Vascular Plants Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)

Showing Leopard Orchid
Leopard Orchid , [n/a], common
Curtis, W.M. (1980), Angiospermae: Orchidaceae. The Student's Flora of Tasmania 4A: ~ 34, Pl. 6 [common name]
common name of: Diuris maculata Sm. legitimate
Cunningham, G.M., Mulham, W.E., Milthorpe, P.L. & Leigh, J.H. (1981), Plants of Western New South Wales: 198 [common name]
common name of: Diuris maculata Sm. legitimate
Hoffman, N. & Brown, A. (1984), Orchids of South-West Australia: ~ 28-29 [common name]
common name of: Thelymitra fuscolutea R.Br. var. fuscolutea legitimate
Rye, B.L. in Marchant, N.G., Wheeler, J.R., Rye, B.L., Bennett, E.M., Lander, N.S. & Macfarlane, T.D. (1987), Orchidaceae. Flora of the Perth Region 2: 842 [common name]
common name of: Thelymitra fuscolutea R.Br. legitimate
Jones, D.L. (1988), Native Orchids of Australia: 289 [common name]
common name of: Thelymitra benthamiana Rchb.f. legitimate
Jones, D.L. (1988), Native Orchids of Australia: 237 [common name]
common name of: Diuris maculata Sm. legitimate
Jones, D.L. in Stanley, T.D. & Ross, E.M. (1989), Diuris. Flora of South-eastern Queensland 3: 411 [common name]
common name of: Diuris maculata Sm. legitimate
Hoffman, N. & Brown, A. (1992), Orchids of South-West Australia Edn. 2: 242 [common name]
common name of: Thelymitra benthamiana Rchb.f. legitimate
Jones, D.L. in Harden, G.J. (ed.) (1993), Diuris. Flora of New South Wales 4: 142 [common name]
common name of: Diuris pardina Lindl. legitimate
Entwisle, T.J. in Walsh, N.G. & Entwisle, T.J. (ed.) (1994), Orchidaceae. Flora of Victoria Edn. 1, 2: ~ 862-863, Fig. 182c-e [common name]
common name of: Diuris pardina Lindl. legitimate
Bishop, A. (1996), Field guide to the orchids of New South Wales and Victoria Edn. 1: ~ 22, Plate 39 [common name]
common name of: Thelymitra benthamiana Rchb.f. legitimate
Bishop, A. (1996), Field guide to the orchids of New South Wales and Victoria Edn. 1: ~ 13-14, Plate 22 [common name]
common name of: Diuris maculata Sm. legitimate
Hoffman, N. & Brown, A. (1998), Orchids of South-West Australia Edn. 2 (revised): 242 [common name]
common name of: Thelymitra benthamiana Rchb.f. legitimate
Jones, D.L., Wapstra, H., Tonelli, P. & Harris, S. (1999), The Orchids of Tasmania: 140 [common name]
common name of: Diuris pardina Lindl. legitimate
Bishop, A. (2000), Field guide to the orchids of New South Wales and Victoria Edn. 2: ~ 22, Plate 39 [common name]
common name of: Thelymitra benthamiana Rchb.f. legitimate
Bishop, A. (2000), Field guide to the orchids of New South Wales and Victoria Edn. 2: ~ 13-14, Plate 22 [common name]
common name of: Diuris maculata Sm. legitimate
Paczkowska, G. & Chapman, A.R. (2000), The Western Australian Flora, a descriptive catalogue: 91 [common name]
common name of: Thelymitra fuscolutea R.Br. legitimate
Wheeler, J.R., Marchant, N.G. & Lewington, M. (2002), Flora of the South West 1: 387 [common name]
common name of: Thelymitra benthamiana Rchb.f. legitimate
Western Australian Herbarium (2003), FloraBase: the Western Australian Flora Version 2: - [common name]
common name of: Thelymitra fuscolutea R.Br. legitimate
Jones, D.L. (2008), Field Guide to the orchids of the Australian Capital Territory: ~ 120-121 [common name]
common name of: Diuris pardina Lindl. legitimate
Hoffman, N. & Brown, A. (2011), Orchids of South-West Australia Edn. 3: 288 [common name]
common name of: Thelymitra benthamiana Rchb.f. legitimate
Barrett, Russell & Tay, Eng Pin (2016), Perth Plants: a Field Guide to the Bushland and Coastal Flora of Kings Park and Bold Park Edn. 2: 244 [common name]
common name of: Thelymitra fuscolutea R.Br. legitimate
Jones, D.L. (January 2021), Native Orchids of Australia Edn. 3: 229 [common name]
common name of: Diuris pardina Lindl. legitimate
Brown, A. (19 July 2022), The Complete Orchids of Western Australia 2: 228 [common name]
common name of: Thelymitra benthamiana Rchb.f. legitimate