillus-veneris L.
  6. Adiantum diaphanum Blume
  7. Adiantum formosum R.Br.
  8. Adiantum hispidulum Sw. var. hispidulum
  9. Allantodia R.Br.
  10. Allantodia australis R.Br.
  11. Alpine Filmy-fern
  12. Alpine Finger-fern
  13. Alpine Water-fern
  14. Alsophila australis R.Br.
  15. Alsophila cunninghamii (Hook.f.) R.M.Tryon
  16. Alsophila leichhardtiana F.Muell.
  17. Alsophila x marcescens (N.A.Wakef.) R.M.Tryon
  18. Annual Fern
  19. Anogramma Link
  20. Anogramma leptophylla (L.) Link
  21. Aspidium hispidum Sw.
  22. Aspidium proliferum R.Br.
  23. Aspleniaceae Newman
  24. Asplenium L.
  25. Asplenium adiantoides (L.) C.Chr.
  26. Asplenium adiantoides Lam.
  27. Asplenium aethiopicum (Burm.f.) Bech.
  28. Asplenium bulbiferum subsp. gracillimum (Colenso) Brownsey
  29. Asplenium falcatum Lam.
  30. Asplenium flabellifolium Cav.
  31. Asplenium flaccidum G.Forst. subsp. flaccidum
  32. Asplenium gracillimum Colenso
  33. Asplenium hookerianum Colenso
  34. Asplenium obliquum G.Forst.
  35. Asplenium obtusatum G.Forst.
  36. Asplenium polyodon G.Forst.
  37. Asplenium praemorsum Sw.
  38. Asplenium terrestre Brownsey subsp. terrestre
  39. Asplenium trichomanes L.
  40. Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
  41. Asplenium trichomanes L. subsp. trichomanes
  42. Athyriaceae Alston
  43. Athyrium australe (R.Br.) C.Presl
  44. Athyrium japonicum (Murray) Copel.
  45. Austral Adder's-tongue
  46. Austral Bracken
  47. Austral Filmy-fern
  48. Austral Ground-fern
  49. Austral King-fern
  50. Austral Moonwort
  51. Austral Pillwort
  52. Austral lady-Fern
  53. Azolla Lam.
  54. Azolla filiculoides Lam.
  55. Azolla filiculoides var. rubra (R.Br.) Strasb.
  56. Azolla pinnata R.Br.
  57. Azolla rubra R.Br.
  58. Azollaceae Wettst.
  59. Bat's Wing Fern
  60. Binung (Soft Fern)
  61. Black Stem
  62. Blanket Fern
  63. Blechnaceae Newman
  64. Blechnum L.
  65. Blechnum cartilagineum Sw.
  66. Blechnum chambersii Tindale
  67. Blechnum discolor (G.Forst.) Keyserl.
  68. Blechnum fluviatile (R.Br.) Lowe ex Salomon
  69. Blechnum minus (R.Br.) Ettingsh.
  70. Blechnum nudum (Labill.) Mett. ex Luerss.
  71. Blechnum patersonii (R.Br.) Mett.
  72. Blechnum penna-marina (Poir.) Kuhn
  73. Blechnum procerum (G.Forst.) Sw.
  74. Blechnum vulcanicum (Blume) Kuhn
  75. Blechnum wattsii Tindale
  76. Blechnum x aggregatum (Colenso) Tindale
  77. Bog Clubmoss
  78. Botrychium Sw.
  79. Botrychium australe R.Br.
  80. Botrychium lunaria (L.) Sw.
  81. Bracken
  82. Bristly Cloak-fern
  83. Bristly Shield-fern
  84. Brittle Bladder-fern
  85. Broad Shield-fern
  86. Bushy Clubmoss
  87. Calochlaena (Maxon) M.D.Turner & R.A.White
  88. Calochlaena dubia (R.Br.) M.D.Turner & R.A.White
  89. Cheilanthes Sw.
  90. Cheilanthes amaurorhachis Kunze
  91. Cheilanthes austrotenuifolia H.M.Quirk & T.C.Chambers
