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The author of a name or a reference referred to by instances.
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- Author for:
- 105 names
- Base author for:
- 15 names
- Ex author for:
- 7 names
- Ex base author for:
- 1 names 22 References:
Moore, C. (1 April 1879) ,Botanic Gardens and Domains (Report on present condition of). New South Wales - Parliamentary Papers- Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly 7 Moore, C. (1849-1870) ,New South Wales, Botanic Gardens, Report from the Director Moore, C. (1863) ,Class IV., Section C.–Vegetable substances used in manufactures, &c. International Exhibition 1862: Reports by the juries on the subjects in the thirty-six classes into which the exhibition was divided Moore, C. (1893) ,Appendix I: Lord Howe and Norfolk Island plants excluded from the descriptive part of the flora of New South Wales. Handbook of the Flora of New South Wales Moore, C. (1853) ,New South Wales, Botanic Gardens, Report from the Director Moore, C. (1855) ,List of the principal contributions from this establishment, and also of those received, during the year 1854-5. New South Wales, Botanic Gardens, Report from the Director Moore, C. (1855) ,Catalogue of the Natural and Industrial Products of New South Wales, exhibited in the School of Arts by the International Exhibition Commissioners Moore, C. (1861) ,Catalogue of the Natural and Industrial Products of New South Wales, exhibited in the School of Arts by the International Exhibition Commissioners Moore, C. (1862) ,Catalogue of the Natural and Industrial Products of New South Wales, exhibited in the School of Arts by the International Exhibition Commissioners Moore, C. (1869) ,The vegetation of Lord Howe's Island. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign 7 Moore, C. (1869) ,Foreign Correspondence: Lord Howe's Island. The Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette 28 Moore, C. (1870) ,New South Wales - Parliamentary Papers- Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly Moore, C. (1870) ,Sketch of the vegetation of Lord Howe Island. New South Wales - Parliamentary Papers- Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly Moore, C. (1884) ,Notes on the genus Macrozamia. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales 17 Moore, C. (1884) ,A Census of the Plants of New South Wales Moore, C. (1885) ,Notes on the genus Doryanthes, with a notice and description of a new species. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales 18 Moore, C. (1890) ,Description of two new filmy ferns. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales 24 Moore, C. (1893) ,Description of a new myrtaceous tree indigenous to New South Wales. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales 27 Moore, C. (1893) ,Handbook of the Flora of New South Wales Moore, C. in Schneider, G. (1893) ,The Book of Choice Ferns 2 Moore, C. in Schneider, G. (1893) ,The Book of Choice Ferns 2 Moore, C. (1893) ,Plants with their habitats, discovered to be indigenous to this Colony since the publication of the Handbook of the Flora of New South Wales ; chiefly furnished by Baron von Mueller, from unpublished Herbarium notes. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales 27
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