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A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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Names in this reference:
Alpine Mint Bush Balm Mint Bush Eichlerago tysoni Althofer Mount Kaputar Mint-bush Prostanthera Labill. Prostanthera "gilesii" Prostanthera "gilesii" (Mt. Canobolas) Prostanthera ‘Poorinda Ballerina’ Prostanthera ‘Poorinda Bride’ Prostanthera ‘Poorinda Evensong’ Prostanthera ‘Poorinda Leane’ Prostanthera ‘Poorinda Nebboo’ Prostanthera ‘Poorinda Petite’ Prostanthera ‘Poorinda Snow Queen’ Prostanthera ‘Poorinda Theme’ Prostanthera ‘Poorinda Vespers’ Prostanthera aff. aspalathoides Prostanthera albohirta C.T.White Prostanthera arenicola S.Moore Prostanthera aspalathoides A.Cunn. exBenth. Prostanthera atroviolacea F.M.Bailey Prostanthera baxteri A.Cunn. exBenth. Prostanthera baxteri var. crassifolia Benth. Prostanthera baxteri var. sericea J.M.Black Prostanthera behriana Schltdl. Prostanthera caerulea R.Br. Prostanthera calycina F.Muell. exBenth. Prostanthera campbellii F.Muell. Prostanthera canaliculata F.Muell. Prostanthera canaliculata var. canosericea Benth. Prostanthera chlorantha ( F.Muell.) F.Muell. exBenth. Prostanthera cineolifera R.T.Baker & H.G.Sm. Prostanthera collina Domin Prostanthera cruciflora J.H.Willis Prostanthera cryptandroides A.Cunn. exBenth. Prostanthera cuneata Benth. Prostanthera debilis F.Muell. Prostanthera decussata F.Muell. Prostanthera densa A.A.Ham. Prostanthera denticulata R.Br. Prostanthera discolor R.T.Baker Prostanthera eckersleyana F.Muell. Prostanthera empetrifolia Sieber exSpreng. Prostanthera euphrasioides Benth. Prostanthera eurybioides F.Muell. Prostanthera granitica Maiden & Betche Prostanthera grylloana F.Muell. Prostanthera hirtula F.Muell. exBenth. Prostanthera hirtula var. angustifolia Benth. Prostanthera howelliae Blakely Prostanthera incana A.Cunn. exBenth. Prostanthera incisa R.Br. Prostanthera incisa "rosea" Prostanthera incisa var. pubescens F.Muell. exBenth. Prostanthera lanceolata Domin Prostanthera lasianthos Labill. Prostanthera lasianthos var. subcoriacea F.Muell. exBenth. Prostanthera leichhardtii Benth. Prostanthera leichhardtii (Cobar) Prostanthera lepidota C.T.White Prostanthera linearis R.Br. Prostanthera lithospermoides F.Muell. Prostanthera magnifica C.A.Gardner Prostanthera magnifica var. asperata C.A.Gardner Prostanthera marifolia R.Br. Prostanthera megacalyx C.T.White & W.D.Francis Prostanthera melissifolia F.Muell. Prostanthera melissifolia var. parvifolia Sealy Prostanthera microphylla A.Cunn. exBenth. Prostanthera microphylla f. aeruginosa J.H.Willis Prostanthera nivea A.Cunn. exBenth. Prostanthera nivea (Eugowra Hills) Prostanthera nivea var. induta Benth. Prostanthera nudula J.M.Black exE.L.Robertson Prostanthera odoratissima Benth. Prostanthera ovalifolia R.Br. Prostanthera ovalifolia var. latifolia Benth. Prostanthera parvifolia Domin Prostanthera phylicifolia F.Muell. Prostanthera prunelloides R.Br. Prostanthera rhombea R.Br. Prostanthera ringens Benth. Prostanthera rotundifolia R.Br. Prostanthera rotundifolia "rosea" Prostanthera rotundifolia (large leaves) Prostanthera rotundifolia (small leaves) Prostanthera rotundifolia Ulan form Prostanthera rugosa A.Cunn. exBenth. Prostanthera saxicola R.Br. Prostanthera saxicola var. bracteolata J.H.Willis Prostanthera saxicola var. major Benth. Prostanthera saxicola var. montana A.A.Ham. Prostanthera saxicola var. robusta Althofer Prostanthera scutata C.A.Gardner Prostanthera scutellarioides ( R.Br.) Briq. Prostanthera sect. Euprostanthera Benth. Prostanthera sect. Klanderia ( F.Muell.) Benth. Prostanthera ser. Axillares Prostanthera ser. Racemosae Benth. Prostanthera serpyllifolia ( R.Br.) Briq. Prostanthera sieberi Benth. Prostanthera sp. aff. P. denticulata Prostanthera sp. aff. P. denticulata (Minore) Prostanthera sp. aff. P. granitica Prostanthera sp. aff. P. granitica (Rocky Glen) Prostanthera sp. aff. P. howelliae Prostanthera sp. aff. P. howelliae Prostanthera sp. aff. P. incana Prostanthera sp. aff. P. lasianthos Prostanthera sp. aff. P. lasianthos (Bathurst) Prostanthera sp. aff. P. leichhardtii (Goonoo Goonoo) Prostanthera sp. aff. P. lithospermoides Prostanthera sp. aff. P. nivea Prostanthera sp. aff. P. phylicifolia Prostanthera sp. aff. P. rotundifolia Prostanthera sp. aff. P. walteri Prostanthera sp. affinity P. denticulata Prostanthera sp. affinity P. howelliae Prostanthera sp. affinity P. lasianthos Prostanthera sp. affinity P. rotundifolia Prostanthera sp. new ? (Harvey Rge.) Prostanthera sp. new ? (Khyber) Prostanthera sp. new ? (Rylstone) Prostanthera sp. nov. Prostanthera sp. nov. Prostanthera sp. nov. Prostanthera sp. nov. "Minore" Prostanthera sp. nov. (P. gilesii) Prostanthera sp. nov. Khyber Pass Prostanthera sp. nov. aff. P. denticulata Prostanthera species aff. P. aspalathoides Prostanthera species aff. P. denticulata Prostanthera species aff. P. denticulata Prostanthera species aff. P. leichhardtii Prostanthera species aff. P. melissifolia Prostanthera species aff. P. ovalifolia Prostanthera species aff. P. rotundifolia Prostanthera species affinity P. rotundifolia Prostanthera spinosa F.Muell. Prostanthera staurophylla F.Muell. Prostanthera striatiflora F.Muell. Prostanthera striatiflora var. sericea Benth. Prostanthera striatiflora var. servicea Althofer Prostanthera stricta R.T.Baker Prostanthera suborbicularis C.T.White & W.D.Francis Prostanthera subser. Convexae Prostanthera subser. Subconcavae Prostanthera teretifolia Maiden & Betche Prostanthera tysonii Althofer Prostanthera violacea R.Br. Prostanthera violacea var. albiflora Benth. Prostanthera walteri F.Muell. Prostanthera wilkieana F.Muell. Purple Mint-bush Snowy Mint-bush Thousand-flowered Mint-bush Warrumbungle Mint-bush sandloving
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