Vascular Plants

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Briggs, J.D. & Leigh, J.H. (1988), Rare or Threatened Australian Plants : null - null (Book) Briggs, J.D. & Leigh, J.H. Author
Names in this reference:
  1. Acacia sp. 1 (Wadbilliga NP)
  2. Acacia sp. 10 (aff. victoriae;Nullagine)
  3. Acacia sp. 11 (Wongan Hills)
  4. Acacia sp. 12 (Chiddarcooping)
  5. Acacia sp. 2 (N.E. of Coolanie)
  6. Acacia sp. 3 (Lincoln N.P.)
  7. Acacia sp. 4 (Mt.Banda Banda-New England)
  8. Acacia sp. 5 (Lakeland Downs)
  9. Acacia sp. 6 (Lappa, Sandy Tate River)
  10. Acacia sp. 7 (Weipa)
  11. Acacia sp. 8 (Whitsunday Islands)
  12. Acacia sp. 9 (Corackerup)
  13. Acana sp. 1 (Henrietta Creek)
  14. Acomis sp. 1 (Alice River)
  15. Aidia sp. 1 (Cowley Beach)
  16. Albizia sp. 1 (Windsor Tableland)
  17. Alectryon sp. 1 (Cordalba)
  18. Alexgeorgia J.D.Briggs & Leigh
  19. Alexgeorgia sp. 1 (nr. Mt. Frankland)
  20. Allocasuarina sp. 1 (Castlereagh-Agnes Banks)
  21. Allocasuarina sp. 2 (Sydney Harbour NP)
  22. Allocasuarina sp. 3 (Glasshouse Mts.)
  23. Allocasuarina sp. 4 (Mt. Coolum)
  24. Allocasuarina sp. 5 (Mt. Emu)
  25. Anacolosa sp. 1 (Chester River)
  26. Antrophyum sp. 1 (Blue Pool)
  27. Apatophyllum sp. 1 (Expedition Range)
  28. Argyrodendron sp. 1 (Boonjie)
  29. Argyrodendron sp. 1 (Boonjie; B.Hyland 2139RFK)
  30. Argyrodendron sp. 2 (Whyanbeel)
  31. Arnocrinum sp. 1 (Gadgingarra-Eneabba)
  32. Artabotrys sp. 1 (Claudie River)
  33. Arytera sp. 1 (Bamaga)
  34. Asplenium sp. 1 (Atherton Tableland)
  35. Asplenium sp. 2 (McIlwraith Range)
  36. Asterolasia sp. 1 (aff.U.phebalioides;Mt.Lesr.)
  37. Asystasia sp. 1 (Newcastle Bay)
  38. Austromuellera sp. (Mt. Lewis)
  39. Austromyrtus sp. 1 (Bamaga)
  40. Austromyrtus sp. 2 (Blackall Range)
  41. Austromyrtus sp. 3 (Beyerstown Range)
  42. Austromyrtus sp. 4 (Claudie River)
  43. Austromyrtus sp. 5 (McIlwraith Range)
  44. Austromyrtus sp. 6 (Mt. Lewis)
  45. Beaufortia sp. 1 (Brookton-Corrigen)
  46. Beilschmiedia sp. 1 (Boonjee)
  47. Beilschmiedia sp. 2 (China Camp)
  48. Beilschmiedia sp. 3 (McIlwraith Range)
  49. Bergia sp. 1 (Andado & Tanami areas)
  50. Bertya sp. 1 (Dangar Falls)
  51. Bertya sp. 2 (Mt. Coolum)
  52. Boronia sp. 1 (Hinchinbrook Island)
  53. Boronia sp. 2 (Jedda Creek)
  54. Boronia sp. 3 (Massy Creek, Rocky River)
  55. Boronia sp. 4 (Mt. Mulligan)
  56. Bosistoa sp. 1 (Biggenden)
  57. Bossiaea sp. (McIvor River)
  58. Brachychiton sp. 1 (Laura)
  59. Brachychiton sp. 2 (MacIlwraith Range)
  60. Brachychiton sp. 3 (Mt. Carbine)
