Vascular Plants Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)

Showing Acacia
Fabaceae Lindl.
Acacia Mill. , legitimate, scientific
Miller, P. (28 January 1754), The Gardeners Dictionary abridged Edn. 4, 1: [unnumbered page 25] BHL [tax. nov.]
  • Type: (not designated).
Bentham, G. (5 October 1864), Flora Australiensis 2: 301 BHL [secondary reference]
taxonomic synonym: Vachellia Wight & Arn. legitimate taxonomic synonym: Chithonanthus Lehm. legitimate taxonomic synonym: Tetracheilos Lehm. legitimate
Bentham, G. in Bentham, G. & Hooker, J.D. (1865), Leguminosae. Genera Plantarum 1(2): 594 BHL [secondary reference]
Mueller, F.J.H. von (1882), Systematic Census of Australian Plants: 43 [secondary reference]
taxonomic synonym: Vachellia Wight & Arn. legitimate taxonomic synonym: Tetracheilos Lehm. legitimate taxonomic synonym: Chithonanthus Lehm. legitimate pro parte taxonomic synonym: Mimosa L. legitimate
Dixon, W.A. (1906), The Plants of New South Wales: 94, 106, 116, 294 [secondary reference]
Bailey, F.M. (1913), Comprehensive Catalogue of Queensland Plants: 154 [secondary reference]
Britton, N.L. & Brown, A. (7 June 1913), An Illustrated Flora of the Northern United States, Canada and the British possessions Edn. 2, 2: 85 [secondary reference]
  • Type: Mimosa scorpioides L.
Sulman, F. (1914), A Popular Guide to the Wild Flowers of New South Wales II: 34-42, 234 [secondary reference]
common name: Wattles [n/a]
Black, J.M. (1924), Casuarinaceae - Euphorbiaceae. Flora of South Australia 2: 269-273 [secondary reference]
  • Etymology: Latin, from Greek akakia, name of some prickly species growing in Egypt.
Ewart, A.J. (1925), Handbook of Forest Trees for Victorian Foresters: 136-144 [secondary reference]
Black, J.M. (January 1948), Casuarinaceae-Euphorbiaceae. Flora of South Australia Edn. 2, 2: 402 [secondary reference]
common name: Acacia [n/a] common name: Myall [n/a] common name: Mulga [n/a] common name: Wattle [n/a]
Curtis, W.M. (1956), The Student's Flora of Tasmania 1: 119 [secondary reference]
common name: Wattle [n/a]
Beadle, N.C.W., Evans, O.D. & Carolin, R.C. (1962), Handbook of the Vascular Plants of the Sydney District and Blue Mountains: 222 [secondary reference]
Eichler, Hj. (1965), Supplement to J.M.Black's Flora of South Australia (Second Edition, 1943-1957): 170 [secondary reference]
Burbidge, N.T. & Gray, M. (1970), Flora of the Australian Capital Territory: 196-206 [secondary reference]
Pedley, L. (1972), A revision of Acacia lycopodiifolia A. Cunn. ex Hook. and its Allies. Contributions from the Queensland Herbarium 11: 1-23 [secondary reference]
Curtis, W.M. & Morris, D.I. (1975), Angiospermae: Ranunculaceae to Myrtaceae. The Student's Flora of Tasmania Edn. 2, 1: 123-125 [secondary reference]
common name: Wattle [n/a]
Maslin, B.R. (27 March 1975), Studies in the genus Acacia (Mimosaceae) - 4 A Revision of Series Pulchellae. Nuytsia 1(5): 388-494 [secondary reference]
Pedley, L. (20 July 1978), A revision of Acacia Mill. in Queensland, Part 1. Austrobaileya 1(2): 75-234 [secondary reference]
Farr, E.R., Leussink, J.A. & Stafleu, F.A. in Farr, E.R., Leussink, J.A. & Stafleu, F.A. (ed.) (1979), Index Nominum Genericorum 3: 1735 [secondary reference]
taxonomic synonym: Tetracheilos Lehm. legitimate
