The unique identifying name (text) referred to in references.
- Below is the Name and protologue.
- At the bottom of this page are the citable links to this Name or just use the icon.
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The unique identifying name (text) referred to in references.
- Below is the Name and protologue.
- At the bottom of this page are the citable links to this Name or just use the icon. You can "right click" in most browsers to copy it or open it in a new browser tab.
- Plantae(reg.)
- Charophyta(div.)
- Equisetopsida(cl.)
- Magnoliidae(subcl.)
- Rosanae(superordo)
- Fabales(ordo)
- Fabaceae(fam.)
- Acacia(gen.)
- havilandiorum(sp.)
Type: "Wong Suey's Paddock, Cobar, N.S. Wales (Rev. Archdeacon Haviland, 1917)."
Etymology: "Named in honour of Edwin Haviland (1823–1908), for notes and portrait see this Journ. XLII, p. 106, Plate 11; and of his son Archdeacon Francis Ernest Haviland, now of Coonamble, formerly of Cobar, N.S.W. Both have specialised in the fertilisation of Australian plants and have also worked at taxonomy and other branches of botany, and their contributions are mostly to be found in Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. I was for long, in the early eighties, a weekly companion of the father in botanical excursions chiefly in the Port Jackson district, while the son has been a generous contributor to the National Herbarium of New South Wales, and specially brought this species under my notice." -
Comment: The species epithet was published by Maiden as "havilandi" but he also states that the taxon was named in honour of two males with the surname Haviland. The epithet is thus corrected here to havilandiorum in accordance with ICN Art. 60.8 (Shenzhen Code, 2018).
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