  61. Brachychiton sp. 4 (Mt. Dryander)
  62. Brachychiton sp. 5 (Mt. Isa)
  63. Brachysema sp. 1 (Cranbrook - Mt. Barker)
  64. Buckinghamia sp. (Noah Creek)
  65. Caladenia sp. 1 (S.Swan Coastal Plain)
  66. Caladenia sp. 10 (jarrah forest)
  67. Caladenia sp. 11 (Cape Naturaliste)
  68. Caladenia sp. 12 (Murchison)
  69. Caladenia sp. 13 (Esperance)
  70. Caladenia sp. 14 (Walpole-Nornalup)
  71. Caladenia sp. 15 (Cape Naturaliste)
  72. Caladenia sp. 2 (Dunsborough)
  73. Caladenia sp. 3 (Salt Lakes)
  74. Caladenia sp. 4 (Muir)
  75. Caladenia sp. 5 (Southern forests)
  76. Caladenia sp. 6 (Moresby Range)
  77. Caladenia sp. 7 (Coastal Plain)
  78. Caladenia sp. 8 (Leeuwin-Naturaliste N.P.)
  79. Caladenia sp. 9 (Northampton)
  80. Calandrinia sp. (Milray area)
  81. Callistemon sp. 1 (Boulia)
  82. Callitris sp. 1 (aff. oblonga) (Tasmania)
  83. Calytrix sp. 1 (Teutonic)
  84. Canthium sp. 1 (Thornton Peak)
  85. Canthium sp. 2 (Thursday Island)
  86. Ceratopetalum sp. 1 (Mt. Hemmant)
  87. Ceratopetalum sp. 2 (Mt. Spurgeon)
  88. Chamaexeros sp. 1 (Walpole N.P.)
  89. Chamelaucium sp. 1 (Cape Riche)
  90. Chamelaucium sp. 2 (S. Coastal Plain)
  91. Chamelaucium sp. 3 (Busselton)
  92. Cheilanthes sp. (Prince Regent NT)
  93. Chorizema sp. 1 (90 Mile Tank-Grasspatch)
  94. Commersonia sp. 1 (Cadarga)
  95. Conostephium sp. 1 (Mt. Heywood-near Grasspatch)
  96. Corsia sp. 1 (Herbeton Range)
  97. Corybas sp. 1 (Albany)
  98. Croton sp. (Maria Island)
  99. Croton sp. (Prince Regent NR)
  100. Cryptandra sp. 1 (Barakula)
  101. Cryptandra sp. 2 (Mt. Mulligan)
  102. Cryptandra sp. 3 (West Bald Rock)
  103. Cryptocarya sp. 1 (Dorrigo area)
  104. Cryptocarya sp. 2 (New England area)
  105. Cryptocarya sp. 3 (Willi Willi Caves - Carrai)
  106. Cryptocarya sp. 4 (Bamaga)
  107. Cryptocarya sp. 5 (Bellenden Ker)
  108. Cryptocarya sp. 6 (Claudie River)
  109. Cryptocarya sp. 7 (Iron Range)
  110. Danthonia sp. 1 (February Plains)
  111. Danthonia sp. 2 (Hibbs Pyramid)
  112. Darwinia sp. 1 (Stirling Range)
  113. Darwinia sp. 2. (Mt. Mulligan)
  114. Darwinia sp. 3 (sp."A"; N.E. of Mt.Ridley)
  115. Darwinia sp. 4 (sp."C"; N.W. of Mt.Baring)
  116. Darwinia sp. 5 (sp."G"; Cascades North)
  117. Darwinia sp. 6 (Scott River)
  118. Davidsonia sp. (Mullumbimby - Currumbin Ck.)
  119. Daviesia sp. (Wadbilliga NP - Deua NP)
  120. Daviesia sp. 1 (sp."ple"; Cape Range)
  121. Daviesia sp. 10 (sp. "rub"; Merdn-Holt R.-Pk.Chis)
  122. Daviesia sp. 11 (sp. "ham"; Moora-Brktn-Gnarlbine)
  123. Daviesia sp. 12 (sp. "gro"; Mt.Ragged area)
