A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
- At the bottom of this page are the citable links to this Instance object or just use the icon.
You can "right click" in most browsers to copy it or open it in a new browser tab.
A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
- At the bottom of this page are the citable links to this Instance object or just use the icon. You can "right click" in most browsers to copy it or open it in a new browser tab.
Names in this reference:
Baeckea maideni Ewart & Jean White Baeckea maidenii Ewart & Jean White Danthonia airoides ( Nees) Nees Datura metel L. Elaeocarpus kirtonii F.Muell. exF.M.Bailey Elaeocarpus reticulata var. kirtoni Ewart & Jean White Elaeocarpus reticulatus var. kirtonii ( F.Muell. exF.M.Bailey) Ewart & Jean White Elaeocarpus reticulatus Sm. var. reticulatus Eremophila kochi Ewart Eremophila kochii Ewart Eremophila woollsiana var. dentata Ewart & Jean White Eremophila woollsiana F.Muell. var. woollsiana Galenia secunda ( L.f.) Sond. Gastrolobium forrestii Ewart Helipterum album Ewart Helipterum heteranthum var. minor Ewart & Jean White Isotropis atropurpurea var. alba Ewart Isotropis atropurpurea F.Muell. var. atropurpurea Moraea xerospatha MacOwan exBaker Oxalis tetraphylla Cav. Podocoma nana Ewart & Jean White Pterostylis constricta O.H.Sarg. Pterostylis praecox Lindl. Pterostylis reflexa var. constricta ( O.H.Sarg.) Ewart & Jean White Pterostylis reflexa var. praecox ( Lindl.) Ewart & Jean White Ptilotus calostachyus var. kennediae Ewart & Jean White Ptilotus kennediae Ewart & Jean White Salicornia donaldsoni Ewart & Jean White Salicornia donaldsonii Ewart & Jean White Salicornia lylei Ewart & Jean White Tetratheca hirsuta var. alba Ewart & Jean White Tetratheca hirsuta Lindl. var. hirsuta Tillaea acuminata Reader Tillaea sieberiana var. acuminata ( Reader) Ewart & Jean White Tillaea sieberiana Schult. & Schult.f. var. sieberiana Viola tricolor L. Zygophyllum ovatum Ewart & Jean White
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- Note you can access JSON and XML versions of this object by setting the correct mime type in the ACCEPTS header of your HTTP request or by appending ".json" or ".xml" to the end of the URL.
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- specific.
- specific.
- specific.
- specific.
- specific.
- specific.
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- specific.
- specific.
- specific.
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