  92. Cheilanthes distans (R.Br.) Mett.
  93. Cheilanthes lasiophylla Pic.Serm.
  94. Cheilanthes sieberi Kunze
  95. Cheilanthes tenuifolia var. sieberi (Kunze) Hook.f.
  96. Cheilanthes tenuifolia (Burm.f.) Sw. var. tenuifolia
  97. Chinese Brake
  98. Christella H.Lev.
  99. Christella dentata (Forssk.) Brownsey & Jermy
  100. Common Filmy-fern
  101. Common Finger-fern
  102. Common Ground-fern
  103. Common Maidenhair
  104. Common Nardoo
  105. Common Rasp-fern
  106. Common Spleenwort
  107. Creeping Shield-fern
  108. Ctenopteris Blume ex Kunze
  109. Ctenopteris heterophylla (Labill.) Tindale
  110. Culcita dubia (R.Br.) Maxon
  111. Cyathea Sm.
  112. Cyathea australis (R.Br.) Domin
  113. Cyathea cunninghamii Hook.f.
  114. Cyathea leichhardtiana (F.Muell.) Copel.
  115. Cyathea x marcescens N.A.Wakef.
  116. Cyatheaceae Kaulf.
  117. Cyclophorus serpens (G.Forst.) C.Chr.
  118. Cyclosorus parasiticus (L.) Farw.
  119. Cyclosorus penniger (G.Forst.) Ching
  120. Cyrtomium C.Presl
  121. Cyrtomium falcatum (L.f.) C.Presl
  122. Cystopteris Bernh.
  123. Cystopteris filixfragilis (L.) Borbás
  124. Cystopteris fragilis var. tasmanica (Hook.) Hook.f.
  125. Cystopteris tasmanica Hook.
  126. Davallia Sm.
  127. Davallia dubia R.Br.
  128. Davallia pyxidata Cav.
  129. Davalliaceae M.R.Schomb.
  130. Dennstaedtia Bernh.
  131. Dennstaedtia davallioides (R.Br.) T.Moore
  132. Dennstaedtiaceae Lotsy
  133. Deparia Hook. & Grev.
  134. Deparia petersenii subsp. congrua (Brack.) M.Kato
  135. Dicksonia L'Hér.
  136. Dicksonia antarctica Labill.
  137. Dicksonia davallioides R.Br.
  138. Dicksoniaceae M.R.Schomb.
  139. Diplazium australe (R.Br.) N.A.Wakef.
  140. Diplazium congruum Brack.
  141. Doodia R.Br.
  142. Doodia aspera R.Br.
  143. Doodia caudata (Cav.) R.Br. var. caudata
  144. Doodia media subsp. australis Parris
  145. Downy Ground-fern
  146. Dryopteridaceae Herter
  147. Dryopteris decomposita (R.Br.) Kuntze
  148. Dryopteris dentata (Forssk.) C.Chr.
  149. Dryopteris pennigera (G.Forst.) C.Chr.
  150. Ferny Azolla
  151. Filmy Maidenhair
  152. Fir Clubmoss
  153. Fishbone Water-fern
  154. Forked Comb-fern
  155. Fragrant Fern
  156. Garden Selaginella
  157. Giant Maidenhair
  158. Gipsy Fern
  159. Gleichenia Sm.
  160. Gleichenia circinnata Sw.
  161. Gleichenia dicarpa R.Br.
  162. Gleichenia flabellata R.Br.
  163. Gleichenia laevigata (Willd.) Hook.
  164. Gleichenia microphylla R.Br.
  165. Gleichenia rupestris R.Br.
  166. Gleichenia tenera R.Br.
  167. Gleicheniaceae C.Presl
  168. Grammitidaceae Newman
  169. Grammitis Sw.
  170. Grammitis armstrongii Tindale
  171. Grammitis billardierei Willd.
  172. Grammitis heterophylla Labill.
  173. Grammitis magellanica subsp. nothofageti Parris
  174. Grammitis poeppigiana (Mett.) Pic.Serm.