  124. Daviesia sp. 13 (sp. "pau"; Munglin.-Espce-Hyden)
  125. Daviesia sp. 14 (sp. "dec"; Narogn-C.Riche-Jerngp)
  126. Daviesia sp. 15 (sp. "lin"; E.of Newdegate)
  127. Daviesia sp. 16 (sp. "mic"; near Norseman)
  128. Daviesia sp. 17 (sp. "cam"; N.E. of Ravensthorpe)
  129. Daviesia sp. 18 (sp. "meg"; Ravensthorpe Range)
  130. Daviesia sp. 19 (sp. "glo"; Stirling Range NP)
  131. Daviesia sp. 2 (sp."oxy"; Cunderdin-Bruce Rock)
  132. Daviesia sp. 20 (sp. "pse"; Stirling Range NP)
  133. Daviesia sp. 21 (sp. "unc"; Tammn-Yealrng.-Varley)
  134. Daviesia sp. 22 (sp. "spe"; Tathra NP)
  135. Daviesia sp. 23 (sp. "bur"; W. of Three Springs)
  136. Daviesia sp. 24 (sp. "cra"; S. of Wedin)
  137. Daviesia sp. 3 (sp."tor"; Dudinin-Lake Grace)
  138. Daviesia sp. 4 (sp."lep"; Fitzgerald River N.P.)
  139. Daviesia sp. 5 (sp. "pte"; near Green Head)
  140. Daviesia sp. 6 (sp. "ret"; Hoptn-Isite.B.-Colbdy)
  141. Daviesia sp. 7 (sp. "vis"; Hoptn-Isite.B.-Hyden)
  142. Daviesia sp. 8 (sp. "geo"; Kalbarri NP-Dongara)
  143. Daviesia sp. 9 (sp. "rhi"; Kulin-Pingaring-Hyden)
  144. Decaspermum sp. 1 (Mt. Morgan)
  145. Dianella sp. 1 (Laura)
  146. Dillwynia sp. (Gibralter Range)
  147. Dillwynia sp. (Sassafras area)
  148. Diospyros sp. 1 (Millaa Millaa)
  149. Diospyros sp. 2 (Mt. Spurgeon)
  150. Diploglottis sp. 1 (Dryander Creek)
  151. Dipodium sp. 1 (Tallebudgera Range)
  152. Diuris sp. 1 (Brigooda)
  153. Diuris sp. 2 (Mt.Caroline-Chiddarcooping)
  154. Diuris sp. 3 (Northampton)
  155. Diuris sp. 4 (Kwinana)
  156. Dodonaea sp. 1 (Mariala)
  157. Drakaea sp. 1 (Great Southern)
  158. Drakaea sp. 2 (south west)
  159. Drakaea sp. 3 (Kalbarri)
  160. Drosera sp. 1 (Lake King)
  161. Dryadodaphne sp. 1 (Mt. Lewis)
  162. Dryandra sp. 1 (aff.hewardiana;Woodning.-Katng.)
  163. Dryandra sp. 12 (aff.plumosa;Stirling Range N.P.)
  164. Dryandra sp. 16 (aff.horrida;Hat. Hill-Iron Cap)
  165. Dryandra sp. 18 (aff.pteridif.;Cadoux-Mt.Hampton)
  166. Dryandra sp. 20 (aff.armata;Three Springs area)
  167. Dryandra sp. 22 (aff.pteridif.;Dandaragan-Badg.)
  168. Dryandra sp. 23 (aff.fraseri;Three Springs area)
  169. Dryandra sp. 3 (aff.blechnif.;Woodning.-Cranbk.)
  170. Dryandra sp. 31 (aff.conferta;Corrigen area)
  171. Dryandra sp. 36 (aff.ferruginea;N.W.of Ravensth.)
  172. Dryandra sp. 37 (aff.proteoides;S.E. of Kulin)
  173. Dryandra sp. 38 (aff.drummondii;Nyabing area)
  174. Dryandra sp. 41 (aff.calophylla;Woodanilling)
  175. Dryandra sp. 42 (aff.hewardiana;Three Springs)
  176. Dryandra sp. 44 (aff.erythroceph.;Nyabing-Kulin)
