Vascular Plants Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)

Showing Cyathea extensa
Cyatheaceae Kaulf.
Cyathea extensa (G.Forst.) Sw. , legitimate, scientific
Swartz, O. in Schrader, H.A. (ed.) (1801), Genera et species filicum ordine systematico redactarum adiectis synonymis et iconibus selectis, nec non speciebus recenter detectis, et demum plurimis dubiosis, ulterius investigandis. Journal für die Botanik 1800, 2(1, 2): 93 [comb. nov.]
basionym: Polypodium extensum G.Forst. legitimate
Cretzoiu, P. (1941), Die bisher aus Australien, Ozeanien und Asien bekannt gewordenen Arten der Gattung Cyathea J.E.Sm. Feddes Repertorium Beiheft 50(20-25): 304 [secondary reference]
  • Text: "Polynesia, Nova Guinea, Ins. Norfolk, Isle of Pine, Sandwich, Australia."
Tindale, M.D. (26 June 1956), The Cyatheaceae of Australia. Contributions from the New South Wales National Herbarium 2(4): 360 [secondary reference]
  • Text: "Cretziou in Fedde Repert., L.(1941), 304, records Cyathea extensa (Forst. f.) Sw., from Australia. I have examined Forster's and Swart'z type material of this species in the Riksmuseum, Stockholm, but I have never seen any Australian material of this species."
Bostock, P.D. in McCarthy, P.M. (ed.) (1998), Cyatheaceae. Flora of Australia 48: 205 [secondary reference]
  • Text: "Excluded from the Australian flora by M.D.Tindale, Contr. New South Wales Natl. Herb. 2: 360 (1956)."
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (31 July 2018), Australian Plant Census: - APC [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Polypodium extensum G.Forst. legitimate
  • APC Comment: A name of uncertain application.

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