Vascular Plants Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)

Showing Loranthus ferruginiflorus
Loranthaceae Juss.
Loranthus ferruginiflorus W.Fitzg. , legitimate, scientific
Fitzgerald, W.V. (1918), The Botany of the Kimberleys, north-west Australia. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Western Australia 3: 136 BHL [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "Mt. Rason, Broome, Sunday Island, Grant Range (W.V.F.)."
Blakely, W.F. (15 December 1922), The Loranthaceae of Australia. Part iii. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 47(4): 392, 397-398, Pl. 41 [secondary reference]
Danser, B.H. (1929), On the taxonomy and nomenclature of the Loranthaceae of Asia and Australia. Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg ser. 3, 10(3): 295 [basionym]
basionym of: Amyema ferruginiflora (W.Fitzg.) Danser legitimate
Barlow, B.A. (1966), A revision of the Loranthaceae of Australia and New Zealand. Australian Journal of Botany 14(3): 459 [nomenclatural synonym]
nomenclatural synonym of: Amyema bifurcata (Benth.) Tiegh. legitimate
Barlow, B.A. (1971), Loranthaceae. Flora of New South Wales, National Herbarium of New South Wales 58: 19 [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Amyema bifurcata (Benth.) Tiegh. legitimate
Barlow, B.A. in Jessop, J.P. (ed.) (1981), Loranthaceae. Flora of Central Australia: 28 [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Amyema bifurcata (Benth.) Tiegh. legitimate
Jacobs, S.W.L. & Pickard, J. (1981), Plants of New South Wales: 141 [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Amyema bifurcata (Benth.) Tiegh. legitimate
Barlow, B.A. in George, A.S. (ed.) (1984), Appendix: Loranthaceae. Flora of Australia 22: 221-222 [secondary reference]
  • Lectotype: "summit of Mt Haste, W.A., July 1905, W.V. Fitzgerald 1251; lecto (here chosen): NSW."
Barlow, B.A. in George, A.S. (ed.) (1984), Loranthaceae. Flora of Australia 22: 112 [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Amyema bifurcata (Benth.) Tiegh. var. bifurcata legitimate
Rye, B.L. in Wheeler, J.R. (ed.) (1992), Loranthaceae. Flora of the Kimberley Region: 571 [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Amyema bifurcata (Benth.) Tiegh. legitimate
Cooper, W.E. & Cooper, W.T. (2004), Fruits of the Australian Tropical Rainforest: 269 [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Amyema bifurcata (Benth.) Tiegh. legitimate
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census: - [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Amyema bifurcata (Benth.) Tiegh. legitimate