Vascular Plants Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)

Showing Gomphrena brachystylis
Amaranthaceae Juss.
Gomphrena brachystylis F.Muell. , legitimate, scientific
Mueller, F.J.H. von (1862), Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae 3(21): 124 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "Ad rivum Hooker's Creek Australiae Septentrionalis interioris. F.M."
Mueller, F.J.H. von (1882), Systematic Census of Australian Plants: 28 [secondary reference]
Kuntze, C.E.O. (5 November 1891), Revisio Generum Plantarum 2: 545 [basionym]
basionym of: Xeraea brachystylis (F.Muell.) Kuntze legitimate
Suessenguth, K. (1938), Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis: 40 [basionym]
basionym of: Philoxerus brachystylis (F.Muell.) Suess. legitimate
Chippendale, G.M. (17 April 1972), Check List of Northern Territory Plants. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 96(4): 232 BHL [secondary reference]
George, A.S. in Jessop, J.P. (ed.) (1981), Amaranthaceae (except Ptilotus). Flora of Central Australia: 84-85 [secondary reference]
Green, J.W. (1985), Census of the Vascular Plants of Western Australia Edn. 2: 72 [secondary reference]
Dunlop, C.R. (1987), Checklist of the Vascular Plants of the Northern Territory. Technical Report: Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory 26: 5 [secondary reference]
Wheeler, J.R. in Wheeler, J.R. (ed.) (1992), Amaranthaceae. Flora of the Kimberley Region: 116, Fig. 28B [secondary reference]
Kenneally, K.F., Edinger, D.C. & Willing, T. (1996), Broome and Beyond. Plants and people of the Dampier Peninsula, Kimberley, Western Australia: 56 [secondary reference]
Curry, S. & Chapman, A.R. (25 January 1996), Update to the informal names used in "Flora of the Kimberley Region". Nuytsia 10(3): 464 [secondary reference]
taxonomic synonym: Gomphrena sp. D Kimberley Flora [n/a]
Palmer, J. (31 March 1998), A taxonomic revision of Gomphrena (Amaranthaceae) in Australia. Australian Systematic Botany 11(1): 98-99 APC [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Xeraea brachystylis (F.Muell.) Kuntze legitimate nomenclatural synonym: Philoxerus brachystylis (F.Muell.) Suess. legitimate
  • APC Dist.: WA, NT
Palmer, J. (31 March 1998), A taxonomic revision of Gomphrena (Amaranthaceae) in Australia. Australian Systematic Botany 11(1): 101 [misapplied]
misapplied to: Gomphrena lanata R.Br. legitimate by George, A.S. in Jessop, J.P. (ed.) (1981), Amaranthaceae (except Ptilotus). Flora of Central Australia: 84-85
Western Australian Herbarium (2007), FloraBase: the Western Australian Flora Version 2.5: - [secondary reference]
taxonomic synonym: Gomphrena sp. D [n/a]