Vascular Plants

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Tate, R. in Spencer, W.B. (ed.) (March 1896), Botany. Report on the work of the Horn Scientific Expedition to Central Australia 3 : 117-194 (Section) Tate, R. Author
Names in this reference:
  1. Acacia cowleana Tate
  2. Acacia frumentacea Tate
  3. Acacia ulicina var. oxyclada Tate
  4. Capparis spinosa L.
  5. Carissa brownii var. lanceolata (R.Br.) Tate
  6. Carissa lanceolata R.Br.
  7. Chloris barbata Sw.
  8. Crotalaria novae-hollandiae var. lasiophylla Tate
  9. Cyperus fulvus R.Br.
  10. Dicrastylis doranii F.Muell.
  11. Dicrastylis ochrotricha F.Muell.
  12. Didiscus gillenae Tate
  13. Didiscus gilleniae Tate
  14. Elacholoma F.Muell. & Tate
  15. Elacholoma hornii F.Muell. & Tate
  16. Eleusine cruciata Lam.
  17. Eriocaulon graphitinum F.Muell. & Tate
  18. Goodenia horniana Tate
  19. Goodenia larapinta Tate
  20. Indigofera brevidens var. canescens Tate
  21. Prostanthera schultzii F.Muell. ex Tate
  22. Salsola kali L.
  23. Wedelia stirlingi F.Muell. & Tate
  24. Wedelia stirlingii Tate
  25. Xanthorrhoea thorntonii Tate

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