  175. Grammitis rutifolia R.Br.
  176. Gristle-fern
  177. Hard Water-Fern
  178. Hare's-foot Fern
  179. Harsh Ground-fern
  180. Histiopteris (J.Agardh) J.Sm.
  181. Histiopteris incisa (Thunb.) J.Sm.
  182. Holly Fern
  183. Huperzia Bernh.
  184. Huperzia australiana (Herter) Holub
  185. Huperzia varia (R.Br.) Trevis.
  186. Hymenophyllaceae Mart.
  187. Hymenophyllum Sm.
  188. Hymenophyllum australe Willd.
  189. Hymenophyllum cupressiforme Labill.
  190. Hymenophyllum dilatatum (G.Forst.) Sw.
  191. Hymenophyllum flabellatum Labill.
  192. Hymenophyllum peltatum (Poir.) Desv.
  193. Hymenophyllum rarum R.Br.
  194. Hymenophyllum tunbrigense (L.) Sm.
  195. Hypolepis Bernh.
  196. Hypolepis amaurorachis (Kunze) Hook.
  197. Hypolepis australis N.A.Wakef.
  198. Hypolepis elegans Carruth. subsp. elegans
  199. Hypolepis glandulifera Brownsey & Chinnock
  200. Hypolepis muelleri N.A.Wakef.
  201. Hypolepis punctata (Thunb.) Mett. ex Kuhn
  202. Hypolepis rugosula (Labill.) J.Sm.
  203. Hypolepis subantarctica Brownsey & Chinnock
  204. Isoetaceae Rchb.
  205. Isoetes L.
  206. Isoetes drummondii A.Braun
  207. Isoetes drummondii subsp. anomala C.R.Marsden & Chinnock
  208. Isoetes drummondii A.Braun subsp. drummondii
  209. Isoetes humilior F.Muell. ex A.Braun
  210. Isoetes muelleri A.Braun
  211. Isoetes pusilla C.R.Marsden & Chinnock
  212. Jungle Brake
  213. Jungle Bristle-fern
  214. Kangaroo Fern
  215. Lacy Ground-fern
  216. Lacy Wedge-fern
  217. Lady Fern
  218. Lance Water-fern
  219. Lastrea acuminata Houlston
  220. Lastreopsis Ching
  221. Lastreopsis acuminata (Houlston) C.V.Morton
  222. Lastreopsis decomposita (R.Br.) Tindale
  223. Lastreopsis hispida (Sw.) Tindale
  224. Lastreopsis microsora (Endl.) Tindale
  225. Lastreopsis shepherdii (Kunze ex Mett.) Tindale
  226. Leathery Shield-fern
  227. Lime Fern
  228. Lindsaea Dryand. ex Sm.
  229. Lindsaea cuneata (G.Forst.) C.Chr.
  230. Lindsaea linearis Sw.
  231. Lindsaea microphylla Sw.
  232. Lindsaea trichomanoides Dryand.
  233. Lindsaeaceae C.Presl ex M.R.Schomb.
  234. Lomaria alpina (R.Br.) Spreng.
  235. Lomaria patersonii (R.Br.) Spreng.
  236. Lomaria vulcanica Blume
  237. Long Clubmoss
  238. Long Fork-fern
  239. Lunathyrium japonicum (Murray) Kurata
  240. Lycopodiaceae P.Beauv. ex Mirb.
  241. Lycopodiella Holub
  242. Lycopodiella lateralis (R.Br.) B.Øllg.
  243. Lycopodiella serpentina (Kunze) B.Øllg.
  244. Lycopodium L.
  245. Lycopodium australianum Herter
  246. Lycopodium carolinianum L.
  247. Lycopodium deuterodensum Herter
  248. Lycopodium fastigiatum R.Br.
  249. Lycopodium gracillimum Kunze
  250. Lycopodium kraussianum Kunze
  251. Lycopodium laterale R.Br.
  252. Lycopodium nudum L.
  253. Lycopodium scariosum G.Forst.
  254. Lycopodium selago L.
  255. Lycopodium serpentinum Kunze
