A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
- At the bottom of this page are the citable links to this Instance object or just use the icon. You can "right click" in most browsers to copy it or open it in a new browser tab.
Names in this reference:
Acanthocarpus Lehm. Agavaceae Dumort. Agrostocrinum F.Muell. Alania Endl. Anomatheca Ker Gawl. Arnocrinum Endl. & Lehm. Arthropodium R.Br. Asparagus asparagoides ( L.) W.Wight Asphodelaceae Juss. Astelia Banks & Sol. exR.Br. Asteliaceae Dumort. Babiana Ker Gawl. exSims Baxteria R.Br. exHook. Blackboy Blandfordia Sm. Blandfordiaceae R.Dahlgren & Clifford Blind Grass Borya Labill. Bridal Creeper Burmannia L. Burmannia coelestis D.Don Burmannia disticha L. Burmannia juncea R.Br. Burmanniaceae Blume Calectasia R.Br. Calectasiaceae Schnizl. Campynema Labill. Campynemataceae Dumort. Candyup Poison Chamaexeros Benth. Chasmanthe N.E.Br. Chlorophytum Ker Gawl. Christmas Bells Corsia Becc. Corsia ornata Becc. Corynotheca F.Muell. exBenth. Crocosmia Planch. Dasypogon R.Br. Dasypogonaceae Dumort. Dianella Lam. Dierama K.Koch Dietes Salisb. exKlatt Dioscorea L. Diplarrena Labill. Doryanthaceae R.Dahlgren & Clifford Doryanthes Correa Doryanthes excelsa Correa Doryanthes palmeri W.Hill exBenth. Dracaena angustifolia ( Medik.) Roxb. Drymophila R.Br. Fairy Lanterns Ferraria Burm. exMill. Flax Lillies Freesia Klatt Fringed Lily Gladiolus L. Grasstree Gymea Lilly Gynandriris Parl. Hensmania W.Fitzg. Herbertia Sweet Herpolirion Hook.f. Hesperantha Ker Gawl. Hodgsoniola F.Muell. Hypoxidaceae R.Br. Hypoxis L. Iridaceae Juss. Iris L. Isophysis T.Moore Ixia L. Johnsonia R.Br. Kingia R.Br. Kreysigia Rchb. Kuntheria Conran & Clifford Laxmannia R.Br. Libertia Spreng. Lilium L. Lomandra Labill. Mat Rushes Milligania Hook.f. Murchisonia Brittan Neoastelia J.B.Williams Nodding Blue Lilly Orthrosanthes Raf. Paper Lily Patersonia R.Br. Pleomele Salisb. Pleomele angustifolia ( Medik.) N.E.Br. Romulea Maratti Schelhammera R.Br. Sisyrinchium L. Smilacaceae Vent. Smilax L. Smilax Sowerbaea Sm. Sparaxis Ker Gawl. Stawellia F.Muell. Stemona Lour. Stemonaceae Caruel Stypandra R.Br. Tacca J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. Taccaceae Dumort. Thismia Griff. Thismia rodwayi F.Muell. Thismiaceae J.Agardh Thysanotus R.Br. Tricoryne R.Br. Tripladenia D.Don Tritonia Ker Gawl. Watsonia Mill. Xanthorrhoea Sol. exSm. Xanthorrhoeaceae Dumort. Xerolirion A.S.George Yacca
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