Vascular Plants Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)

Showing Hakea cucullata
Proteaceae Juss.
Hakea cucullata R.Br. , legitimate, scientific
Brown, R. (1830), Proteaceas Novas. Supplementum primum prodromi florae Novae Hollandiae: 30 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "Ora occid.-merid., King George's Sound, 1823, W. Baxter."
Hooker, W.J. in Hooker, W.J. (ed.) (1842), Icones Plantarum 5: t. 441 [secondary reference]
Meisner, C.D.F. in Lehmann, J.G.C. (ed.) (1845), Proteaceae. Plantae Preissianae 1(4): 566 [secondary reference]
Bentham, G. (1870), Flora Australiensis 5: 521-522 [secondary reference]
Mueller, F.J.H. von (1882), Systematic Census of Australian Plants: 71 [secondary reference]
Green, J.W. (1985), Census of the Vascular Plants of Western Australia Edn. 2: 63 [secondary reference]
Wrigley, J.W. & Fagg, M. (1989), Banksias, Waratahs & Grevilleas and all other plants in the Australian Proteaceae family: 370 (map), 383 (plate) [secondary reference]
common name: hood-leaved hakea [n/a] common name: scallops [n/a]
  • Etymology: "From Latin, cucullatus, hooded, presumably referring to the concave leaves, which shelter the flowers and fruits."
Barker, R.M., Haegi, L. & Barker, W.R. in Wilson, A.J.G. (ed.) (1999), Hakea. Flora of Australia 17B: 136, Plate 20, Fig. 18A-F, Map 128 [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Hakea cucullata var. vulgaris Meisn. nom. inval. nomenclatural synonym: Hakea cucullata var. typica Domin nom. inval. taxonomic synonym: Hakea cucullata Sweet nom. inval., nom. nud.
Barker, R.M., Haegi, L. & Barker, W.R. in Wilson, A.J.G. (ed.) (1999), Hakea. Flora of Australia 17B: 136 [pro parte misapplied]
pro parte misapplied to: Hakea conchifolia Hook. legitimate by Bentham, G. (1870), Flora Australiensis 5: 521-522
misapplied to: Hakea conchifolia Hook. legitimate by Meisner, C.D.F. in Lehmann, J.G.C. (ed.) (1845), Proteaceae. Plantae Preissianae 1(4): 566
Wheeler, J.R., Marchant, N.G. & Lewington, M. (2002), Dicotyledons. Flora of the South West 2: 833 [secondary reference]
common name: Hood Leaved Hakea [n/a] common name: Scallops [n/a]
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2005), Australian Plant Census: - APC [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Hakea cucullata R.Br. var. cucullata legitimate nomenclatural synonym: Hakea cucullata var. vulgaris Meisn. nom. inval. nomenclatural synonym: Hakea cucullata var. typica Domin nom. inval. taxonomic synonym: Hakea cucullata Sweet nom. inval., nom. nud.
  • APC Dist.: WA, SA (naturalised)
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2005), Australian Plant Census: - [pro parte misapplied]
pro parte misapplied to: Hakea victoria J.Drumm. legitimate by Bentham, G. (1870), Flora Australiensis 5: 521-522