Vascular Plants Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)

Showing Litsea chinensis
Lauraceae Juss.
Litsea chinensis Lam. , legitimate, scientific
Lamarck, J.-B.P.A. de M. de in Lamarck, J.-B.P.A. de M. de & Poiret, J.L.M. (1792), Encyclopédie Méthodique, Botanique 3(2): 574 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "Nous avons reçu des rameaux de cet arbre par MM. Sonnerat, Stadman & Joseph Martin. (v.v.). On en cultivé maintenantde jeunes pieds dans la serre du Jardin du Roi, que M. Joseph Martin a rapportés de l'Isle de France."
Mueller, F.J.H. von (1882), Systematic Census of Australian Plants: 4 [secondary reference]
Mueller, F.J.H. von (December 1889), Second Systematic Census of Australian Plants: 6 BHL [secondary reference]
Bailey, F.M. (1913), Comprehensive Catalogue of Queensland Plants: 431 [secondary reference]
Chippendale, G.M. (17 April 1972), Check List of Northern Territory Plants. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 96(4): 235 BHL [secondary reference]
Green, J.W. (1985), Census of the Vascular Plants of Western Australia Edn. 2: 78 [secondary reference]
taxonomic synonym: Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B.Rob. legitimate
Hyland, B.P.M. (1989), A revision of Lauraceae in Australia (excluding Cassytha). Australian Systematic Botany 2(2): 261 [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B.Rob. legitimate
Cooper, W.E. & Cooper, W.T. (2004), Fruits of the Australian Tropical Rainforest: 264 [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B.Rob. legitimate
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census: - [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B.Rob. legitimate
Le Cussan, J. & Hyland, B.P.M. in Wilson, A.J.G. (ed.) (2007), Lauraceae. Flora of Australia 2: 216 [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B.Rob. legitimate
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (7 July 2021), Australian Plant Census: - [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B.Rob. legitimate