Ross, J.H. (1980), A survey of some of the pre- Linnaean history of the genus Acacia. Bothalia 13: 95-110 [secondary reference]
Pedley, L. (29 February 1980), A revision of Acacia Mill. in Queensland, Part 2. Austrobaileya 1(3): 235-237 [secondary reference]
Cronquist, A.J. (1981), An Integrated System of Classification of Flowering Plants: 592, 594 [secondary reference]
Jacobs, S.W.L. & Pickard, J. (1981), Plants of New South Wales: 146 [secondary reference]
Maslin, B.R. in Jessop, J.P. (ed.) (1981), Mimosaceae (family and Acacia). Flora of Central Australia: 115--128, Figs 156-161 [secondary reference]
Pedley, L. in Stanley, T.D. & Ross, E.M. (1984), Mimosaceae. Flora of South-eastern Queensland 1: 336-383 [secondary reference]
common name: wattles [n/a]
Conn, E.E. Maslin, B.R., Curry, S. & Conn, M.E. (1985), Cyanogenesis in Australian species of Acacia, Survey of herbarium and living plants. Research Notes, Western Australian Herbarium 10: 1-60 [secondary reference]
Pedley, L. (1986), Derivation and dispersal of Acacia (Leguminosae), with particular reference to Australia, and the recognition of Senegalia and Racosperma. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 92(3): 219-254 [secondary reference]
Wheeler, J.R. in Marchant, N.G., Wheeler, J.R., Rye, B.L., Bennett, E.M., Lander, N.S. & Macfarlane, T.D. (1987), Mimosaceae. Flora of the Perth Region 1: 212-215 [secondary reference]
Hnatiuk, R.J. & Maslin, B.R. (1988), Phytogeography of Acacia in Australia in relation to climate and species-richness. Australian Journal of Botany 36(4): 361-383 [secondary reference]
Maslin, B.R. & Pedley, L. (1988), Patterns of Distribution of Acacia in Australia. Australian Journal of Botany 36(4): 385-393 [secondary reference]
Morrison, D.A. & Davies, S.J. in Harden, G.J. (ed.) (1991), Acacia. Flora of New South Wales 2: 327-328 [secondary reference]
common name: acacias [n/a] common name: Wattles [n/a]
Brummitt, R.K. (1992), Vascular Plant Families and Genera: 364, 393 [secondary reference]
taxonomic synonym: Racosperma Mart. legitimate taxonomic synonym: Senegalia Raf. legitimate
Wheeler, J.R. in Wheeler, J.R. (ed.) (1992), Mimosaceae. Flora of the Kimberley Region: 284-291 [secondary reference]
Du Puy, D.J. & Telford, I.R.H. (1993), Mimosaceae. Flora of Australia 50: 193 [secondary reference]
Dunlop, C.R., Leach, G.J. & Cowie, I.D. (1995), Flora of the Darwin Region 2: 1-6 [secondary reference]
Maslin, B.R. in Orchard, A.E. & Wilson, A.J.G. (ed.) (2001), Flora of Australia 11A: 41 [secondary reference]
taxonomic synonym: Phyllodoce Link nom. illeg., nom. superfl. taxonomic synonym: Racosperma Mart. legitimate taxonomic synonym: Senegalia Raf. legitimate taxonomic synonym: Acacia sect. Phyllodoce Kuntze legitimate
Kodela, P.G. & Harden, G.J. in Harden, G.J. (ed.) (2002), Acacia. Flora of New South Wales Revised Edition 2: 381 [secondary reference]
common name: acacias [n/a] common name: wattles [n/a]
Wheeler, J.R., Marchant, N.G. & Lewington, M. (2002), Dicotyledons. Flora of the South West 2: 666 [secondary reference]
Orchard, A.E. & Maslin, B.R. (2003), [1584] Proposal to conserve the name Acacia (Leguminose: Mimosoideae) with a conserved type. Taxon 52(2): 362-363 [secondary reference]
  • Type: "Acacia penninervis Sieber ex DC., typ. cons. prop."