  177. Dryandra sp. 45 (aff.serratuloides;Kulin-Pingrup)
  178. Dryandra sp. 46 (aff.sclerophylla;W. of Coorow)
  179. Dryandra sp. 48 (aff.falcata;Stirling Range N.P.)
  180. Dryandra sp. 50 (S.W. of Newdegate)
  181. Dryandra sp. 7 (aff.polycephala;Gingin-N.Norcia)
  182. Dysoxylum sp. 1 (Gosschalk)
  183. Ehretia sp. 1 (Isaac River)
  184. Elaeocarpus sp. 1 (Mt. Lewis)
  185. Endiandra sp. 1 (Crystal Creek)
  186. Endiandra sp. 2 (Alexandra)
  187. Endiandra sp. 3 (Bellenden Ker)
  188. Endiandra sp. 4 (Boonjee)
  189. Endiandra sp. 5 (Cooper Creek)
  190. Endiandra sp. 6 (Iron Range)
  191. Endiandra sp. 7 (Mt. Lewis)
  192. Eremophila sp. 1 (S.Noale Junction)
  193. Eremophila sp. 2 (aff.glabra; Pallarup-Oldfield R.)
  194. Eucalyptus sp. 1 (Mongarlow)
  195. Eucalyptus sp. 10 (Gibraltar Range-Malara Plat.)
  196. Eucalyptus sp. 11 (Lakefield)
  197. Eucalyptus sp. 12 (N.W. of Norseman)
  198. Eucalyptus sp. 13 (aff.georgei;E of Lake Cronin)
  199. Eucalyptus sp. 14 (Mingenew)
  200. Eucalyptus sp. 15 (Great Victoria Desert)
  201. Eucalyptus sp. 16 (Corackerup)
  202. Eucalyptus sp. 17 (S. of Dongara)
  203. Eucalyptus sp. 18 (aff.astringens;Kambalp.-Pallin.)
  204. Eucalyptus sp. 19 (aff.dundasii;Callion)
  205. Eucalyptus sp. 2 (Warby Range)
  206. Eucalyptus sp. 20 (N.of Coomallo)
  207. Eucalyptus sp. 21 (Yanchep)
  208. Eucalyptus sp. 22 (Northampton)
  209. Eucalyptus sp. 23 (Badgingarra)
  210. Eucalyptus sp. 24 (E. Nambung)
  211. Eucalyptus sp. 25 (Norseman)
  212. Eucalyptus sp. 26 (Cape Naturaliste)
  213. Eucalyptus sp. 27 (Yandanooka)
  214. Eucalyptus sp. 28 (Moresby Range)
  215. Eucalyptus sp. 29 (Midlands Highway)
  216. Eucalyptus sp. 3 (Wollemi N.P.)
  217. Eucalyptus sp. 30 (aff.redunca;Balladonia)
  218. Eucalyptus sp. 31 (aff.incrassata;Kamballup)
  219. Eucalyptus sp. 32 (Eastern Forests)
  220. Eucalyptus sp. 33 (Pingarin)
  221. Eucalyptus sp. 4 (Nowra area)
  222. Eucalyptus sp. 5 (Dorrigo area)
  223. Eucalyptus sp. 6 (Blackdown)
  224. Eucalyptus sp. 7 (Herberton)
  225. Eucalyptus sp. 8 (Minerva Hills)
  226. Eucalyptus sp. 9 (Mt. Moffat)
  227. Eucryphia sp. 1 (Mt. Bartle Frere)
  228. Euodia sp. 1 (Noah Creek)
  229. Euphrasia sp. 1 (Tamworth)
  230. Garcinia sp. 1 (Claudie & Chester Rivers)
  231. Gardenia sp. 1 (Hann Creek)
  232. Gardenia sp. 2 (Laura)
  233. Gardenia sp. 3 (Oliver Creek)
  234. Gentiana sp. 1 (Ebor)
  235. Gentiana sp. 2 (Jerangle)
  236. Gentiana sp. 3 (Quidong)
  237. Gentiana sp. 4 (Wingecarribee Swamp)
  238. Glycine sp. 1 (Broome)
