Vascular Plants Australian Plant Census (APC)

Showing Eucalyptus aromaphloia
Eucalyptus aromaphloia L.D.Pryor & J.H.Willis legitimate | sensu Brooker, M.I.H. (28 February 2000), A new classification of the genus Eucalyptus L'Her. (Myrtaceae). Australian Systematic Botany 13(1)
  • Hybrids are recorded between E. rubida subsp. rubida and E. aromaphloia (Hill & Johnson, 1991) and hybrids between E. viminalis and E. aromaphloia are known in Vic. Eucalyptus aromaphloia sensu J.H.Willis (1973) is a very broad species concept, including many taxa now considered distinct: E. aromaphloia s. str. and E. aff. aromaphloia (several), E. fulgens, E. ignorabilis, and E. sabulosa (and affs.). Eucalyptus aromaphloia subsp. sabulosa (K.Rule) Brooker & Slee is now again recognised at species level in Vic.
  • Vic
Eucalyptus aromaphloia auct. non L.D.Pryor & J.H.Willis: Eichler, Hj. (1965) [fide Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006)] = Eucalyptus viminalis subsp. cygnetensis Boomsma
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