  256. Lycopodium uliginosum Labill.
  257. Lycopodium varium R.Br.
  258. Macroglena (C.Presl) Copel.
  259. Macroglena caudata (Brack.) Copel.
  260. Maidenhair Spleenwort
  261. Marsilea L.
  262. Marsilea angustifolia R.Br.
  263. Marsilea costulifera D.L.Jones
  264. Marsilea drummondii A.Braun
  265. Marsilea hirsuta R.Br.
  266. Marsilea hirsuta var. nardu Entwisle
  267. Marsilea mutica Mett.
  268. Marsilea sp.
  269. Marsileaceae Mirb.
  270. Mecodium australe (Willd.) Copel.
  271. Mecodium flabellatum (Labill.) Copel.
  272. Mecodium rarum (R.Br.) Copel.
  273. Microsorum Link
  274. Microsorum diversifolium (Willd.) Copel.
  275. Microsorum pustulatum (G.Forst.) Copel.
  276. Microsorum scandens (G.Forst.) Tindale
  277. Moonwort
  278. Mother Shield-fern
  279. Mother Spleenwort
  280. Mountain Clubmoss
  281. Narrow Comb-fern
  282. Narrow Filmy-fern
  283. Narrow Rock-fern
  284. Narrow-leaf Nardoo
  285. Necklace Fern
  286. Nephrodium decompositum R.Br.
  287. Nephrodium microsorum Endl.
  288. Netted Brake
  289. Notholaena distans R.Br.
  290. Onoclea nuda Labill.
  291. Ophioglossaceae Martinov
  292. Ophioglossum L.
  293. Ophioglossum coriaceum A.Cunn.
  294. Ophioglossum lusitanicum L.
  295. Ophioglossum petiolatum Hook.
  296. Ophioglossum polyphyllum A.Braun
  297. Osmunda lunaria L.
  298. Osmundaceae Martinov
  299. Oval Fork-fern
  300. Oval Wedge-fern
  301. Pacific Azolla
  302. Parsley Fern
  303. Pellaea Link
  304. Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée
  305. Pellaea falcata var. nana Hook.
  306. Phylloglossum Kunze
  307. Phylloglossum drummondii Kunze
  308. Pilularia L.
  309. Pilularia novae-hollandiae A.Braun
  310. Plain Quillwort
  311. Pleurosorus Fée
  312. Pleurosorus rutifolius (R.Br.) Fée
  313. Pneumatopteris Nakai
  314. Pneumatopteris pennigera (G.Forst.) Holttum
  315. Polyphlebium Copel.
  316. Polyphlebium venosum (R.Br.) Copel.
  317. Polypodiaceae J.Presl & C.Presl
  318. Polypodium adiantiformis G.Forst.
  319. Polypodium dentatum Forssk.
  320. Polypodium falcatum L.f.
  321. Polypodium leptophyllum L.
  322. Polypodium penna-marina Poir.
  323. Polypodium pennigerum G.Forst.
  324. Polypodium poeppigianum Mett.
  325. Polypodium pustulatum G.Forst.
  326. Polypodium rugosulum Labill.
  327. Polypodium rupestre R.Br.
  328. Polypodium scandens G.Forst.
  329. Polystichum Roth
  330. Polystichum aculeatum (L.) Roth
  331. Polystichum adiantiforme (G.Forst.) J.Sm.
  332. Polystichum formosum Tindale
  333. Polystichum hispidum (Sw.) J.Sm.
  334. Polystichum proliferum (R.Br.) C.Presl
  335. Pouched Coral-fern
  336. Prickly Rasp-fern
  337. Prickly Tree-fern
  338. Psilotaceae J.W.Griff. & Henfr.
  339. Psilotum Sw.
  340. Psilotum nudum (L.) P.Beauv.
  341. Pteridaceae E.D.M.Kirchn.
  342. Pteridium Gled. ex Scop.