  239. Glycine sp. 2 (Howard Springs)
  240. Glycine sp. 3 (Mitchell Plateau)
  241. Glycine sp. 4 (Mitchell Plateau)
  242. Goodenia sp. (A.S.George 7291)
  243. Goodenia sp. 1 (Cardwell)
  244. Goodenia sp. 2 (Castle Tower)
  245. Goodenia sp. 3 (Jericho)
  246. Goodenia sp. 4 (Lake King)
  247. Grevillea sp. (Coominglah)
  248. Grevillea sp. Collie (P.Olde 86/1108)
  249. Grevillea sp. Dandaragan
  250. Grevillea sp. Eneabba (E.A.Griffin 1448)
  251. Gymnostoma sp. (Thornton Peak)
  252. Hakea sp. 1 (Mariala Scientific Reserve)
  253. Hakea sp. 2 (Kowmung River)
  254. Hakea sp. 3 (N.E.of Boyatup Hill)
  255. Hakea sp. 4 (N. of Bullfinch - Campion)
  256. Hakea sp. 5 (Parker Range)
  257. Hakea sp. 6 (sp.aff.victoria; Fitzgd R. N.P.)
  258. Haloragis sp. 1 (sp."A"; N of Ravensthorpe)
  259. Haloragodendron sp. 1 (Wollongambe Creek)
  260. Haplostichanthus sp. 1 (Cape Tribulation)
  261. Haplostichanthus sp. 2 (Curtain Fig)
  262. Haplostichanthus sp. 3 (Johnstone River)
  263. Hardenbergia sp. 1 (Mt. Mulligan)
  264. Helichrysum sp. 1 (McPherson Range)
  265. Heliotropium sp. 1 (Boulia - Mt. Isa)
  266. Heliotropium sp. 2 (Lawn Hill-Highland Plain Stns.)
  267. Hibbertia sp. 1 (Mt. Giles)
  268. Hibbertia sp. 2 (Gibralter Range)
  269. Hibbertia sp. 3 (Tozers Gap)
  270. Hollandaea sp. 1 (Roaring Meg Creek)
  271. Hopkinsia sp. 1 (Esperance area)
  272. Hydrocotyle sp. 1 (Byrock)
  273. Hydrocotyle sp. 2 (Coorow)
  274. Hydrocotyle sp. 3 (Esperance-Ravensthorpe)
  275. Hydrocotyle sp. 4 (George Gill Range)
  276. Hydrocotyle sp. 5 (Hamelin Bay)
  277. Hydrocotyle sp. 6 (Harts Range)
  278. Hydrocotyle sp. 7 (Lake Cowan)
  279. Ilex sp. 1 (Gadgarra)
  280. Isolepis sp. 1 (E.Carjinup Hill, Kau Rock)
  281. Jacksonia sp. 1 (sp."Q"; York-Narrogin)
  282. Jacksonia sp. 21
  283. Jacksonia sp. 26
  284. Jacksonia sp. 45
  285. Lastreopsis sp. 1 (Tinaroo Hills)
  286. Laxmannia sp. 1 (Albany)
  287. Lechenaultia sp. 1 (S.E. of Jabiru)
  288. Lepidagathis sp. 1 (Massy Creek)
  289. Lepidobolus sp. 1 (Coorow)
  290. Lepidobolus sp. 2 (Badgingarra area)
  291. Leptosema sp. 1 (Springsure-Busthinia)
  292. Leptospermum sp. 1 (sp."S";Barrington Tops)
  293. Leptospermum sp. 10 (sp."Q";Glass-house Mtns.)
  294. Leptospermum sp. 11 (sp."y";Kanangra-Boyd N.P.)
  295. Leptospermum sp. 12 (sp."L";near Lithgow)
  296. Leptospermum sp. 13 (sp."f";Londry.-Daniell-Esp.)
  297. Leptospermum sp. 14 (sp."N";Nowra area)
  298. Leptospermum sp. 15 (sp."H";Pennant Hills)
  299. Leptospermum sp. 16 (Mt. Tozer)
  300. Leptospermum sp. 2 (sp."R";Blue Mountains)