Brummitt, R.K. (2004), Report of the Committee for Spermatophyta: 55. Proposal 1584 on Acacia. Taxon 53(3): 826-829 [secondary reference]
  • Text: "Prop. 1584. To conserve Acacia Mill. with a conserved type [A. penninervis Sieber ex DC.] (Leguminosae–Mimosoideae). Proposed by A. E. Orchard & B. R. Maslin in Taxon 52: 362-363 (2003). Votes: 9. Recommended."
Cooper, W.E. & Cooper, W.T. (2004), Fruits of the Australian Tropical Rainforest: 300 [secondary reference]
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census: - [secondary reference]
orthographic variant: Acakia Raf. orth. var. taxonomic synonym: Racosperma Mart. nom. inval., pro syn. taxonomic synonym: Phyllodoce Link nom. illeg., nom. superfl. taxonomic synonym: Racosperma Mart. legitimate taxonomic synonym: Cuparilla Raf. legitimate taxonomic synonym: Acacia sect. Phyllodoce Kuntze legitimate
  • APC Dist.: WA (native and naturalised), NT (native and naturalised), SA (native and naturalised), Qld (native and naturalised), NSW (native and naturalised), NI (naturalised), ACT (native and naturalised), Vic (native and naturalised)
McNeill, J., Barrie, F.R., Burdet, H.M., Demoulin, V., Hawksworth, D.L., Marhold, K., Nicolson, D.H., Prado, J., Silva, P.C., Skog, J.E., Wiersema, J.H., Turland, N.J. (ed.) (2006), International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Vienna Code). Regnum Vegetabile 146: App. III, 286 [secondary reference]
  • Type: A. penninervis Sieber ex DC. (typ. cons.).
Barrie, F.R. (August 2006), Report of the General Committee: 9. Taxon 55(3): 798 [secondary reference]
  • Text: "Committee for Spermatophyta Report 55 (Taxon 53: 826-829. 2004). — The General Committee approved (14:6:1) the sole recommendation of the Report, that (1584) Acacia Mill. be conserved with a conserved type."
Mabberley, D.J. (1 May 2008), Mabberley's Plant-Book Edn. 3: 3-4 [secondary reference]
Barrett, Russell & Tay, Eng Pin (2016), Perth Plants: a Field Guide to the Bushland and Coastal Flora of Kings Park and Bold Park Edn. 2: 6 (photo) [secondary reference]
common name: Wuanga [n/a] common name: Wattles [n/a]
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (7 July 2021), Australian Plant Census: - APC [secondary reference]
orthographic variant: Acakia Raf. orth. var. taxonomic synonym: Phyllodoce Link nom. illeg., nom. superfl. taxonomic synonym: Racosperma Mart. nom. inval., pro syn. taxonomic synonym: Racosperma Mart. legitimate taxonomic synonym: Zigmaloba Raf. legitimate taxonomic synonym: Hecatandra Raf. legitimate taxonomic synonym: Drepaphyla Raf. legitimate taxonomic synonym: Cuparilla Raf. legitimate taxonomic synonym: Chithonanthus Lehm. nom. inval., nom. nud. taxonomic synonym: Tetracheilos Lehm. legitimate taxonomic synonym: Chithonanthus Lehm. legitimate taxonomic synonym: Acacia sect. Phyllodoce Kuntze legitimate
  • APC Dist.: WA (native and naturalised), NT (native and naturalised), SA (native and naturalised), Qld (native and naturalised), NSW (native and naturalised), NI (naturalised), ACT (native and naturalised), Vic (native and naturalised), Tas (native and naturalised)