Vascular Plants Australian Plant Census (APC)

Showing Dienia flavovirens
Dienia flavovirens (D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. legitimate | sensu Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (28 February 2018), Australian Plant Census
Crepidium xanthochilum (Schltr.) Szlach. auct. non (Schltr.) Szlach.: Queensland Herbarium (2003), New plant names and taxa Queensland July 1994-July 2003: 33 Malaxis xanthochila (Schltr.) Ames & C.Schweinf. auct. non (Schltr.) Ames & C.Schweinf.: Dockrill, A.W. (1969), Australian Indigenous Orchids: 288-289 Malaxis xanthochila (Schltr.) Ames & C.Schweinf. auct. non (Schltr.) Ames & C.Schweinf.: Dockrill, A.W. (31 March 1961), Malaxis xanthochila (Schltr.) Ames et Schweinf. (Orchidaceae). The North Queensland Naturalist 29(127): 3 Malaxis xanthochila (Schltr.) Ames & C.Schweinf. auct. non (Schltr.) Ames & C.Schweinf.: Jones, D.L. (1988), Native Orchids of Australia: 368-369 Malaxis xanthochila (Schltr.) Ames & C.Schweinf. auct. non (Schltr.) Ames & C.Schweinf.: Clements, M.A. in Jones, D.L. (ed.) (August 1989), Catalogue of Australian Orchidaceae. Australian Orchid Research 1: 93 Malaxis xanthochila (Schltr.) Ames & C.Schweinf. auct. non (Schltr.) Ames & C.Schweinf.: Dockrill, A.W. (1993), Australian Indigenous Orchids Edn. 2, 1: 384-385, Pl. 50
  • Qld