Vascular Plants

A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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Mabberley, D.J. (29 May 1998), Australian Citreae with notes on other Aurantioideae (Rutaceae). Telopea 7(4) : 333-344 (Paper) Mabberley, D.J. Author
Names in this reference:
  1. Atalantia glauca (Lindl.) Benth.
  2. Atalantia glauca var. inermis F.M.Bailey
  3. Atalantia recurva Benth.
  4. Atalantia trimera Oliv.
  5. Australian Desert Lime
  6. Australian Lime
  7. Chinese Box
  8. Citrus L.
  9. Citrus australasica F.Muell.
  10. Citrus australis (A.Cunn. ex Mudie) Planch.
  11. Citrus cataphracta W.Hill
  12. Citrus garrawayi F.M.Bailey
  13. Citrus glauca (Lindl.) Burkill
  14. Citrus gracilis Mabb.
  15. Citrus inodora F.M.Bailey
  16. Citrus inodorus F.M.Bailey
  17. Citrus maideniana Domin
  18. Citrus planchonii F.Muell.
  19. Citrus x virgata Mabb.
  20. Desert Kumquat
  21. Eremocitrus Swingle
  22. Eremocitrus glauca (Lindl.) Swingle
  23. Finger Lime
  24. Jessamine
  25. Lime Bush
  26. Limonia ? australis A.Cunn. ex Mudie
  27. Luvunga Buch.-Ham. ex Wight & Arn.
  28. Luvunga monophylla (DC.) Mabb.
  29. Microcitrus Swingle
  30. Microcitrus australasica (F.Muell.) Swingle
  31. Microcitrus australis (A.Cunn. ex Mudie) Swingle
  32. Microcitrus garrawayi (F.M.Bailey) Swingle
  33. Microcitrus inodora (F.M.Bailey) Swingle
  34. Microcitrus maideniana (Domin) Swingle
  35. Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack
  36. Native Lime
  37. North Queensland Lime
  38. Orange Jasmine
  39. Paramignya trimera (Oliv.) Burkill
  40. Russell River Lime
  41. Triphasia glauca Lindl.
  42. Triphasia monophylla DC.

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