  343. Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn
  344. Pteridium esculentum (G.Forst.) Cockayne
  345. Pteris L.
  346. Pteris comans G.Forst.
  347. Pteris confluens Thunb.
  348. Pteris esculenta G.Forst.
  349. Pteris falcata R.Br.
  350. Pteris incisa Thunb.
  351. Pteris tremula R.Br.
  352. Pteris umbrosa R.Br.
  353. Pteris vittata L.
  354. Pygmy Clubmoss
  355. Pyrrosia Mirb.
  356. Pyrrosia rupestris (R.Br.) Ching
  357. Rainbow Fern
  358. Ray Water-fern
  359. Rock Felt-fern
  360. Rock Fern
  361. Rough Comb-Fern
  362. Rough Maidenhair
  363. Rough Tree-fern
  364. Ruddy Ground-fern
  365. Rumohra Raddi
  366. Rumohra adiantiformis (G.Forst.) Ching
  367. Schizaea Sm.
  368. Schizaea asperula N.A.Wakef.
  369. Schizaea bifida Willd.
  370. Schizaea fistulosa Labill.
  371. Schizaeaceae Kaulf.
  372. Scrambling Coral-fern
  373. Screw Fern
  374. Selaginella P.Beauv.
  375. Selaginella gracillima (Kunze) Spring ex Salomon
  376. Selaginella kraussiana (Kunze) A.Braun
  377. Selaginella preissiana Spring
  378. Selaginella uliginosa (Labill.) Spring
  379. Selaginellaceae Willk.
  380. Shield Hare's-foot
  381. Shiny Fan-fern
  382. Shiny Filmy-fern
  383. Shiny Shield-fern
  384. Shore Spleenwort
  385. Short-fruit Nardoo
  386. Shredded Spleenwort
  387. Sickle Fern
  388. Sickle Spleenwort
  389. Silky Fan-Fern
  390. Skeleton Fork-fern
  391. Skirted Tree-fern
  392. Slender Clubmoss
  393. Slender Tree-fern
  394. Small Fork-fern
  395. Small Quillwort
  396. Small Rasp-fern
  397. Smooth Nardoo
  398. Soft Tree-fern
  399. Soft Water-fern
  400. Sphaeropteris australis (C.Presl) R.M.Tryon
  401. Spreading Clubmoss
  402. Spreading Fan Fern
  403. Stalked Adder's-tongue
  404. Stegania alpina R.Br.
  405. Stegania fluviatilis R.Br.
  406. Stegania minor R.Br.
  407. Stegania patersonii R.Br.
  408. Sticherus C.Presl
  409. Sticherus flabellatus (R.Br.) H.St.John
  410. Sticherus lobatus N.A.Wakef.
  411. Sticherus tener (R.Br.) Ching
  412. Strap Water-fern
  413. Swamp Selaginella
  414. Tender Brake
  415. Thelypteridaceae Pic.Serm.
  416. Thelypteris Schmidel
  417. Thelypteris confluens (Thunb.) C.V.Morton
  418. Tiny Selaginella
  419. Tmesipteris Bernh.
  420. Tmesipteris billardierei Endl.
  421. Tmesipteris elongata P.A.Dang.
  422. Tmesipteris obliqua Chinnock
  423. Tmesipteris ovata N.A.Wakef.
  424. Tmesipteris parva N.A.Wakef.
  425. Todea Willd. ex Bernh.
  426. Todea barbara (L.) T.Moore
  427. Trichomanes aethiopicum Burm.f.
  428. Trichomanes caudatum Brack.
  429. Trichomanes humile G.Forst.
  430. Trichomanes peltatum Poir.
  431. Trichomanes venosum R.Br.
  432. Veined Bristle-fern
  433. Wedge Water-Fern
  434. Weeping Spleenwort
  435. Wiry Coral Fern
  436. Woodwardia caudata Cav.
  437. Woolly Cloak-fern

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