  301. Leptospermum sp. 3 (sp."J";Budawangs&Pigeon House
  302. Leptospermum sp. 4 (sp."y";Clyde Mtn.)
  303. Leptospermum sp. 5 (sp."I";Colo River Gorge)
  304. Leptospermum sp. 6 (sp."q";Deua N.P.)
  305. Leptospermum sp. 8 (sp."b";S. of Die Hardy Range)
  306. Leptospermum sp. 9 (sp."a";East Mt. Barren)
  307. Lepyrodia sp. 1 (Lucky Bay)
  308. Leucopogon sp. 1 (SW of Salmon Gums)
  309. Leucopogon sp. 2 (SW of Salmon Gums)
  310. Leucopogon sp. 3 (aff. compactus; N of Howatharra)
  311. Leucopogon sp. 4 (Carnarvon Range)
  312. Leucopogon sp. 5 (Echo Point)
  313. Leucopogon sp. 6 (Mt. Barney)
  314. Leucopogon sp. 7 (Mt. Mulligan)
  315. Linospadix sp. 1 (Mt. Lewis & Mt. Spurgeon)
  316. Litsea sp. 1 (Bellenden Ker)
  317. Litsea sp. 2 (Mt. Lewis)
  318. Livistona sp. 1 (Blackdown Tableland)
  319. Livistona sp. 2 (Cape River)
  320. Livistona sp. 3 (Carnarvon and Taroom)
  321. Livistona sp. 4 (Cooktown)
  322. Livistona sp. 5 (Eungella & Paluma Range)
  323. Logania sp. 1 (South Ironcap,Mt. Holland)
  324. Loxocarya sp. 1 (Kulin)
  325. Macadamia sp. 1 (Iron Range)
  326. Macadamia sp. 2 (Woopen Creek)
  327. Melaleuca sp. 1 (Cranbrook - Hammersley River)
  328. Melaleuca sp. 2 (Mt. Ney - Lake King)
  329. Melaleuca sp. 3 (W. of Ravensthorpe)
  330. Melaleuca sp. 4 (Ongerup & Pootenup)
  331. Melaleuca sp. 5 (Wongan Hills)
  332. Mesomelaena sp. 1 (N.Munglinup)
  333. Mesua sp. 1 (Boonjee)
  334. Millettia sp. 1 (Barratt Creek)
  335. Monotoca sp. 1 (aff. linifolia)
  336. Monotoca sp. 2 (Mt. Maxwell)
  337. Mukia sp. 1 (sp. "E"; Longreach)
  338. Mukia sp. 2 (sp. "B"; Little Annan River)
  339. Mukia sp. 3 (sp. "D"; Warralong)
  340. Nemcia sp. 1 (Stirling Range)
  341. Nemcia sp. 2 (Stirling Range area)
  342. Neoastelia sp. 1 (New England N.P.)
  343. Nicotiana sp. 1 (Tomoulin)
  344. Olearia sp. 1 (Lake Grace-near Mt Beaumont)
  345. Olearia sp. 2 (Sentry Box Hill)
  346. Olearia sp. 3 (NE of Mt. Simpson)
  347. Oreocallis sp. (E.Barren-Malando-Yungaburra)
  348. Orites sp. 1 (Mt. Bartle Frere)
  349. Orites sp. 2 (Mt. Hemmant)
  350. Oxylobium sp. (Mt. Warning-Gibralter Range)
  351. Pandanus sp. 1 (Lake Eacham)
  352. Parahebe sp. 1 (Blue Mountains)
  353. Persoonia sp. 1 (Bluff Knoll)
  354. Persoonia sp. 10 (sp."C";Nalbaugh - Mt. Imlay)
  355. Persoonia sp. 11 (N.E. of Peak Charles)
  356. Persoonia sp. 12 (Tower Peak)
  357. Persoonia sp. 13 (Winchester)
  358. Persoonia sp. 14 (Yuna)
  359. Persoonia sp. 15 (Helidon Hills)
  360. Persoonia sp. 16 (Kroombit Tops)
  361. Persoonia sp. 2 (P.prost. ssp."B&C";Boonoo)
