A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
- At the bottom of this page are the citable links to this Instance object or just use the icon. You can "right click" in most browsers to copy it or open it in a new browser tab.
Names in this reference:
Achyranthes aspera L. Achyranthes aspera var. canescens ( R.Br.) Drake Achyranthes bidentata Blume Aerva javanica ( Burm.f.) Juss. exSchult. Alternanthera angustifolia R.Br. Alternanthera brasiliana ( L.) Kuntze Alternanthera brasiliana ‘Rubiginosa’ Alternanthera denticulata R.Br. Alternanthera denticulata R.Br. var. denticulata Alternanthera denticulata var. micrantha Benth. Alternanthera ficoidea ( L.) P.Beauv. Alternanthera nana R.Br. Alternanthera nodiflora R.Br. Alternanthera philoxeroides ( Mart.) Griseb. Alternanthera pungens Kunth Alternanthera sessilis ( L.) R.Br. exDC. Alternanthera sp. (Mt Isa R.L.Specht+ 49) Amaranthus blitum L. Amaranthus centralis J.Palmer & Mowatt Amaranthus cochleitepalus Domin Amaranthus cuspidifolius Domin Amaranthus hybridus L. Amaranthus interruptus R.Br. Amaranthus macrocarpus Benth. Amaranthus macrocarpus Benth. var. macrocarpus Amaranthus macrocarpus var. pallidus Benth. Amaranthus mitchellii Benth. Amaranthus powellii S.Watson Amaranthus retroflexus L. Amaranthus rhombeus R.Br. Amaranthus spinosus L. Amaranthus undulatus R.Br. Amaranthus viridis L. Celosia argentea L. Cyathula prostrata ( L.) Blume Deeringia amaranthoides ( Lam.) Merr. Deeringia arborescens ( R.Br.) Druce Froelichia floridana ( Nutt.) Moq. Froelichia gracilis ( Hook.) Moq. Gomphrena arida J.Palmer Gomphrena canescens R.Br. subsp. canescens Gomphrena celosioides Mart. Gomphrena conferta Benth. Gomphrena cunninghamii ( Moq.) Druce Gomphrena diffusa ( R.Br.) Spreng. subsp. diffusa Gomphrena flaccida R.Br. Gomphrena humilis R.Br. Gomphrena lanata R.Br. Gomphrena leontopodioides Domin Gomphrena leptoclada Benth. Gomphrena sp. (Doongmabulla E.J.Thompson+ GAL137) Guilleminea densa ( Humb. & Bonpl. exSchult.) Moq. Hemichroa mesembryanthema F.Muell. Iresine herbstii Hook. Nyssanthes diffusa R.Br. Ptilotus macrocephalus ( R.Br.) Poir. x Ptilotus polystachyus ( Gaudich.) F.Muell. Ptilotus sp. (Gilbert River L.J.Brass 430)
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