Vascular Plants
Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)
The Australian Plant Name Index (APNI) is a tool for the botanical community that deals with plant names and their usage in the scientific literature, whether as a current name or synonym. APNI does not recommend any particular taxonomy or nomenclature. For a listing of currently accepted scientific names for the Australian vascular flora, please use the Australian Plant Census (APC) link above.
Scrophulariaceae Juss.
Verbascum thapsus L.
, legitimate , scientific
Linnaeus, C. (1 May 1753) , Species Plantarum 1 :
[tax. nov.]
"Habitat in Europae glareosis sterilibus. ♀."
Tenison-Woods, J.E. (1881) , Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania :
[secondary reference]
Hamilton, A.G. (1892) , On the effect which settlement in Australia has produced upon indigenous vegetation. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales 26 :
[secondary reference]
Rodway, L. (1903) , The Tasmanian Flora :
[secondary reference]
Black, J.M. (December 1926) , Meliaceae - Scrophulariaceae. Flora of South Australia 3 :
[secondary reference]
Black, J.M. & Robertson, E.L. (1957) , Flora of South Australia Edn. 2, 4 :
[secondary reference]
common name:
Aaron's Rod
common name:
Great Mullein
Curtis, W.M. (1967) , Angiospermae: Plumbaginaceae to Salicaceae. The Student's Flora of Tasmania 3 :
[secondary reference]
common name:
Aaron's Rod
common name:
Great Mullein
Burbidge, N.T. & Gray, M. (1970) , Flora of the Australian Capital Territory :
[secondary reference]
common name:
Great Mullein
common name:
Wild Tobacco
Cunningham, G.M., Mulham, W.E., Milthorpe, P.L. & Leigh, J.H. (1981) , Plants of Western New South Wales :
[secondary reference]
common name:
Aaron's Rod
common name:
Flannel Leaf
common name:
Blanket Weed
common name:
Great Mullein
Jacobs, S.W.L. & Pickard, J. (1981) , Plants of New South Wales :
[secondary reference]
Green, J.W. (1985) , Census of the Vascular Plants of Western Australia Edn. 2 :
[secondary reference]
Stanley, T.D. in Stanley, T.D. & Ross, E.M. (1986) , Scrophulariaceae. Flora of South-eastern Queensland 2 :
[secondary reference]
common name:
Aaron's Rod
common name:
Great Mullein
Green, P.S. in Wilson, A.J.G. (ed.) (1994) , Norfolk Island & Lord Howe Island. Flora of Australia 49 :
[secondary reference]
common name:
Shepherd's Blanket
APC Dist.:
WA (naturalised), SA (naturalised), Qld (naturalised), NSW (naturalised), NI (naturalised), ACT (naturalised), Vic (naturalised), Tas (naturalised)
Paczkowska, G. & Chapman, A.R. (2000) , The Western Australian Flora, a descriptive catalogue :
[secondary reference]
common name:
Great Mullein
de Salas, M.F. & Baker, M.L. (2016) , Tasmanian vascular plant census. A Census of the Vascular Plants of Tasmania, including Macquarie Island :
[secondary reference]