Vascular Plants

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Lazarides Name author Lazarides, M. Reference author
Author for:
120 names
Base author for:
10 names
24 References:
  1. Lazarides, M. in Jessop, J.P. (ed.) (1981), Gramineae (Poaceae). Flora of Central Australia
  2. Lazarides, M. (1959), The Australian species referred to Ichnanthus Beauv. (Gramineae). Australian Journal of Botany 7(3)
  3. Lazarides, M. (1959), A new and distinctive species of Eriachne R.Br. (Gramineae) from Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 42(2)
  4. Lazarides, M. (1961), Contributions to the knowledge of Western Australian Gramineae. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 44
  5. Lazarides, M. (1961), The genus Ottochloa Dandy (Gramineae) in Australia and its relationship to Ichnanthus oblongatus Hughes. Australian Journal of Botany 9(2)
  6. Lazarides, M. (1972), A revision of Australian Chlorideae (Gramineae). Australian Journal of Botany Supplementary Series 5
  7. Lazarides, M. in Walby, B.J. (ed.) (1976), The genus Eragrostiella Bor (Poaceae, Eragrostideae). Contributions from the Herbarium Australiense 22
  8. Lazarides, M. (24 February 1978), The genus Whitechloa C.E.Hubbard (Poaceae, Paniceae). Brunonia 1(1)
  9. Lazarides, M. (24 February 1978), A taxonomic revision of the genus Cyanostegia (Chloanthaceae). Brunonia 1(1)
  10. Lazarides, M. (28 December 1979), Micraira F. Muell. (Poaceae, Micrairoideae). Brunonia 2(1)
  11. Lazarides, M. (28 December 1979), Hygrochloa, a new genus of aquatic grasses from the Northern Territory. Brunonia 2(1)
  12. Lazarides, M. (30 December 1980), Aristida L. (Poaceae, Aristideae) in Australia. Brunonia 3(2)
  13. Lazarides, M. (30 December 1980), The genus Leptochloa Beauv. (Poaceae, Eragrostideae) in Australia and Papua New Guinea. Brunonia 3(2)
  14. Lazarides, M. (24 October 1984), New taxa of tropical Australian grasses (Poaceae). Nuytsia 5(2)
  15. Lazarides, M. in Marchant, N.G., Wheeler, J.R., Rye, B.L., Bennett, E.M., Lander, N.S. & Macfarlane, T.D. (1987), Eragrostis. Flora of the Perth Region 2
  16. Lazarides, M. (30 June 1995), The genus Eriachne (Eriachneae, Poaceae). Australian Systematic Botany 8(3)
  17. Lazarides, M. (29 August 1997), A revision of Triodia including Plectrachne (Poaceae, Eragrostideae, Triodiinae). Australian Systematic Botany 10(3)
  18. Lazarides, M. (18 April 1997), A revision of Eragrostis (Eragrostideae, Eleusininae, Poaceae) in Australia. Australian Systematic Botany 10(1)
  19. Lazarides, M. in Mallett, K. & Orchard, A.E. (ed.) (2002), Triodia. Flora of Australia 43
  20. Lazarides, M. in Mallett, K. (ed.) (2005), Micraira. Flora of Australia 44B
  21. Lazarides, M. in Mallett, K. (ed.) (2005), Eragrostis schultzii. Flora of Australia 44B
  22. Lazarides, M. in Mallett, K. (ed.) (2005), Trib. Micraireae. Flora of Australia 44B
  23. Lazarides, M. in Mallett, K. (ed.) (2005), Triodia melvillei. Flora of Australia 44B
  24. Lazarides, M. in Mallett, K. (ed.) (2005), Trib. Eriachneae. Flora of Australia 44B

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