  362. Persoonia sp. 3 (sp."F";Carrington Falls)
  363. Persoonia sp. 4 (Frank Hann N.P.)
  364. Persoonia sp. 6 (Kalbarri)
  365. Persoonia sp. 7 (Karara Station)
  366. Persoonia sp. 8 (Mullewa)
  367. Persoonia sp. 9 (Newdegate)
  368. Pilidiostigma sp. 1 (Mt. Lewis)
  369. Pimelea sp. 1 (Grampians)
  370. Pimelea sp. 2 (Lake King)
  371. Pimelea sp. 3 (Mt. Gibbs)
  372. Pimelea sp. 4 (Mt. Ney)
  373. Pimelea sp. 5 (Palm Valley)
  374. Pimelea sp. 6 (Warrumbungle Range)
  375. Pittosporum sp. 1 (40 Mile Scrub)
  376. Planchonella sp. 1 (Mt Lewis)
  377. Planchonella sp. 2 (Barong)
  378. Polyalthia sp. 1 (Wyvuri)
  379. Polyaulax sp. 1 (Mt Lewis)
  380. Polyosma sp. 1 (Bellenden Ker)
  381. Polyosma sp. 2 (Windsor Tableland)
  382. Pomaderris sp. 1 (Deua NP)
  383. Pomaderris sp. 2 (Holey Plains)
  384. Pomaderris sp. 3 (Tantawangalo S.F.-Ben Boyd N.P.)
  385. Prostanthera sp. 1 (Mt. Mulligan)
  386. Prostanthera sp. 2 (Mt. Tinbeerwah)
  387. Prostanthera sp. 3 (Dunmore)
  388. Prostanthera sp. 4 (N.Cape Arid)
  389. Pterocarpus sp. 1 (Archer Bend)
  390. Pterostylis sp. 1 (Dimboola)
  391. Pterostylis sp. 2 (Maryborough)
  392. Pterostylis sp. 3 (Tailem Bend)
  393. Pterostylis sp. 4 (Cobar District)
  394. Pterostylis sp. 5 (Coomera Valley)
  395. Pterostylis sp. 6 (Gundiah)
  396. Pterostylis sp. 7 (Mount Maroon)
  397. Pterostylis sp. 8 (Northampton)
  398. Pultenaea sp. 1 (W. of Wadbilliga trig)
  399. Pultenaea sp. 2 (Maryborough)
  400. Pultenaea sp. 3 (Hidden Valley)
  401. Pultenaea sp. 4 (Buddawang Ranges)
  402. Quassia sp. 1 (Mooney Creek)
  403. Quassia sp. 2 (Mt. Nardi)
  404. Quassia sp. 3 (Barong)
  405. Quassia sp. 4 (Kennedy River)
  406. Rapanea sp. 1 (North Coast)
  407. Rauwenhoffia sp. 1 (Font Hills)
  408. Restio sp. 1 (Alexander-Morrison N.P.)
  409. Restio sp. 2 (Mt. Leseueur)
  410. Rhodamnia sp. 1 (Sarina, Proserpine)
  411. Rhodomyrtus sp. 1 (Claudie River)
  412. Rhodomyrtus sp. 2 (Whyanbeel)
  413. Ristantia sp. 1 (Boonjee)
  414. Ristantia sp. 2 (Mt. Dryander)
  415. Rupicola sp. 1 (Glen Davis)
  416. Stackhousia sp. 1 (Stirling Range)
  417. Stenocarpus sp. 1 (Boonjee)
  418. Stenocarpus sp. 2 (Mt Lewis)
  419. Stylidium sp. 1 (sp."C";Boulder Rk.,Canning Weir)
  420. Styphelia sp. 1 (Deua N.P. & Nalbaugh N.P.)
  421. Symplocos sp. 1 (Imbil - Beenleigh)
  422. Symplocos sp. 2 (Bellenden Ker)
  423. Symplocos sp. 3 (Mt. Finnegan)
  424. Symplocos sp. 4 (Mt. Lewis)
  425. Tetrasynandra sp. 1 (Mt. Lewis)
  426. Thomasia sp. 1 (York)
  427. Thozetia sp. 1 (Lolworth Creek)
  428. Tripterococcus sp. 1 (Canningvale-Walpole)
  429. Uromyrtus sp. 1 (McPherson Range)
  430. Uvaria sp. 1 (Archer Bend)
  431. Uvaria sp. 2 (Claudie River)
  432. Verticordia sp. (Fitzgerald)
  433. Verticordia sp. 13 (aff.chrysostachys;Eneabba area)
  434. Verticordia sp. 14 (aff.pritzelii;Southern Cross)
  435. Verticordia sp. 19 (aff.serrata;Newdegate area)
  436. Verticordia sp. 2 (aff.chrysantha;Cocklshl. Gully)
  437. Verticordia sp. 29 (aff.plumosa;Serpentine area)
  438. Verticordia sp. 3 (aff.nitens;Eneabba area)
  439. Verticordia sp. 30 (aff.mitchelliana;Southern Cross)
  440. Verticordia sp. 31 (aff.lindleyi;S. of Pingelly)
  441. Verticordia sp. 32 (aff.roei;N. of Wialki)
  442. Verticordia sp. 33 (aff.forrestii;Cape Range)
  443. Verticordia sp. 39 (aff.pencillaris;Yellowdine area)
  444. Verticordia sp. 4 (aff.brevifolia;E.of Katanning)
  445. Verticordia sp. 40 (aff.minutiflora;E. of Esperance)
  446. Verticordia sp. 48 (aff.drummondii;Badgingarra area)
  447. Verticordia sp. 50 (aff.drummondii;Busselton area)
  448. Verticordia sp. 51 (aff.drummondii;Eneabba area)
  449. Verticordia sp. 53 (aff.drummondii;Wongan Hills)
  450. Verticordia sp. 54 (aff.drummondii;Coorow area)
  451. Vrydagzynea sp. 1 (Daintree River)
  452. Wahlenbergia sp. 1 (Isla Gorge)
  453. Wahlenbergia sp. 2 (Mt. Cordeaux)
  454. Wahlenbergia sp. 3 (Mt. Lindesay)
  455. Xanthostemon sp. 1 (Mt. Hemmant)
  456. Xanthostemon sp. 2 (Jardine River)
  457. Xylosma sp. 1 (Mt. Lewis)
  458. Xyris sp. 1 (Stirling Range)
  459. ZGenus nov. 1 sp. 1 (Bartle Frere)
  460. ZGenus nov. 1 sp. 1 (Boonjee)
  461. ZGenus nov. 2 sp. 1 (Barong)
  462. ZGenus nov. 3 sp. 1 (Parrot Creek)
  463. ZGenus nov. 3 sp. 2 (McNamee Creek)
  464. ZGenus nov. 4 sp. 1 (Whyanbeel)
  465. Zieria sp. 1 (sp."M";Bomaderry)
  466. Zieria sp. 10 (sp."J";Nightcap Range)
  467. Zieria sp. 11 (sp."N";Rocky Cape)
  468. Zieria sp. 12 (sp."L";Russel River)
  469. Zieria sp. 13 (sp."K";W. of Mundubbera)
  470. Zieria sp. 14 (sp."P";Box Range North)
  471. Zieria sp. 15 (sp."Q";Box Range South)
  472. Zieria sp. 2 (sp."B" Numeralla-Kybean Trig)
  473. Zieria sp. 3 (sp."D";Goonoo Goonoo S.F.)
  474. Zieria sp. 4 (sp. "A";Herberton)
  475. Zieria sp. 5 (sp."E";McPherson&Eungella Rgs.)
  476. Zieria sp. 6 (sp."G";Mt.Dromedary)
  477. Zieria sp. 7 (sp."O";Lochiel)
  478. Zieria sp. 8 (sp."C";Mt.Warning-Lamngtn N.P.)
  479. Zieria sp. 9 (sp."I";Narrow Neck Peninsula)
  480. Zygophyllum sp. 1 (aff.retivalve;Karratha,Coral B.)

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